PN ‘satisfied’ with Malta-Italy agreement on Salamis saga

Opposition expresses satisfaction at agreement between Malta and Italy over stranded migrants.

The Nationalist Party said it was satisfied with the outcome of the three-day saga which saw the government refuse entry to a tanker which rescued 102 migrants at sea.

The Opposition has backed the government's stance from the very beginning, claiming that the government's action was in accordance with international law.

"The Maltese government has for years faces similar situations to the one faced in the last two days, and Nationalist administrations always toiled to resolve matters while respecting the dignity of the vulnerable persons involved."

The Opposition boded further cooperation between the Italian and Maltese governments and reiterated its support to the government's efforts to convince the EU to show more solidarity.

The standoff involving the stranded migrants would have been easily resolved had there been the solidarity structures in place, the PN said.

"Diplomacy and dialogue, not stamping of feet, are the best tools to resolve matters."

The PN condemned insults directed at European Commissioner for home affairs Cecilia Malmstrom and appealed for "respect and tolerance."

Following her statement issued yesterday in which she urged Malta to take in the migrants, Malmstrom's facebook page was inundated with x-rated comments by Maltese citizens who vented their anger at the Commissioner's statement.

Last night, the oil tanker MT Salamis sailed towards Syracuse, Italy, with the 102 migrants it rescued on Monday aboard.

Issa jew tal-PN raw id-dawl jew inkella raw il-voti jkomplu jaharbulhom. M'hemmx x'tifhem, pero' nahseb li aktar tat-tieni qieghda tbazzahhom lil tal-PN.
As far as I am concerned Italy is a complete idiot to gave in to the Eu big Bullies. Both Italy and malta were in the right and should not have given in. Now , what happens is that seeing that they gave in they will try this trick again. the captain of the vessel should have been forcely arrested if he entered either our waters or the italian waters for vilifying our dictat.
In response to the headline: As if anyone gives a rat's a** what Simon says.
Prosit lill-Gvern u lill-Dr. Mallia li waqfu ghall-pressjoni dwar dan il-kaz, u issa irridu naraw lis-stqarija tal-Kap tal-PN u mhux stqarija mqanzha mil-Partit!! Mhux kulhadd jaf li dan il-kaz jista’ jkun li hi s-sistema ta’ kif qed jigu trasportati dawn l-immigranti illegali li qed jigu dejjem salvati f’bahar bnazzi taqtaw b’sikkina. Kif jista’ jkun li dawn jaslu f’Malta kwazi jfuhu ghax hu impossibli li dingi b’dak l-ammont ta’ persuni fuqu jitlaq minn xi post fil-Libja minghajr provizjon ta’ ikel u ilma (ghax qatt ma rajna xi ikel jew ilma zejjed jasal ma dawn it-turisti!!!). Mhux hekk!!! nixtieq nara grupp ta’ Maltin li jidhlu biex jippruvaw iduru dawra ma Malta u Ghawdex flistess sitwazzjoni u naraw x’jigri!! Ghaliex m’ghadomx jaslu dawk il-lanec kbar tas-sajd Libjani u qed jaslu biss dingi li jimtela bl-ilma hekk kif issuqu b’aktar minn 8-9 nodi fis-siegha b’dan l-ammont ta’ persuni fuqu. Hemm bzonn li ssir aktar sorveljanza matul-il-lejl specjalment fl-ibhra madwar Malta bejn Ghawdex u San Pawl il-Bahar ghax hafna huma dawk li jaslu u ma jinqabdux jew li ma jkollomx bzonn li jigu SALVATI.
Typical PN....... STAND OFF AND DO NOTHING (except taking offence when foreigners are criticised) see which way the wind is blowing, and then make an arrogant opinion, by stating the bleeding obvious...well dear sirs...THAT IS JURASSIC DEAD WAY OF DOING POLITICS
Tonight I will sleep peacefully knowing Simon is satisfied! LOL