New horse shelters on the way

19 new horse shelters to be installed in the coming weeks, parliamentary secretary says.

The first of 19 new horse shelters was inaugurated today at the Sliema Ferries, with parliamentary secretary for animal rights Roderick Galdes explaining that the rest of shelters would be installed in the coming weeks.

"After 20 years of procrastination the government decided to take action and resolve the issue," Galdes said.

10 shelters will be installed in Valletta while the rest will be set up in Sliema and St Julian's to provide shelter to the 40 licenced horse cabs in Malta.

Speaking during a press conference this morning, where the first shelter was inaugurated, Galdes explained that the government was committed to provide shelters for all horse cabs operating in Malta. The shelters will include water points and other facilities needed for the horses' and cab drivers wellbeing.

He explained that the previous government's plans to set up horse shelters were unsustainable since each shelter was costing up to €40,000.

"We are now in the process of fulfilling our electoral promise and build new shelters," Galdes said, adding that each custom-made shelter costs around €3,000.

Asked whether the authorities were considering changing the
shelters' design since these did not provide shelter all day long, Galdes replied "the shelters are better than nothing at all," adding that a balance between aesthetics and functionality was reached.

Galdes thanked Transport Malta, Heritage Malta and MEPA for their cooperation, however he hit out at the Valletta local council for refusing to issue the road work permits for the completion of the shelters in the capital.

Singling out Nationalist mayor Alexei Dingli, Galdes said: "I cannot understand why the mayor is blocking the permits especially when all other authorities had approved all necessary permits. Moreover, the Valletta mayor did not inform the rest of the council about this."

However, "works will go ahead," Galdes said, pointing out that the shelters in Valletta would be completed in the next few weeks.

In 3 months the new PL govt did what the PN govts never did in the past 25 years. We used to hear many complaints from various groups and the owners of these horses and many promises by the PN but almost nothing was done.. now finally these horses will be having an adequate location.. Well done Parliamentary Secretary Roderick Galdes !!
Joseph MELI
Always it is better late then never but just in time for winter!What about shutting these operations down between 1 and 4 pm?