Italy’s first black minister blunts the spear of intolerance

Cecile Kyenge, Italy’s first black minister bears the brunt of intolerance as is pelted with bananas and receives death threats.

Italy's first black minister Cecile Kyenge was yet again on the receiving end of vicious racial attacks, after a neo-Nazi was this week detained for distributing leaflets containing racist insults against the minister.

Earlier this week, police in northern Italy detained a 58-year-old neo-Nazi for distributing leaflets containing racist insults against Kyenge, who is now facing charges of contempt against the Italian State.

The unnamed man was identified from security camera footage at the train station in Lodi, where the leaflets were distributed.

Police searched the man's home and found Nazi memorabilia such as uniforms and replicas of grenades and bombs.

Read more in today's edition of MaltaToday on Sunday

The 'Lega Nord' is really racist and viciously so. Italy is large : it also comprises Sicily (Med's biggest island) and Sardegna; thousands of square kilometers of space. Compare this with tiny Malta- 120 kilometers square with a population of half a million people,and then one would understand that there is no space for more illegal immigrants on this islands. Sadly any one who brings this dialectic about is quickly labelled'racist'!
Dear gervais,cishahayo, The political parties in Malta are free to accept whoever on their ranks. The people are free to vote for whoever according to their personal preference. Their actions will be judged by citizens of Malta and thjose eligible to vote. At this point it is useless to assume or make hypotetical statements. Racism is present all over the world. One thing -whenever black considered countries had ruling white politicians violent clashes took place whether justified or not. Humans are like that unfortunately. Labelling only the whites as being racists is also racism.
The Italian political class is courageously taking a bold step to exorcise the "mutatis mutandis" scourge of racism and xenophobic intolerance that ravage/d Europe for many years. Which local political party will be the first to accept such a Maltese citizen of immigration descent among its ranks and and allow hold any significant post of responsibility, out of merit but not only in the name of political correctness?
...and I thought we were branded as intolerant. Probably the Lady was hungry and the other Parliamentarians just wanted to give her some vitamins? Let see what those who call us racists are going to say this time.