Former Civil Protection head to be a Labour MEP candidate

Peter Cordina to be one of the Labour’s ‘star candidates’ for the European Parliament elections next May.

Peter Cordina is set to be an MEP candidate on the Labour ticket next year.

Cordina, who is now retired, had a career spanning more than 40 years in the Police squad, and also served for two years as Prison director.

He retired in 2010 from head of the Civil Protection squad. 

Peter Cordina is the father of established economist Gordon Cordina, and husband to TV personality Matilde Balzan. His candidature for the European Parliament elections was not expected.

This manoeuvre suggests the Labour Party will continue to field ‘star candidates’ from the political and social spectrum.

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant and ex-nationalist Sliema councillor Cyrus Engerer already confirmed their interest in contesting these elections on behalf of the Labour Party.

@Toni Borg. Mur ara d-dipartimenti tal-Gvern ha tara kemm issib Diretturi u Asistenti Diretturi Laburisti. Hemm min fi ftit xhur minn Principal lahquh Sen. Principal - Asst. Direttur - Direttur. Hekk kienu jinhattru fi zmienkom. U kienet issir diskriminazzjoni fil hatriet u promozzjonijiet mhux biss mal-Laburisti imma anki ma Nazzjonalisti stess. Mhux ta bxejn haddtu tkaxxkira papali li mhux se tfiequ minnha qatt.
Dr Joseph Muscat and Labour are slowly evolving into a force with new ideas for the present and the future while the PN is devolving into "pizza house "politics
David Bongailas
@Toni Borg........lou bondi laburist ukoll ? Mur kompli ara in-net tv issa isa qabel jaghlaq ghal kollox.
Why is this guy being called a 'star'?
Toni Borg, kumment bhal tieghek ikomplu jxekklu lil dan il-pajjiz. X'tipretendi bir-rispett kollhu ? li xi hadd nazzjonalist johrog kandidat ghall-MEP ? x'ghandu x'jaqsam il-kumment tieghek ma din il-kandidatura ?
HA HA HA HA.....bis-serjeta???????
Luke Camilleri
Bniedem integru u ta' l'affari tieghu! Kwalitajiet li hemmbzonnhom fil-pajjiz fl'interess tan -Nazzjon!
Daqt nigu qisna Hollywood b'dawn l-istillel kollha.
Nazzjonalisti biss kien ilahhaq GonziPN!!! Ezatt bhal llum!!!! L-aqwa li Malta taghna lkoll u li maghna jahdem kullhadd!