First batch of PN MEP candidates announced

Current MEPs David Casa and Roberta Metsola to seek reelection, newcomers include Playmobil's former CEO Helga Ellul.

Former Playmobil CEO Helga Ellul.
Former Playmobil CEO Helga Ellul.

The PN has announced its first batch of candidates for the MEP elections, to take place next year in May.

The eight candidates, all approved by the commission tasked with the vetting of candidates, include Playmobil's former CEO Helga Ellul and Chamber of Commerce official Stefano Mallia.

Current MEPs David Casa and Roberta Metsola will be seeking reelection.

The other candidates include Gozitan lawyer Kevin Cutajar, president of the PN's youth section Kevin Plumpton, lawyer Therese Commodini Cachia and entrepreneur Jonathan Shaw.

Gonzi dis say once "PN has no pool of talent". One candidate is said that the only proper maltese words he/she can put together are "H*** **** ". Of course the word "batch" really describes the quality of the candidature "a batch of cows?"
L-unika haga pozittiva hi li hemm cans tajjeb li jispicca David Casa u jerga' jintefa ma siehbu simon hawn Malta. Imma, bir-rispett kollu, il-lista turi l-faqar ta' kandidati prospettivi ghall-PN. Sa anke Germaniza dahhlu biex tirraprezenta l-Malta!
So to really show how the PN always had trust in Maltese they are proposing a German Lady to represent us when Germany is already the country that leads EU
David Bongailas
@L.Sammut........oh so we have to get rid of the old do we .?? And here I was, stupidly thinking that David Casa and Roberta Metsola Tedesco Ticcas were God's gift to Malta. And by new you mean who ? Ms.Ellul (non Maltese) ?? Mr.Plumpton president of MZPN ?? Where exactly was the MZPN during the last electoral campaign ?? Entrepreneur Jonathan Shaw.....The english speaking upper middle class boy that appeals so much to Dr.Busutill ?? And as for Therese Comodini comment really. So thank you but not thank you.
Candidates for EP do not need to spend lots of money for electoral campaigns. It suffises that they write a few articles & participate in a few programs about the national interest and they stand a chance. They should also condemn those who collect signatures & speak against Malta abroad. If they simply promote their party, forget it, don't waste your time. The Maltese are becoming less and less interested in party politics and more & more in what's good for Malta even in defiance of foreign wishes & selfishness. Patriotism is today, and in May 2014, the name of the game!
what a waist of talent, these people are hitching on to a machine that approved AG, and all the gibberish talk we have had for the last 25....20....10...and 5 years and are hitching up with a nonentity such as Mr David Casa ....What a waist
@LSammut. Old wine in new bottles, nothing else! As if we never knew that Helga Ellul is a strong PN sympathizer.
Mur ivvota lil dik l-Germaniza hej! No way! Morru l-l-Germanja u hemm taraw kif jagixxu l-Germanizi mall-barranin!L-ewwel huma, it-tieni huma u l-bqija ma jezistux! Din l-arroganza tara ukoll l-Kroazja:dixxendi u comrades in arms tal-Germanja fi zmien il-Gwerra.Hemmhekk tara ir-razzizmu fir-realta (barra) li tista tarah gol-fran fejn kienu jaharqu in-nies!
Now you have a chance to vote out the old and bring in the new.
O.K. now that I have a nice choice for whom to vote, There seem to be a good choice and that is nice, the only question that come to my mind is, are they PN? if so count me out!