‘Fulfilling international responsibilities is the only way forward’ - AD

AD says pushback to unsafe Libya is not acceptable.

MT Salamis rescued the migrants but refused to turn back to Libya
MT Salamis rescued the migrants but refused to turn back to Libya

Alternattiva Demokratika called on the Maltese authorities to respect human rights and save the immigrants on board the MT Salamis.

In a statement to the press, AD said that while each EU state declared Libya as an unsafe port, it was unacceptable that both Prime Minister and Leader of Opposition are willing to send the immigrants back to Libya, the country of departure.

“In a context where Malta, Italy, Libya and the EU are looking at this situation as a show of force where no one wants to appear weak and retreat from his position, everyone is forgetting the lives of the migrants are at stake,” Arnold Cassola said. 

He said the approach adopted by these parties breach and disregard human rights.

AD deputy chairman Carmel Cacopardo said the only way forward is to give the needed humanitarian aid.

“As things developed, humanitarian action should be taken by both Malta and Italy, with concrete help from the European Union since Libya is not trustworthy,” he concluded.

MT Salamis left the port of Khom in Libya on Sunday and was asked to rescue the migrants, stranded at around 46 nautical miles off the Libyan coast.

The oil tanker, destined for Malta, sailed towards the island but was stopped before it entered the territorial waters.

I am disgusted by the comments posted. Have we become a nation of uncaring egotists, immune to other people's suffering? Is "I'm alright so f**k Jack" our national motto?
AD is a traitor to the Maltese people. It prefers to side with foreigners than the needs, wishes and demands of the Maltese People. As a result AD is sliding back into oblivion.
These people are safe... they can live for years on that tanker... so what's the problem? If the captain wants to play cold war he is welcome, and he will retire at age 65, 40 nautical miles off the coast of Malta...
Exactly the reaction one would expect from a rag-tag collection of misfits whom nobody wants.
Mark Fenech
Naħseb li f'elezzjoni oħra, AD l'anqas is-6000 vot ma jkollha. Jaqaw l-AD taħseb li hija akbar mill-pajjiżż għażiż tagħna.
Jekk tibqu sejrin hekk eletti mal-l-ewwel count. "U MALTA QAMET F'DAQQA U GHAJTET JIEN MALTA MISKIN MIN IKASBARNI MISKIN MIN JIDHAQ BIHA" Mikiel Anton Vassalli - Hawn xi ftit Maltin ma jitghalmu qatt, anki tal AD, xoghjuh il-partit ahjar ghalikom u ghal popl Malti u Ghawdxi
Excuse me, but save them from what exactly? They're not hurt, they're safe on a tanker, they've got food, water, shelter.