Updated | Home Affairs’ chief denies contacting main witness in police board inquiry

‘I don’t even know who Charles Attard iz-Zambi is,’ home affairs minister’s chief of staff Silvio Scerri says.

Home Affairs Ministry's chief of staff Silvio Scerri.
Home Affairs Ministry's chief of staff Silvio Scerri.

The Chief of Staff at the ministry for home affairs, Silvio Scerri, has categorically denied ever approaching Darryl Luke Borg, falsely accused with a Birkirkara hold-up, and his mother to appear before the Police Board investigating the matter.

Scerri has also denied knowing who convicted criminal Charles Attard iz-Zambi is.

Scerri's denials follow a press conference called by Nationalist MP Jason Azzopardi at 4:30pm during which he alleged that iz-Zambi was used by Scerri as a go-between with Borg and his mother.

Attard, today a free man, was convicted of attempting to murder Richard Cachia Caruana, a chief PN strategist and former personal assistant to former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami in 1994.

Azzopardi said he had nothing against persons who had paid for their crimes and was all for their reintegration in society, "however, persons in important administrative positions should have better judgement."

The Opposition spokesperson for home affairs added that Attard was also present for a meeting which Silvio Scerri had with Darryl Luke Borg on Tuesday. During this  meeting, also attended by Borg's mother, the home affair minister's chief of staff asked Borg whether he would be prepared to give testimony to the Police Board which was investigating the police's blunder.

Azzopardi pointed out that at no point was Borg formally invited to appear in front of the board in writing and the invitation was only made verbally.

The MP described Scerri's involvement as "shocking" and called on the Prime Minister to take action.

"It is shocking for a chief of staff to interfere in the Police Board's investigations and informing witnesses of their appearance himself. Who will shoulder the responsibility of this abuse of power?" the MP asked.

Asked whether anyone should resign over the case, Azzopardi said that he was only acting in the same way as the Labour Party did when it was in Opposition, which the MP said had set high expectations.  

In an official reaction, the government accused Azzopardi of prejudicing the independent investigation by "this irresponsible statement".

Corroborating Scerri's version of events, the government said it had been the victim who approached the ministry.

"During the meeting the victim recounted a number of new facts and he was urged to recount this information to the independent inquiry," the government said.

It added it had full trust in the work being carried out by the Police Board.

"One hopes that the inquiry's conclusions will shed more light on the case, which would also explain Dr Azzopardi's intent behind today's statement."

Borg was wrongly accused of committing a store hold-up and earlier this week filed a constitutional application for compensation, claiming breach of human rights.

A magistrate had ordered that Borg, 27, who was accused of carrying out a hold-up on a Birkirkara store, be kept under arrest at the Mount Carmel forensic unit where he was undergoing a treatment order.

Two days later his lawyers were informed on 9 August that another man, Roderick Grech, had admitted to the hold-up. Borg was freed that same day, but his lawyers also realised that their client had not been detained at Mount Carmel but at the Corradino Correctional Facility.

On Wednesday, Borg gave his testimony to the Police Board at the home affairs ministry, where an inquiry into his wrongful arrest is being carried out.

A government source said that it was on the ministry's chief of staff, Silvio Scerri's own initiative that Borg has his say before the board.

Borg was accompanied by his mother to the police board inquiry, which is being led by emeritus judge Franco Depasquale.

Issa li l-kap taghhom xebgha jghid il-buzullotti, ix-xedow ministers intefghu huwa wkoll ituh palata. Kull ma jaghmlu jaqbdu storja, jaraw li jibqghu legalment fil-linja, imma jaffgghuha kif jidhrilhom huma biex igerfxu l-imhuh u jizirghu id-dubji, imbaghad jahbu idhom. Tidher f'xicchom din it-tatika ghax ormaj issa nafghuhom bizzejjed u drajniehom sewwa. Jilghabu tal-qaddisin u tal-vitmi.
Looks like the heat really got to the nationalist MPs competing among themselves who comes up the silliest story. Jason Azzopardi has already come up with a couple of good ones
This is a breach of ethical issues. No witness should be spoken to even if he has new evidence at hand. In any case, Silvio Scerri is a businessman and has no idea of court proceedings or investigations. In this case, he should have refused to speak to anyone on any pending issues. I am sure that Borg would have spoken to his lawyer and the lawyer would write on his behalf or suggest that the new evidence be shown to the Board. This is not politics but Justice.
Joseph MELI
This is a genuine request but does anyone know the true definition of Emeritus- as applied to Judges or Professors?
If this is so that Mr Scerri denied contacting main witness and that he does not know the Zambi, Jason Azzopardi should resign from his Parliamentary seat. He is doing too much damage to the already shattered Partit nazzjonalista. And Simon should see to it if he really means business.
If this is so that Mr Scerri denied contacting main witness and that he does not know the Zambi, Jason Azzopardi should resign from his Parliamentary seat. He is doing too much damage to the already shattered Partit nazzjonalista. And Simon should see to it if he really means business.
@ Tony Borg ; Nahseb int ghadek ma tallimt xejn wara it tkaxkira li hadd ghax ghanek tahseb bl-istess mohh li gabkhom fejn qedin , fl-opposizjoni u mimlijin DEJN !
@ Toni Borg : Taf tagħraf bejn l-akkużi mhux sostanzjati ta' Dr. Jason Azzopardi u fatti pruvati? Mid-dehra ma tafx! Mela jaqbel lilek jekk ma tiktibx fuq dak li ma tifhem xejn fuqu. Għax tikxef l-injoranza tiegħek.
@Toni Borg: semmejt 25 sena fl-oppozzizjoni u ma nbdiltux. Kif tista tinbidel taghmel 25 sena taqla fuq wiccek u tigi iddiskriminat kulljum. Izda inthom tal-PN ghamiltu 25 sena ta zeblieh lill-Poplu, tliftu l-elezzjoni u tkaxxkartu, ghidtu li riddtu TINBIDLU u ma nbdiltux!!! Dik id-disgrazzja kbira li garalkom u issa tridu titqannaw biha.!!!
Ahjar Jason Azzopardi jispjega kif Ghelieqi tal joint office ta nies mejta gew mghotija lil nies fid-distret tieghu. Ez ghalqa tal-Masri tal-mejjet J. Sc...... limiti Gudja Santa Lucija, minghajr ma hargu tender, u bi qbiela redikola. Barra min hekk l-imsemija ghelieqi spiccaw jintuzaw ghal-kacca u insib x'aktarx illegali. Gharukaza jiftah halqu dan Jason Azzopardi jek kien imdahhal f'din il-bicca hmieg admistrattiv. Ghax skond certi ghejdut hemm il firma tieghu ghal dawn il-hnizrijiet.
Ahjar Jason Azzopardi jispjega kif Ghelieqi tal joint office ta nies mejta gew mghotija lil nies fid-distret tieghu. Ez ghalqa tal-Masri tal-mejjet J. Sc...... limiti Gudja Santa Lucija, minghajr ma hargu tender, u bi qbiela redikola. Barra min hekk l-imsemija ghelieqi spiccaw jintuzaw ghal-kacca u insib x'aktarx illegali. Gharukaza jiftah halqu dan Jason Azzopardi jek kien imdahhal f'din il-bicca hmieg admistrattiv. Ghax skond certi ghejdut hemm il firma tieghu ghal dawn il-hnizrijiet.
Ahjar Jason Azzopardi jispjega kif Ghelieqi tal joint office ta nies mejta gew mghotija lil nies fid-distret tieghu. Ez ghalqa tal-Masri tal-mejjet J. Sc...... limiti Gudja Santa Lucija, minghajr ma hargu tender, u bi qbiela redikola.
Mela is-sur Azzopardi nesa lill-ex Prim Ministru Dr. Fenech Adami bil-laqgha li kien ghamel ma criminal maghruf fil-kwistjoni ta' l-attentat ta' qtil ta' Richard Cachia Caruana? Nesa li lil dan kien tah l-mahfra presidenzjali u li fil-kawza l-akkuzati hargu mhux hatja? Ara dik ma jimpurtax li l-Prim Ministru jiltaqa ma criminal mhux fl-ufficcju imam fl-imwarrab. Ahna ma ninsewx Sur Jason Azzopardi il intom fi zmienkom ghamiltu ferm aghar imma intom tippruvaw tahbuh u taraw it-tibna ta' haddiehor u t-travu taghkom ma tarawhx, imma ahna niftakruh.
Luke Camilleri
Kemm jafuhom tal-PN l'elementi bi "Kwalitajiet tajbin u anqas tajbin" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nahseb ghandhom portfolio ghal kull wiehed u hemm immorru anki ghal xi "Situation Vacant" gar Chal Bouncers mad- Dar Centrali ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEy0MdKAq1o
In an official reaction, the government accused Azzopardi of prejudicing the independent investigation by "this irresponsible statement". Tajba din...u l-indhil ta Silvio Scerri???? Dak xejn??? Halluwna...25 sena fl-opposizzjoni u ma nbdiltux!
Joseph MELI
Did anyone ask the witness if this is true or not?
Jason Azzopardi has taken over from Tonio Fenech to accuse people simply for the sake of blackening their names to get political mileage. The case of callously involving Dr Martin Fenech during the election campaign comes first in my mind. However, the PN strategy has always been to frame up people and if it then transpires that they are caught out, they might, just might, apologize or the Courts will make them apologize. The strategy of frame ups has been adopted since the 1980s by the PN machinery and shows that the current leadership has not changed at all, they are just the same old GONZIPN CLIKKA.