AD condemns lack of attention to cyclists in transport policy
Alternattiva Demokratika says Transport Authority gives ‘almost absolute priority to cars’.
Alternattiva Demokratika has called for a "serious" policy which encourages the use of bicycles for routine travel which would to tackle traffic and pollution problems.
AD's spokesman Ralph Cassar said the Transport Authority still gave its "almost absolute priority" to cars in its policies and operation.
"It is essential for this authority to help rather than discourage those Local Councils which would like to build an infrastructure to support those who walk or cycle through our streets - such as providing schemes for making residential streets safer," Cassar said.
Battery-assisted bicycles - which make cycling more viable for travelling to and from work and for local errands - should be encouraged. According to the European Directive 2002/24/EC, pedelecs should be regarded as bicycles, because one has to cycle for the electric motor to help the cyclist, especially when going uphill.
"Unfortunately we are informed that Transport Malta is inventing all sorts of regulations and restrictions on these pedelecs instead of considering how to increase the use of alternative transport which does not pollute," Cassar said.
AD urged Transport Minister Joe Mizzi to clarify the Government's policy on bicycles.
"We would also like to see tangible incentives for the use of bicycles and pedelecs in the next budget," he said.
Cassar also criticised the government's decision offering the small sum of €2,000 to 10 local councils as Malta celebrates car free day.