Hunters call for BirdLife’s removal from Ornis committee
Hunters' organisation calls for the removal of BirdLife Malta from Ornis committee.
A hunters' association, Kaccaturi San Ubertu (KSU), called on the government to remove BirdLife Malta from the Ornis committee after the NGO walked out of a meeting in protest.
KSU said that BirdLife Malta should be replaced by "another local ornithological society known for a far more valid scientific contribution and professing rational views on bird protection."
Yesterday, representatives of BirdLife Malta sitting on the Ornis Committee withdrew from discussions after presenting their concerns to committee members and chairperson, Louis Cassar.
During the meeting, the Wild Bird Regulations Unit's put forward its proposal for a derogation to allow the autumn trapping of song thrush and golden plover.
On the agenda was also the discussion on hunters' federation FKNK proposal to also allow finch trapping, a report co-authored by Joseph Lia - WBRU's special initiatives officer.
Until July, Lia was also listed as the FKNK's council member for live-bird trapping affairs.
In a statement, Bird Life said the WBRU's proposal for song thrush and golden plover trapping was "an inside job by the FKNK".
In a statement issued today, Kaccaturi San Ubertu said Birdlife's withdrawal "typifies their arrogance."
Is pointed out that in the past, the Ornis committee was chaired by a partner of BirdLife Malta in an EU funded campaign aimed at raising awareness on the importance of Malta to bird migration and the impacts of trapping.
"Why during his tenure Birdlife Malta chose not to object or never boycotted a meeting deserves an explanation," KSU said.
The hunters called on government "to end this repetitive charade that makes a mockery of rational discussion" by replacing BirdLife with another organisation.
The Ornis Committee decides on issues such as the study on trapping, regulations, licensing and registration of hunters.