Mix of diesel and bio diesel sold at petrol stations
GRTU says petrol stations’ responsibility is to buy and sell fuel as received from the two diesel suppliers.
New signs put up by the Malta Resources Authority at petrol stations revealed that all diesel being sold to motorists includes a 7% mix of bio diesel.
On behalf of petrol stations owners, the GRTU said the petrol stations were "in no way responsible" of the mixed fuels sold to them. "They are in no way responsible of the mixed products or for any repercussions which the vehicles' engines might endure," the GRTU said.
It insisted the petrol stations' sole responsibility is to buy and sell the diesel as received from either of the two suppliers who supply petrol stations with diesel.

All I have on this issue is ,as usual in Malta,are comments from armchair mechanics, mis-informed press, shirking of responsibility of managing authorities and on and on...that is no real responsibility by anyone.Where are all the engineers, chemists, that are produced by university???????

Hafna ghazi 99% ta nies ma jafux li diesal mux l'Enemalta biss qegheda tqasmu imma hawn kumpanije ohra iqasmu ukoll. U dan kienu qeghedien jithaltu go listes tankijiet,ghal kosumatur dan mux tajjeb ghax jekk id-diesal ikun hazin jew mux ta kwalita tajba min ha jehel??Hekk issa ta lanqas inkunu nistaw ikunu nafu ta min ikun.U ha tkunu tafu ukoll ta li station jixtru min ghand il-kumpaniji l'ohra ghax irhas imma ahna il-konsumatur xorta listes prez nixtruh min ghandom

So if something goes wrong we can sue Enemalta? How come we only get to know now...this is not right!

The seller cannot shirk his responsibility GRTU. The seller must make sure that he sells the right product which in this case it is not because diesel is being treated li wine if you get the meaning. In other words Christened with other compounds without it being stated to customers.