Government rejects il-Mument front-page story as ‘pure fiction’

PN organ il-Mument carries ‘exclusive’ front-page story claiming Louis Grech will resign from deputy prime minister to be replaced by Home Affairs Minister Manuel Mallia.

Report of Cabinet changes which include the resignation of deputy prime minister Louis Grech were denied by the government.
Report of Cabinet changes which include the resignation of deputy prime minister Louis Grech were denied by the government.

A government spokesperson has rubbished an "exclusive" story carried today by PN organ il-Mument in which it alleged that deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech was set to resign for personal reasons and would be replaced by home affairs minister Manuel Mallia.

Several sources, including those working close to Grech, denied the allegations insisting the report was "a blatant lie".

A government spokesperson described the report as "a work of fiction".

Taking to Facebook, Grech's personal aides and other government officials accused the Nationalist paper of complete fabrication of the story.

On Twitter, the government's head of communications Kurt Farrugia tweeted to Opposition leader Simon Busuttil reiterating the report was "a total lie".

According to the Sunday newspaper, which attributed its information to "sources within the Office of the Prime Minister" the Cabinet reshuffle would also see Labour MP Michael Falzon, currently commissioner against bureaucracy, appointed home affairs minister.

While in Opposition, Falzon had been the spokesperson for home affairs.

Il-Mument claims that Grech would resign for personal reasons before the end of year. It goes on to report Grech's resignation would give Muscat "the opportunity to rid Mallia of his home affairs portfolio".

Well, well, well. That is one way the "financial, marketing guru" devised of selling old crap! Mind, IT will backfire!
The hatred, incitement and misinformation that comes out of the NP media is shocking. Keep it up, we are enjoying you in the opposition and want you to stay there.
@Mike Farrugia: the PN has never been Christian. They have used the local Church to help them gain election after the other, they have used the clergymen and nuns to incur massive support from them, both logistical and personal, but they have never been Christian. How can they be Christian when they were the perpetrators of so many frame ups of innocent people, when they declared how glad they were to vote in massive austerity measures against the people, when they were so corrupt. The PN has never been democratic either. The PN was created to force the British in accepting Italian as the first language, they were at the forefront of collaboration with the Italian Fascists, receiving massive aid from Mussolini and co, to the extent that they were interned by the British and deported to Uganda for fear of complicity with the enemy. And when the PN did not succeed to obtain union with Italy, they have now managed to do so by getting Union with Europe and in so doing Italy. Such is the history of the PN for those who analyse the history books.
We are fed up with these type of expired comments used to divert the attention from the oil buying scandal.People showed the PN by the last election wipe out that people are not that daft anymore as the PN still think they are.
That picture shows exactly the reaction of Dr. Joseph Muscat and Louis Grech when they saw the front page of Il-Mument.
Manuel Mallia would have made a very good Interior Minister if he was surrounded by professionals instead of the attention-seeking clowns he presently employs to run his Ministry.
With all due respect to Head of Govt Communiactaions. I wouldn't react to fairly tales. Let the author live in cuckoo land.
With all due respect to Head of Govt Communiactaions. I wouldn't react to fairly tales. Let the author live in cuckoo land.
With all due respect to Head of Govt Communiactaions. I wouldn't react to fairly tales. Let the author live in cuckoo land.
Is this a new marketing strategy to try to increase sales of "Il Mument".
The picture shows exactly the reaction of Dr. Muscat and Louis Grach after they saw the front page of Il-Mument. What a good joke to start the day.
Do these people still call themselvves Christian democrats? If so, the church should sue them.
Anke jekk stess dan li ippublikat il-Mument kellu jsir kif raportat, so what? Kollox above board u kollox kif suppost. Il-Gvern cahad li dan hu vera u jien naghzel li nemnu. Imma, wara kollox, Gvern serju huwa wiehed dinamiku li jaddatta ruhu skond ic-cirkustanzi tal-mument fl-interess tal-gid kommuni u tan-nazzjon kollu. Spekulazzjonijiet, pero', huma dejjem hziena u jirriflettu hazin fuq min joqghod jispekula. Apparti l-fatt li tal-Mument iridu jaghmluha cara li fl-ufficju tal-Prim Ministru hemm min hu zlejali u qieghed jghaddi informazzjoni li mhux suppost jghaddi. Imbaghad joqghodu jokorbu tal-PN li sar t-transfers li skond huma jkunu vendikattivi. Li ma jghidux dawn it-talin hu li dawn it-transfers ikun instigate min zlejalta lejn id-dover individwali. tisma l-ahbarijiet tan-Net u taqra l-gazzetti tal-PN tinduna kemm ikun hemm tghawig tal-fatti u nofs veritajiet, fost il-hafna gideb u qlajja. Vera cheap media...u dawn jghidu ghal media tal-labour. Jien nimmagina tal-labour qieshom nghag u tal-PN ilpup.
Busuttil and his pn are in deep quicksands. And the more they lie the deeper they go.
How else can Simple Simon and his desperate band attract readership of their newspapers - they need to sell some more to make up for the millions of euro of debt they accumulated. A better story would be how to pay this debt and not throw away the employees at Pieta to the dogs. Anyway Paul BO can still enjoy his holiday this summer!