Net TV presenter irked at being left out of European elections

Jean-Claude Micallef takes dig at PN for leaving him out of high-profile candidates' list

Not going to be an MEP: Jean-Claude Micallef
Not going to be an MEP: Jean-Claude Micallef

TV presenter Jean Claude Micallef has taken umbrage at his exclusion from the Nationalist Party's list of candidates for the European Parliament elections of 2014.

Micallef, 26, wrote on his Facebook wall stating he "understood the pain of having the party one loves not reflecting what one deservers and what the people who support you want."

Micallef lost out to more prolific candidates like businesspeople Helga Ellul and Jonathan Shaw, lawyers Stefano Mallia, Kevin Cutajar and Therese Commodini Cachia, PN youth section president Kevin Plumpton, and incumbents David Casa and Roberta Metsola.

The selection was carried out by a specially-appointed party commission.

On his part, Micallef set himself out to be the ideal candidate to win the elusive third seat the PN has been missing ever since 2004, and in a barrage of political-ese the anti-divorce entertainer told voters that he had "kept them at heart with my work".

"I understand the remorse of those who saw that my name was not included in the list to help the PN obtain the third seat... I will keep on working to see that the PN becomes a party of the people, and get closer to the electorate's aspirations."

A word from the wise came from former Nationalist MP Karl Gouder, who told Micallef that had he been a loyal candidate, he would have refrained from posting the status update. "I'm sure the commission chose wisely and I you intent [sic] being a politician you have to learn to bow your head."

Kulmin sar jiftah halqu fuq xi stazzjon tat-Tv jahseb li tajjeb ghal kollox,sahansitra anke ghal-kontestazzjoni fl- elezzjonijiet tal- Parlament Ewropew.Lil dan dejjem tawh bis-sieq u jibqa' jilghaqhom.Nesa li ga dabbrulu rasu darb'ohra?
dak partit tal-eskluzzjoni. Mur lura lejn darek naturali, il-Partit Laburista.
Who ever is a loyal PN supporter has seen Jean Claude Micallef campaign hard throughout the 2008 and 2013 election. There is no doubt he is an asset to the party and deserve the utmost respect for all his hard work. He has been voted in the Executive out of 43 candidates and surely had a strong backing by many in the south. It is a pity that the commission hasn't included people like him in the list. Even worse is the fact that we are hearing of a 1st list and a 2nd list.... He should not be treated 2nd class just because he comes from a Labour family, after all we have always relied on his excellent communications skills and loyalty. We need him and the PN has to start listening to the people.
Maybe Norman Vella can throw in a nomination, he is quite a POPULAR character and "Presenter" ..... even if he says so himself!
Adrian Busuttil
Politics should be left to the professionals, if there are any left. The last decades saw a culture of the world and his dog being eligible to run for office, and this was reflected in the quality of service given to the Maltese people. Mr Micallef should be happy to be a TV Presenter - what's wrong with that?
Jeffrey Camilleri
Karl Gouder, Jean Claude is a loyal candidate, I know him well. THE PEOPLE WANT HIM AS A CANDIDATE. He is loved by all the people, and is of great value to PN and the country. Did we learn from past mistakes?
Mr.Micallef,you lost nothing,because the vast majority PN supporters want a solution.So we have to vote Norman Lowell as Mep.
Karl Gouder is wrong. The best people are being left out to include the most old-fashioned of the Religio et Patria klikka. Xokkanti! Mhux bilfors il-PN jidhol gas down dritt ghal gol-hajt! Issa tara kif il-maghzula mill-oligarkija jibdew dejjem jitkellmu fuq il-passat glorjuz flok fuq il-futur gdid. Fejn marret l-intenzjoni ta'SimonPN li "irridu ngeddu l-partit?" Se ngeddu jew nitqammlu?
Priscilla Darmenia
Another Nationalist lemon squeezed and thrown away. - They have fresher lemons it seems. – Let us wait till May and see the result.