Former PN MP ‘never accepted’ government foundation seat

Despite having refused an offer to sit on the Foundation for Medical Services, former Nationalist MP Jean Pierre Farrugia’s name appeared on the board in the government gazette.

Jean Pierre Farrugia
Jean Pierre Farrugia

What appears to be a mistake has been carried out in the government gazette after Jean Pierre Farrugia was listed as a member of the Foundation for Medical Services.

However, the former Nationalist MP - a general practitioner by profession - declared on Facebook that he never accepted the position.

In a letter sent to Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia, and published on Facebook, Farrugia said he had refused the position when a member of the minister's secretariat approached him.

Having already refused a seat on Heritage Malta, the former Nationalist backbencher said he never felt the need to publicise the second offer.

"But now I want to clarify that I never accepted to sit on any boards... this as a sign of loyalty with the 1,118 voters who expressed their faith in me in the last election," Farrugia said.

'This is a sign of loyalty with the 1,188 voters who expressed their faith in me in the last election'. What kind of logic is this? No wonder the electorate has rejected them out of office! They never learn the lesson. Seems they are more likely to accept remaining in opposition for another decade, minimum.