Boy rescues mother
An 11-year-old boy asks police for assistance after being locked out.
A call for help from an 11-year-old boy saved a 34-year-old mother after she fainted and failed to open the door for her son.
At around 10:30pm last night, the boy returned to his home in Pietru Pawl Caruana Street, Cospicua but no one opened the door. The boy called at the Cospicua Police Station and related his concern to the officer on duty, after he heard cries form his younger brother.
Policemen went on site and forced entry into the residence where they found the mother unconscious. The five-year-old sibling was not injured.
An ambulance arrived at the boy's house and medics helped revive his mother.

One might ask what an 11 year old is up to, returning home at 10:30 pm.