Pullicino Orlando, Caruana Galizia cross swords over campaign to punish cyberbullies

Former MP who is regular target of poison-pen blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia to campaign for new laws punishing cyberstalking, harassment and bullying

The former Nationalist MP who struck out against his government and in the process earned the opprobrium of poison-pen blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia, is about to mount a counter-attack.

Ever since his embroilment in an embarrassing planning scandal during the 2008 elections, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando was the bane of Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia, whose Running Commentary blog targeted the MP and his relatives with an incessant barrage of verbal mockery with the aid of some unsightly Facebook snapshots.

Now 'JPO' is launching an online petition calling on people to take a stand against cyber-bullying, through a new organisation he is fronting, the Anti-Cyberharassment Alliance.

Pullicino Orlando said the ACHA would be organising a number of public events in the coming weeks, in a bid to influence new laws that deal with the issues of cyberstalking, harassment and bullying, and to have MPs legislate against internet bullying.

"Many countries have had laws defining and punishing stalking, harassment and bullying for some time... Harassment, in legal terms, is usually defined as continued or systematic unwanted actions by a party toward a victim. This may include threats, insults, demands or coercion, and may be based on a dislike of the person or on the race, nationality, political or religious beliefs or sex of the person being harassed...

"Cyber harassment is simply harassment carried out through electronic means."

Pullicino Orlando, who today chairs the Malta Centre for Science and Technology, did not fail to point out that "cyber harassment may also take the form of blogs or entire websites designed to upset, bother or verbally attack the victim or victims."

He said the ACHA would encourage MPs to address this issue through the enactment of a law making cyberstalking and cyber harassment criminal offences. "A conviction should result in a restraining order, probation or even criminal penalties against the assailant, including jail."

No love lost

No sooner had he launched his petition at midday Saturday than tormentor Daphne Caruana Galizia entered the fray, signing the petition herself. "I have just signed it and have put down my reason for doing so. I, my husband, my sons, my parents and sisters have all been subjected to aggressive and malicious cyberstalking and cyber harassment by members of the Labour Party, its supporters and the promoter of this petition, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando. Existing laws have not been sufficient to deal with their behaviour, which is intended to restrict, by means of threats, intimidation and malice, freedom of expression and criticism of the public individuals and politicians involved."

Cue the fireworks: within minutes of her having signed the petition, Caruana Galizia claimed she had received a text message from JPO himself, thanking her for signing. "To which my response, in another text message, was 'Sod off and get your head examined, you demented little prick.' No doubt he is, as we speak, battering down every police-related door available to him, to have charges brought against me for sending him this message."

There can be no doubt that Pullicino Orlando will serve the Labour government as an ideal front to drum up support for rules against cyberbullying, especially after Caruana Galizia made Labour-baiting the main menu on her blog.

Reinventing herself as a social media gadfly, no Facebook profile without proper privacy settings was safe from Caruana Galizia's photo-trawling, which specifically targeted Labour MPs and their relatives and supporters, parading them mercilessly as chavs or gauche champagne socialists.

'Plategate' was the spark for this typical brand of personalised barbs: at a dinner party, Bondiplus presenter Lou Bondì witnessed - and later tattled on - his host, Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera, for delighting in the news that Caruana Galizia's husband had reported his wife to the police over a domestic incident, allegedly involving the injurious lobbing of the spousal dinnerware.

Her victims have complained that she was an unofficial extension of the PN party media, undertaking the dirty work that journalists could not.

As described by columnist David Friggieri in MaltaToday, she was "right there getting down and dirty where things matter, with an attitude to match the role" in airing people's dirty linen, using her blog to "provide some form of release in a society which tends to be artificially formalistic in its approach to public life".



Can we review a copy of the proposed bill altogether, or hasn't it already been legislated?
@mincens - wide wording in the offence is in favour of the prosecutor not the other way around. Harassment is already an offence under the criminal code so there is little doubt that it is "improper". As for statistics of enforcement, haven't the foggiest. Enjoy.
@quixotic: you're basing your whole argument on the words, "Improper Use." The term is not defined in the act's preliminary section, so the meaning could and would be challenged in any bullying/harassment case. Those words are ambiguous, porous and quite opaque. Any lawyer worth his salt will be able to run circles around what they actually mean. The precedents you cited, namely http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/a_to_c/communications_offences/#an11 refer chiefly to race related offences. Additionally, I'm not sure if courts in Malta would accept an extra-jurisdictional ruling. The CPS also sets other severe conditions before it can proceed, as outlined in: http://www.cps.gov.uk/news/latest_news/dpp_launches_public_consultation_on_prosecutions_involving_social_media_communications/index.html. Thus prosecutions under this law are not as easy as one might suppose. As far as JPO and DCG are concerned I care for neither of them. The former is certainly not initiating this petition for altruistic or noble reasons. As concerns the latter, well, what can I say that hasn't been repeated ad nauseum. But we must not lose sight of the fact that people are being bullied and tormented and these individuals are not high profile players but normal, vulnerable individuals. So, in this case, disregard the messenger and uphold the message. We must bring our comments to a closure since I'm sure that the good people at MT are getting a little tired of us. Feel free to have the last comment, and may I wish you all the best.
@quixotic: What you didn't answer was how many cases of cyber harassment were prosecuted successfully by your cyber cops. The ones who appear to be vehemently opposed to a specific cyber bullying laws are bloggers and their acolytes. I will be waiting for your long lists of successful prosecutions under the act. Hold on to your bill until you fulfill the entirety of my question.
@mincens - See Art 49 of this: http://www.justiceservices.gov.mt/DownloadDocument.aspx?app=lom&itemid=8866 For inspiration on the words "improper use" see: http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/a_to_c/communications_offences/#an11 on which this provision was based / inspired from. As I said, the police have the power when they use this article to actually "lift" the anonymity of the web by tracking your computer (same power as the security services). Issa nibghatlek il-kont :p
Pullicino Orlando- be a MAN and fight for yourself instead of trying to hide behind the skirts of a statute book. You are really pathetic.
@quixotic: First, no where in the petition is DCG mentioned. As I previously stated, she is inconsequential, this issue is greater than any individual. Second, for the benefit of JPO and the rest of us who are not lawyers, what sections of the E-Communications (Regulation) Act pertain to harassment and if this act has ever been used by our police in harassment cases. As far as facebook is concerned, I am not a subscriber so I have no idea what or what not the police, or anyone else for that matter, are posting.
@mincens - The provisions of the E-Communications (Regulation) Act create specific Internet (and other means of communications) offences. Not only do give the police the power to prosecute but they also (through the Data Protection Act) give the police the power to request details of the owners IP addresses in order to find perpetrators. Suggest you have a chat with the police's Cyber-Crime division and ask them what they are doing if they don't have laws backing them. Maybe they're just posting cats on facebook... As for DCG's signing the petition, that's her sense of humour.
@quixotic: This not a conspiracy against DCG. DCG is inconsequential to the petition. In fact, she signed the petition and gave as her reason that of perceived victimization. Ergo, even she believes that new laws should be enacted to deal with this problem. Countries with strong criminal codes are still finding it hard to deal with cyber crimes using the old laws. Hence, you see the drafting of new laws to deal with crimes specific to the internet. Please remember that cyber bullies are hurting many people, usually the most vulnerable. As I stated previously, freedom of expression is not a license to torment and harass others.
1) Cyber-harassment / bullying is already catered for under our Criminal Code + the Electronic Communications (Regulation) Act and 2) Let us not pretend that this campaign (which as I noted under 1 is done under the wrong pretext, since it is already a criminal offence) is being done for any higher motive than to muzzle DCG. Whether or not you agree with her writing style (content for that matter) just bear in mind that it is a slippery slope indeed if we accept that politicians (who choose to be in the public eye) can muzzle press and other critics.
maltesejustice is quite correct. I would state the obvious more simply. DCG is the unofficial front of the ousted, degraded and the sorest of all losers, still roving/hovering around the PN (political party/hub/den/cove/society/club). It would be impossible for a sole person to obtain all that detail background on most anyone without the resources of a mega (local of course) organisation which the PN was. It's adherents (the ones that lost the most from not having their snout in the trough any longer) are still running the show at Stamperija, irrespective of who they currently call "leader".
@il-Haggi: JPO is not attempting to shut your mouth or your pen. But if you harass people with your mouth or your pen, then you should be prosecuted according to Law. What right have you got to harass others? On the other hand, if you want to harass your mind with hate then it is up to you and your Maker, when it is time to be judged by Him.
@Il-Haggi Nobody is attempting to shut your mouth or pen for that matter. What JPO wants to stop is people being victimized by self-appointed vigilantes who think that they can do what they like, whether or not it hurts anyone. Freedom of Speech also entails obligations and not just rights. JPO is not a pioneer of advocating legislation against cyber bullying. Legislation has been, and is being, enacted in the more enlightened countries. These countries also believe in Freedom of Speech but they also realize that it must be tempered with respect for the rights of others. As for you mind, that is entirely up to you.
When opening the Sunday Times I used to read first DCG's article because one can say that she was a champion of constructive criticism , but all of a sudden turned to destructive criticism. She never said why!
JPO you can shut my mouth (or my pen), but you can never shut my mind......
Dizappuntat hafna kif kumment li ghaddejt fuq dan il-blogg il-bierah baqa' ma deherx sal-lum. La kien pastas, la kien inedukkat, la kien goff u l-anqas dispreggativ jew ingurjuz. Jaqaw il-MaltaToday ghandha l-agenda mohbija taghha wkoll? Sewwa nghidu ahna, ma baqa' l-ebda genwinita' fis-socjeta li qeghdin nghixu fiha u kulhadd ihokk fejn jieklu jghid il-proverbju Malti. Ghalhekk dawn il-problemi kollha madwarna.
Jigifieri DGC lanqas grazzi ma taccetta. Jien ili li nqtajtha mil-lista tieghi u qatt ma ser nerga nara l-blogs jew artikli taghha anke jekk naf li taf tikteb; imam l-mod li tattakka lil ohrajn ma jogghobnix.
Poor Daphne, she still cannot get over what happened on 9 March 2013.
is this for real or virtual, matrix reaching its apex. we are giving more clout to this cyber world than to flesh and blood. in my days we just confronted others personally, gone are the days of stoicsm and real heroes. take me back to earth please!!!!!
Well done jeffrey cyber harrasment should include a jail sentence to offenders who abusively discredit persons on their blogs.
Well done jeffrey cyber harrasment should include a jail sentence to offenders who abusively discredit persons on their blogs.
Cyber bullying/harassment prevention law is either in force or being contemplated in many advance countries. The instances of suicides and other tragic events have forced the authorities to come to terms with this vile and cowardly form of character assassination. Just recently, a teenaged girl, who was the victim of cyber bullying, killed herself in Canada. Unfortunately, that was not a unique event nor will it be the last. The future portends more tragedies if this repugnant activity isn't controlled. My compliments and thanks to JPO for addressing a serious problem that has hitherto been ignored by our lawmakers.
Well done Jeffrey. After the good of the divorce bill, now another just law about cyber bullying. You have changed for the better; others for the worse.
Forsi fl-ahhar il-Qorti ssib tarf il-hdura li tivvomta din is-sahhara tal-Bidnija. Prosit JPO.
U kemm ghanha power din il-DCG? Toffendi, tiprovoka, titkixxef, tispjuna u taghmel il-hsara lill-proxmu u Alla jbierek qisu qatt ma gara xejn. Tibghat SMSs libelluzi u krudili bhal dak lil JPO u tiftahhar quddiem kulhadd. Ma jitwemmnux dawn l-affarijiet. Ara x'poter kellha l-klikka tal-hazen fi zmien GonziPN. B'dak l-SMSs biss ukoll haqqa tehel ta' l-anqas multa tajba jekk mhux prigunerija wkoll. Dawn l-affarijiet iridu jinqatghu - hadd m'hu il-fuq mill-ligi, hu min hu. Prosit Gonz x'wirt hallejtlu l-dan il-pajjiz!
The vile language used by DCG even in this article is an insult to the Maltese public and is direct evidence of harassment right before us. However, since she represents the best that the PN can offer to the Maltese public, it is no wonder that over 157000 voters, 37000 more than the PN, had to take the easy choice out and banish the PN from effective Maltese politics. With DCG as the PN's knight in shining armour, who needs enemies for the PN.
Dear J Pullicino. You should have first suggested that we build a very bigger prison first because with all the corruption that we have been through and all this bullying past and present, Corradino Correction Facility won't be big enough. Or we can start a cult where if your hands are used to harm someone the state will have a finger cut off. If it happens again another finger is cut off. what would remain of certain people? Empty vessels make most sounds.
Its about ruddy time something is done about poison pens and malicious ,sh#*#* writings.....Well ,as i always say ...you read crap if you want to.
Recently a young girl committed suicide in such cyber nonsense--yes, it should entail jail sentences to the culprits.
Harassing people is not freedom of speech, especially when the comments are accompanied by innuendos and half truths.
Is this for real? With so much going on do we really need this one too. It is true when they say those with full stomach careless of those who are finding it hard to survive.
Recently a young girl committed suicide in such cyber nonsense--yes, it should entail jail sentences to the culprits.
Luke Camilleri
if there is any cyber-stalking and cyber-harassment on DGC, her husband and family members she has only HERSELF to blame and not shift it on her targets! Has she ever what she writes on her blog or just treats it like puke, once it's out she doesn't even look at it, touch it or clean it up?
Luke Camilleri
if there is any cyber-stalking and cyber-harassment on DGC, her husband and family members she has only HERSELF to blame and not shift it on her targets! Has she ever what she writes on her blog or just treats it like puke, once it's out she doesn't even look at it, touch it or clean it up?
There's more to this campaign than meets the eye, right?
This is such a good idea that Daphne Caruana Galizia has also signed the petition. and encourages other people too. I am signing too.