July warmer than average

Average temperature in July 0.7°C higher than average.

During July the Malta Airport Met Office recorded an average air temperature of 26.6 °C which exceeded the climate norm of 25.9°C by a margin of 0.7°C.

The maximum temperatures reached were within the climate norm of 30.7°C up to the 24th of the month.

In the last week of July, on the 29th, the maximum temperature increased and reached a peak of 37.5°C.

The highest ever recorded maximum temperature for July is 42.7°C and this was recorded on the 9 July 1988.

July's lowest minimum temperature was 18.4°C and this was recorded on the 2nd. The coolest July night was that of 16 July 1980 with a low 15.5°C.

During July we had an average of 11.7 hours of sunshine a day, which is quite normal for this month. The brightest day was the 27th with 12.9 hours whilst the dullest was the 5th with 6.3 hours.

In total we had 362.5 hours of bright sunshine. This month we had very few clouds, with the exception of the 6th and 19th, when on average we had more than 1/2 cloud cover.

Once again, the Malta Airport MetOffice urges the public to keep an eye out on the UV Index forecasts by logging regularly on http://weather.maltairport.com.