Updated | Labour lambasts changes in PN shadow cabinet

Opposition announces changes to its Shadow Cabinet, Joe Cassar loses health portfolio.

Former health minister Joe Cassar has been removed from the health portfolio and has been assigned education.
Former health minister Joe Cassar has been removed from the health portfolio and has been assigned education.

PN leader Simon Busuttil's decision to remove former health minister as the Opposition's shadow minister for health was nothing but an attempt to distance the party from its past failures, the Labour Party said.

Yesterday, PN leader Simon Busuttil effected a number of changes to the Opposition's Shadow Cabinet following the election of Chris Said as the party's secretary-general and the election of Antoine Borg to Parliament earlier this week.

The changes were announced following meetings Busuttil held with the members of the PN Parliamentary Group.

The most surprising change was that in the health portfolio, originally held by former health minister Joe Cassar. The portfolio has now been assigned to newly elected MP Claudio Grech while Cassar has taken over the education portfolio from Clyde Puli.

Puli is now responsible for the portfolio of family and social solidarity, 
formerly tasked to Chris Said.

Another new MP, Ryan Callus is now responsible for the portfolio on planning and simplification of administrative processes, formerly held by Claudio Grech.

Antoine Borg, elected earlier this week in the casual election held to fill the seat vacated by former Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi  was assigned the EU Presidency 2017 and EU Funds portfolio, formerly held by Callus.

The rights of persons with a disability portfolio was added to Stephen Spiteri's employment portfolio, while Albert Fenech is now responsible for the research and innovation portfolio.

"Today's changes to the Shadow Cabinet will enable all PN MPs to actively participate in the work of the Opposition," Busuttil said.

He added that the Parliamentary Group is "now fully geared up to undertake its challenge of delivering an Opposition that is strong and constructive. I am proud of the excellent line-up in the PN Shadow Cabinet and I look forward to working with each and every colleague in the team to overcome the upcoming challenges."

Labour Party's reaction

Meanwhile in a statement issued by the Labour Party, the PN leader Simon Bussutil was accused of "jumping from the frying pan into the fire" following the removal of former health minister Joe Cassar as shadow minister for health.

"Busuttil is trying to distance himself from the disaster his party left in the health sector and has now placed the responsible person in charge of education."

Labour added that investigations being carried out by the government in the health sector are exposing the "inefficiency, mismanagement and waste" confirming that health was one of the Nationalist government's biggest failures.

"Busuttil is underestimating the people's intelligence by believing that the people will not see through such gimmicks," Labour said.

Joe Tanti
Claudio Grech, l-abbati fidil ta Austin Gatt. Jidher li kollox baqa kif kien fil PN. L-id mohbija ta Austin Gatt ghada fit tmexxija interna tal-partit tal PN.
A clear vote of no-confidence in Joe Cassar for the shambles he left behind him in the Health Department- constant crisis in the hospitals,lack of leadership, jobs for the boys, nepotism, inability to stand up to Directors sabotaging the Department.... Simple Simon could not have better confirmed the present administration's claims about the mess they have found in this area. Also a clear sign about the uphill struggle Godfrey Farrugia faces if he is to start solving the problems he has found!
@briffy@maltanet. J'jaghmillek il-prospett ta' lanqas GHAXAR snin fl-oppozizzjoni huwx briffi?
@briffy. As usual you got it all wrong. Do not try to give us what is rightfully yours. It happens we are spoiled for choice. The ex Health Minister you mentioned is NOT overseeing Mater Dei. He is simply serving as a consultant for the Emergency reform. Roping in expertise is not about humiliating or saying thank you. No wonder you lost the election in such a big way. Now that is what I call HUMILIATING sabih!
Mhemmx dubju li l-Onor Cassar hu specjalista mill-aqwa. Izda dan ma jfissirx li kien Ministru tas-Sahha mill-aqwa. Issa Simonpn ghamel zball ovvju li pogga lil Dott Cassar shadow Minister tal-edukazzjoni. U ejja, Simon, ma tarax?! Sfortunatament ghamilt shadow cabinet qassata gas down dritt ghal gol hajt. Erga ipprova, please, Simon. Anki il-brimba tal-istorja ippruvat hafna drabi sakemm irnexxiet. S'issa darbtejn ghamilt shadow cabinet very insomma u tista'taghmel ahjar. Kuragg Simon, fl-ahhar jirnexxilek.
Din ta' Joe Cassar hi mossa li saret zgur minhabba l-kariga ta' John Dalli bhala konsulent tal-ministru tas-sahha. Cassar hadem ma' Dalli fil-ministeru u dan ta' l-ahhar jaf x'suppost ghamel Cassar imma qatt ma sar. Dalli kien ghamel pjan ghal dan il-ministeru li apparentement Cassar qatt ma implementah ghax ma kienx kapaci. B'hekk halla l-qasam tas-sahha jiddeterjora u f'hafna tahwid. Issa Cassar ma jridx iwiegeb ghal ghemmilu u ghalhekk il-kapo biddillu xogholu. Issa ha jmur jghaffeg fl-edukazzjoni.
@grigal...is JMcom having the same problem? Why did he have to resort to an-ex PN health minister to oversee Mater Dei? Is it a case of just humiliating one of his own and exposing him to ridicule? Or just a big thank you for services rendered?
Tghid biex ma ikunx responsabli ghac cucati li ghamel? Issa nahseb jekk ikunu fil Gvern kollox bit teknologia gej nhabba li huwa expert.
Can we have confirmation that none of these have anything to do with Gonzipn's declaration to American Ambassador Bordonaro that he did not have much ministerial stuff to choose from? Is Simonpn having the same problem?