No reply from PN leader on social security payments

Some PN workers have reportedly received their last pay three months ago as party is mulling to lay off half of its workers.

Questions put to Simon Busuttil on Saturday on whether the PN had paid National Insurance contributions have remained unanswered.

Contacted on Saturday morning, the PN leader said he would reply later in the evening because he did not have access to email. But no reply has been forthcoming.

Meanwhile, PN employees who decided finally to talk to MaltaToday recounted their horror at having to live with no pay for over two-and-a-half months and having no contact whatsoever with PN leader Simon Busuttil.

Moreover, according to Sunday newspaper Illum, a number of workers have not received their pay for four months while part-time workers were last paid in February. The newspaper reported that half of the workers may be laid off.

The loyal employees were very hurt by the way all the top officials have landed the party and its commercial arms in a debt crisis. It runs, allegedly, into the millions - not €8 million but over €13 million. Paul Borg Olivier's posts on Facebook this week, including pictures of views from the Alps, incensed the employees.

"We have workers who have been here for over 40 years, and Simon Busuttil does not even have the respect to face them and understand their situation. Paul Borg Olivier, who was a horrible secretary-general, was running around with a leased car until the last day of his job. He would always insist that the car was full of fuel. Some of us are three months in arrears on our salaries, and now he posts these pictures of his holiday in the Alps."

A number of employees also described how The Times and The Independent have failed to continue reporting on their plight.

"It is very simple: the present negotiations to either print In-Nazzjon and il-Mument at The Times or Miller (a major shareholder of The Independent) has left us without a voice, since they are reluctant to scuttle the negotiations. So you [MaltaToday] are the only ones who can voice our concerns."

The employees spoke of considerable hardships, with many unable to pay their mortgages because of delays in receiving their salaries.

"It is very disheartening to hear that some employees have been given cash payments by the party but told not to tell others because there are no funds. It is also unacceptable that the finer details of our 'redundancies' are being communicated by the head of human resources and not Chris Said."

Many of the employees questioned Simon Busuttil's aloofness on the whole matter.

"If he thinks that this will go away, he is very mistaken. Gonzi ignored the whole situation, and now this one is leaving it to Chris Said, who is an utter disaster."

MaltaToday has learned that some employees in the printing division have requested that they be informed of their redundancy in writing.

"They informed us by word of mouth, but they have to do this in writing; they do not want to do this because they will have to pay terminal benefits. It is shocking that we have come to this."

Another employee, a party official, told MaltaToday, "The decisions are being taken by a small group. The MPs cannot argue they do not know what is happening."

A journalist who also spoke to MaltaToday said, "They allowed the media to run aground; In-Nazzjon is only selling 1,800 copies and has no adverts. We cannot even pay a newscaster for NET News."

He also complained that the commission which drew up the report was detached from the party and unaware of how the party leadership had mismanaged the party's finances.

"They cannot simply suggest that everything is subcontracted because it was badly managed. They should have been very clear and blamed the man who ultimately called the shots, and his name was Lawrence Gonzi." 

Ghallkemm hafna ser jghidu "dan biex hiereg" nahseb li ghalkeem dawn il-haddiema gejjin minn Partit minn naha l-ohra ta' li spettru politiku tal-Partit fil-Gvern, bhala haddiema u cittadini Maltin jibghatu appell ta' ghajnuna lill Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat. Forsi fl-interess ta' l-ghejxien ta' familthom, ma jiddejqux jahdmu mal-Partit Laburista jew f'xi entita' tieghu fejn ikun hemm vacancies li jkunu jghoddu ghal esperjenza li ghandhom f'hidma f' partit politiku.
SUR XMUN fuq dan il kas missek titlob li SSIR INKJESTA. Din serja hafna XMUN, XOKKANTI u SKANDALUZA UKOLL bhal ma thobb tghid in. Miskom tisthu tidhru fil publiku ja qabda nies IPOKRITI U KRIMINALI. Tiehdu l-flus tal KONTRIBUZZJONI u ma tghadduhomx LID-DIPARTIMENT. ARA VERA NIES kriminali INTOM. fuq dawn l-affarjiet ma jghidu xejn GONZI u EDDIE jew EDWARD FENECH ADAMI?
Are the former ministers and parliamentary secretaries unable to gather thousands of euros from some activity ; oh I have forgotten they are no longer in power!
While i feel sorry for the workers who got sacked or are not getting paid for the job they are doing,i wonder how they keep believing in the lies and deceit their party keep telling them.One should maybe go to AG for help,he has euro700000 extra for sure.He forgot to declare them.Poor AG maybe he has got dementia,i hope he does not do PIPI tahtu as well because its a recorded fact he likes to do PIPI.
The elite PN Klikka that ruined this country deep down to the core of society so that they could fill in their pockets over and over where rightfully kicked out of power from the greatest majority ever. Now bit by bit it is being exposed the huge damage this PN Klikka made to our country and society but not only, they even had the guts to bankrupt their own party. These people always cried for loyalty to their party at the same time they were letting it crumble. Now those people that has been loyal for years are being backstabbed by the new administration, not only to save the crumbling house but also to save the ass to all those before them. The workers are paying for all the wrong doing of those that were at the helm of the PN administration, and if one just look closely it's not that the new administration are so NEW! They all formed part of that same core of people that made this mess in the first place. So Simon Busuttil as Kapo does not have the courage to face these workers that were so loyal to him and supported all his gaffes and that tried hard to make him look good with the electorate and some even voted him as Kapo. And not only Simon don't have the courage to face these workers he's also breaking the law by not giving these workers what is rightfully theirs according to EIRA article 36 "Notice of and compensation for termination of contracts of service." By doing this Simon Busuttil is willingly breaking the law, so the director of labour and the police must seek that this organisation and the person that is heading it follow the law or be persecuted by law! I always hope that what they say is true, that - Law is equal for everyone! and that the PN is not above any law!!
My advice to these employees is 1. Join the GWU, UHM is a PN offshoot. 2. Ask the courts to seize some PN property and sell it to settle any impending wages and NI contributions. 3. Do not trust PN agaian it is not the party you once knew.
Party and country to its knees - how could you ever trust again!! Maybe after a new party name, new emblem, new political insight and totally new faces....MAYBE!!!
And to think of it Simon Busuttil decided to reshuffle a brand new shadow cabinet to make way for Antoine Borg who is wholly responsible for this fiasco. Which will eventually lead to another General Election defeat, simply because the pn and for that matter any political party, cannot thrive without propoganda media means.
Joe Tanti
Sur Peppi Azzopardi u anke Sur Loo Bondi meta sejrin taqbdu din il-kawza ta dawn l-isejkna hrief ta sagrifficju?, ghandkom fejn tixxallaw u mhux programm wiehed tista ittellaw. Ara kieku dawn kienu tal Partit Laburista x-xalatta kontu taghmlu eh. U l-bollol ta Social Service ta dawn il-haddiema thallsu kollha mil Partit Nazzjonalista.Hi kontra l-ligi li taqta il-kontribuzjoni tal haddiema u imbghad ma taghdijomx lil ufficju ta Social Service. Hemm bzon li dawn il-haddiema jinghaqdu f'union serja u jitolbu kull drit taghhom.
Darba EFA kien qal li qalbhom (tal-PN) mal-haddiema. Hawn ghandna ezempju klassiku ta' kemm qalbhom hi mal-haddiema. Imisshom jisthu! Jiddispjacini ferm ghal haddiema u l-aktar ghal familji taghhom. J'Alla jsolvu l-problema taghhom jew ghallanqas isibu mpjieg alternattiv.
Joe Tanti
Din il-krizi ta finanzi fil PN dehret wara l-elezzjoni pero kienet ila ghadejja ,18 il -miljun dejn ma sarux mid 9 ta Marzu 2013 l'hawn, jigiefiri il-haddiema ta l-stamperija Indipendenza kienu qeghdin jithallsu sa qabel l-elezzjoni, ghalura min fejn kienu qed jithallsu?.....mistoqsija ohra li Simon " Mhux Jien "Busuttil ghandu jwiegeb fost hafna ohrajn.Jew mil-elezzjoni l-hawn kien hemm xi nixxieja ta flus li nixfet f'daqqa?
I will be surprised if Simon Busuttil will be answering at all. Don't you remember that he always respond with the same statement, that he was not the person responsible for these events. He inherited the problem, so as the new leader, it is his responsibility to see that all social security contributions are paid to the last euro. No excuses Simon.
This is the legacy which Lawerence Gonzi left behind finazi fis sod money no problem unfortunatel we are all suffering the represcussions of gross mismanagement of a party and also our country which is finacial ruin waiting for the next bail out.
Well done to Malta Today for being the only English language paper in Malta to show solidarity with the workers of the PN press. There is no doubt that the PN is a capitalistic party with little sensitivity for common workers. And they have the cheek to belong to a European Popular Party. Does popular mean allowing its own workers to be in a state of hardship? PN stamperija workers must quickly join the General Workers Union to have their precious rights respected. Meanwhile the ex-secretary general posts on facebook photos of his good time in the Alps. Xokkanti!
Priscilla Darmenia
Il-partit tal-PN jimxi kif mexxew il-gvern ta' GonziPN - flus biss ghall klikka ta' gewwa nett. Prosit PBO, il-paga hada hu.
Din hi sitwazzjoni xokkanti u verament miskina ta partit kbir. Din hi sitwazzjoni tal-misthija ghall-amministrazzjoni KOLLHA tal-PN. Hawn ghandha ssir inkjesta pubblika halli naraw il-flus li kkontribwixxa l-poplu fejn marru.
Missek tisthi Gonzi fix gibt il partit tal PN, Lanqas tafu tisthu, il-PN ghandu bzonn tindifa radikali.partit imfarrak (beyond repair)
Isthu jekk ghandkom wicc ja qabda ipokriti intom li triduha ta paladini tal Haddiem !! Ara il veru ma jistax jinzel aktar fil baxx Miskin L-Asfur tal Bejt . Dan huwa munument iehor ta Gonzipn umbaghd irid jati parir li Joseph kif imexxi . Morru halsu dejnkom lejn il haddiema li tant hadmu ghalikhom biex tkunu paxxuti . SHAME .
Whats going to happen to the workers when they go for their unemployment benefitt now if the contribution have not been paid same as Ex hotel Verdalla they will get no un employment benefitt
And we want to trust these people with running the country? Its a pity, but they have only themselves to blame.