Government gave in to BirdLife's demands - FKNK
Hunters' federation says government accommodated BirdLife's proposals for autumn hunting season.
The government has implemented BirdLife proposals and ignored the hunters' plea to remove the curfew during the autumn season, the Federation for Hunting & Conservation (FKNK) said.
In a statement issued today, the hunters' federation explained that BirdLife's (BLM) proposals; "that the autumn hunting season should not be fixed; that shorter fixed autumn hunting seasons for the turtle dove and the quail should not be imposed; and that a 'curfew' should be retained and extended into the first week of October; have all been granted by the government."
The federation explained that it proposed a complete removal of the curfew, however government decided to 'lift' a curfew for autumn afternoon hunting by pushing it back from 3pm to 7pm, a decision which BLM described as an act of "deregulation" aimed at dismantling the rules for the protection of birds.
FKNK's said the curfew "is sought so that volunteer foreign tourists who are invited to Malta by BLM and other abolitionist groups can have a free hand to roam the Maltese countryside, showing no respect for private property, and spy on Maltese nationals. Upon no other EU Member State is a similar 'curfew' imposed, which again is not an EU legislation requisite."
FKNK insisted that despite the Malta Ornis Committee's recommendations in opposition to the NGO's proposals, "BirdLife have, once again, missed their opportunity to build on the positive; instead, their blinkered abolitionist anti-hunting propaganda ensued."
The FKNK wished its members a good and safe hunting season and warned them, that its zero-tolerance policy towards poachers is still effective; especially regarding anyone who illegally shoots protected species.
"The FKNK is not prepared to accept the fact that anyone who feels to be above the law can continue to tarnish the image of traditional and legal hunting and trapping in the Maltese islands."
The facts according to FKNK:
Prior Situation: Malta is the only EU Member State that does not have fixed hunting autumn seasons established in its legislation. Thus, hunters and trappers, who are made to pay their hunting and trapping licenses early in the calendar year, have no assurance that they will be in a position to exercise their licence rights come autumn. The fixing of hunting dates is not regularised by EU legislation, but left at the discretion of the Member State.
Malta Ornis Committee (MOC) Recommendation: The Federation for Hunting & Conservation - Malta (FKNK) proposed fixed hunting autumn seasons. BirdLife Malta (BLM) opposed this proposal. The MOC recommended to Government to fix autumn hunting dates in legislation.
Fact: Government did not set fixed hunting autumn seasons.
Prior Situation: BLM have often stated that the Maltese hunters have five whole months when they can hunt the turtle dove and the quail in autumn/winter (September to January), on the basis of which spring hunting for the same species should not be permitted. Any knowledgeable person is aware that both species are normally never encountered on the Maltese islands after, at the most, October. The fixing of hunting dates is not regularised by EU legislation, but left at the discretion of the Member State.
MOC Recommendation: The FKNK proposed shorter fixed hunting autumn seasons for the turtle dove and the quail. BLM again opposed this proposal. The MOC recommended to Government to fix shorter autumn hunting dates for the two species.
Fact: Government did not set shorten fixed hunting autumn seasons for the turtle dove and the quail.
Prior Situation: A 3:00 pm 'curfew' during the last fifteen days of September had been imposed in the last five years. This, notwithstanding, that the Ornis Committee had NEVER agreed with this BLM proposal and hence had NEVER recommended it to Government. In the FKNK's opinion the 'curfew' is sought so that volunteer foreign tourists who are invited to Malta by BLM and other abolitionist groups can have a free hand to roam the Maltese countryside, showing no respect for private property, and spy on Maltese nationals. Upon no other EU Member State is a similar 'curfew' imposed, which again is not an EU legislation requisite.
MOC Recommendation: The FKNK proposed the complete removal of the 'curfew'. BLM proposed to retain the 'curfew' and extend it into the first week of October. The MOC recommended a 'curfew' without agreeing on its parameters, thus leaving the decision to Government.
Fact: Government imposed a 'curfew' extended into the first week of October.