Update 2 | Labour candidate apologises for anti-Malmström rant, PN says Muscat ‘reaping what he sowed’

Former St Paul’s Bay councillor posted Facebook status ‘wishing’ EU home affairs commissioner gets kidnapped

Alfred Grima
Alfred Grima

A Labour candidate and former councillor for St Paul's Bay has posted an apology for comments he passed on his Facebook wall in wishing that European Union home affairs commissioner Cecilia Malmström gets kidnapped, after he bookmarked a news item in which a Swedish politican was wounded in a Somali kidnap attempt.

"Having reflected on the comment I passed on commissioner Cecilia Malmström, I believe it was excessive. I publicly apologise to her," Alfred Grima wrote.

The status update by Grima was the latest in a series of rants that the local councillor uploads on his Facebook wall against migrants and asylum seekers, and the outrage it elicited was reported by all Maltese news websites.

Yesterday, Grima posted the following status - "it's shame it wasn't you Cecilia Malmström" - at news that Somali gunmen tried to kidnap Swedish opposition politician Ann-Margarethe Livh, an opposition Left Party city councillor in Stockholm, as she returned to her hotel after giving a speech at the University of Somalia.

Swedish commissioner Malmström was the target of slurs on her Facebook wall by supporters of the Maltese government's attempt to push back some 50 asylum seekers to Somalia without processing their asylum claims.

Grima, a long-serving activist in the Labour Party, has also dubbed illegal immigrants "rejects", claiming that they "steal our children's bread" and that they are tantamount to commit thefts because "they have no money".

In a statement, the Nationalist Party said Grima's deplorable comments were "the result of actions that Prime Minister Joseph Muscat took by attempting an illegal pushback that was stopped by the European Court of Human Rights."

The PN said it was Muscat who "attacked" Malmström when he suggested that it should be Sweden, her home country, to take the group of asylum seekers that were allegedly about to be deported to Libya. "Muscat is reaping what he has sowed. Apologies for such statements are not enough. Muscat is expected to take action with respect to this Labour candidate."

How about these? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqovTGjYjM4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViPm0GUxw-M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt2IApszmf8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gm9q8uabTs
Paul Sammut
Messrs PN whose side are you on? The Maltese or incompetent EU functionaries? Decide and let us know. The Maltese are waiting, not that we do not know already.
Paul Sammut
Messrs PN whose side are you on? The Maltese or incompetent EU functionaries? Decide and let us know. The Maltese are waiting, not that we do not know already.
Paul Sammut
Messrs PN whose side are you on? The Maltese or incompetent EU functionaries? Decide and let us know. The Maltese are waiting, not that we do not know already.
He said what the vast majority thinks about illegal immigrants and Malmstrom who is so arrogant with the Maltese people.
Maureen Attard
Kaz ta' nobzoqha u nilaghqa. Sewwa jghid il-malti li l-qattusa ghaggelija frieh ghomja taghmel.
Luke Camilleri
Common sentiment too common! This chap just did it on FB! It seems that foul language, swearing at feasts at public manifestations just go unnoticed and not condemned! Thou shalt not take the name of CECILIA MALMSTROM in vain! ~ P.N. But that is the PN, or the P.H & B , the Party Of HYPOCRITES AND BIGOTS!
Il-malti jghid li l-kliem zejjed lanqas ghal avukati mhu tajjeb.
He apologized and that should be that.However,his frustration is a common sentiment with the majority of the Maltese people.Ms.Mallstrom is not doing Malta any favours on this issue.
Din Malstrom ma dejjqet xejn timlina bil-klandestini kontra il-volonta taghna. Daqshekk iehor ma niddejaqx jien nghidilha x'nahseb fuqha. Dawn il-kummenti insibu bhalhom fil-gurnali ewlenin tad-dinja u hadd ma joqghod jilghaba tad-dejjaq bhal xi Maltin. Ahna nhobbu lil klandestini daqs kemm inhobbu lil San Pawl. Insalvawhom mill-gharqa, nitimghohom u ntellquhom 'l hemm.
The Pn's statemnt is nothing but pathetic. It shows that this fragmented party would clutch at a straw to try and regain power. But alas the vast majority of the Maltese is four square behind Joseph Muscat as regards illegal immigration. But somehow il-Partit Nazzjinalista keeps ignoring this to their own detriment.
..."apologising" means to say you are sorry for what you said...are you truly and honestly "sorry" ??
Ghalkemm dan il-kunsillier kien stupidu u bohh fil-kummenti tieghu, irrid ninnota li l-midia Maltija saret qisa il- Blogs ta blooger maghrufa li hlief tissindika fuq in-nies ma tafx! AS if x'jghid dan il-kunsillier ghandu piz kbir fuqnu; ghax nghiduha kif inhi, dan ma telghax, u ghallura li jghid kemm fuq face book u bnadi ohra nahseb li huwa bla sugu. Anzi fuq nota pozittiva he apologized: hemm minn anqas dan ma aghmel!
Jien ma nafx ma Alfred Grima qbadtu li diga hareg fuq Facebook li skuza ruhu, ghax ma tarawx il gideb ,kemm ilhom jitmejlu binha l-ewwel wahda Ms.Malstrom, kif ukoll Van Rompoy, insejtuh il Frontex li kienu halqu fi zmien il PN li falla totalment, sa frattant L-Isvezja min fejn gejja Ms. Malstrom il gimgha l-ohra hargu xi cifri li kienu bghatu lura emigranti llegali.
What ignorance. And this coming from a socialist. Has the semi-illiterate Mr.Grima never heard what socialists in European countries have to say about migrants in Europe? Mr.grima- u have no right to speak on behalf of Labourites.
I don't see Alfred Grima's comments as any form of "wish" that Maelstrom gets kidnapped. It's more like a reprimand. I interpret his words like: pity you do not have a firsthand experience of what you compatriots distinguished politicians have gone through - maybe you'll be less cavalier in your attitude and more responsible in your dealings with countries like Malta and the threats they face when they are being invaded by these criminal unidentified invaders coming over from the north African coast.
I am a staunch Labour. Although I don't like the way Maltese are treated bye some EU Big Heads, I wish Cecilia Malstrom the best of Luck in her work and private life. Don't mix politics with ones life after all she is also a human being, Mr Grima should be censured by the Leader and Administration.