Online poll | Majority disbelieve assets declarations

Readers in online poll find it hard to believe what Cabinet members earn.

The Labour Cabinet.
The Labour Cabinet.

A staggering 64% do not believe the declarations of assets submitted by Cabinet members, respondents to an online poll carried by revealed.

A total of 3,616 respondents took part in the poll, which saw 2,313 respondents voting they did not believe the declarations. According to these readers, there was no way of knowing whether some incomes were really what were declared.

On the other 1,303 respondents were divided between believing the declarations and those who felt unsure.

686, (19%), said they were unsure whether to believe them or not and declarations should be audited by the National Audit Office. On the other hand, 617 respondents (17%) believed the declarations.

Eyebrows were raised by some of the most candid of declarations. Over €1 million in bonds for Home Affairs Minister Manuel Mallia and €500,000 under the proverbial floor slab - but then again, he is one of the island's top criminal defence lawyers.

Ophthalmic surgeon Franco Mercieca declared an income of €116,000 in 2012, comparable to Mallia's €137,000. The young Energy Minister, Konrad Mizzi, nabbed a not inconsiderable €54,000, not far off from GP George Vella's €66,000 or lawyer José Herrera's €51,000.

Then there are the considerable debts of ministers like lawyer Chris Cardona, with loans of €577,000 and only a meagre €23,430 in income last year; or property-rich notary Anton Refalo, again with just over €26,000 in income and €830,371 in loans (but owner of at least 15 properties).

Qed infettqu fuq survey li ma kien xjentifiku xejn. Niskanta kif hawn min ifajjar basta jkun qal xi haga.
MT could also carry out a survey on important national issues to keep readers informed about what interests them. I suppose that MT knows what the national issues are...But there seems to be no hurry to do this survey. Is it more difficult to do than surveys on other issues?
May now I hope you believe me why I do not trust politicians and why. This has nothing to do with being PN, PL or AD, to me they are all politicians. Once upon a time an old timer told me that it is very hard to be a politician and honest at the same time and that is why they call them politicians. Look around you and you can see all the deceit, cheating and lying by some of these people. How do you think some of them got rich in the first place? You can always pick the few politicians that are not rich or holding some important position, like lawyers, doctors or some rich businessman. Look around you and you can see the corruption and shame some of these people are bring down on Malta? Scandal after scandal with no end in sight. That is why I do not trust politicians. Even our courts seem to be corrupt, nothing new there. So whatever happened to the twelve Caravans illegally parked at Little Armier? See what I mean? I suggest all politicians look very seriously at this Maltatoday poll because that reflects the thinking of the voters. Stop the corruption within the Government..
dear just hoping i am afraid you will still be hoping that malta hija taghna lukoll, malta hija ta dawk in nies li qedin jippuzzaw fir ritratt bleluf kbar ta ewrows li qedin iddahlu fis salarji taghhom.
@always hoping. Issa ghaddiet l-elezzjoni, allura il-politikanti hadu daj li riedu. Il weghdiet li saru fsumaw fix xejn. Il-proverbju Malti jghid min jghix bit-tama imut bil-piena. Il-Gvern li tellghajt jienqed jisraqni fuq €100 euro kull penzjoni ghaliex halla l-kapping. Dan kollu serq ghaliex minn hallas ghaz-zewgt terzi ghandu DRITT ghal dak li hallas. Il-Penzjoni ta dawn l-ghorrief bhal taghna bil kapping? Hemm hafna affarijiet ohra li nixtieq nghid imam ghall-lum daqshekk. Shiebi nghidlek haga wahda "Once Bitten twice shy"
MT's agenda is to keep on dragging this issue ad nausea. I don't know why although that I already said that I agree with MTs general line - more care to the people's intelligence should be exercised by all to be as close to reality as possible in submitting such declarations. Compared with what used to be said in the PN's time, I think that more than enough has been said now and I am sure that the message has been taken by the parties concerned. At least that is what I think and hope.
Nothing has changed that's very true. Though nothing wrong that some cabinet members being somehow well off.Like other citizens. But depriving the common citizen of a right,That's very wrong. I have been pushing forward to various authorities for a Right to my Dignity according to Art.7--Proklamazzjoni B'mod solenni--Stati membri Unjoni Ewropea,for some months now.Looking for results is a total vacuum.
PL = PN; no further comments
Why is it that only Ministers and Parliament Secretaries publish their income? Why not every MP and MEP? Why not publish their income tax returns? No wonder they repealed the publishing of peoples income tax returns on the false basis that it breached data protection.
Staff Reporter: Further comment is futile. The truth is the Labour Party has died when Mintoff passed away. Yes Sir, the small fry with the freeze pension (that's me) has to pay tax on our declared pension and in the last five months nothing has change for me or my family, we hoped to we got rid of the fat pigs of the day now we are seeing the new breed fattening themselves and those in their inner circle. Is it really Malta Taghna?