115 migrants brought ashore
The group, rescued from a dinghy, consisted of 102 males and 13 females.
File photo.
Shortly after midnight, a group of 115 irregular immigrants were rescued by the Armed Forces of Malta and brought ashore at Haywharf, Floriana. Police said the immigrants arrived in Malta at about 12.45am.
The group consists of 102 males and 13 females. They were rescued from a dinghy about 90 nautical miles away from Malta.
The irregular immigrants were later escorted to the General Headquarters in Floriana.
This was the second arrival this week, after a group of 81 immigrants were brought to Malta on Tuesday morning.

The EU should be pleased to have the cream of the crop arriving in a Maltaese harbour to they can choose from.

Where is Cecilia she might decide to take some of these poor people to Brussels, Dear Miss Malstrom we have heard a lot of talk but no walk. I feel that a Push back is the only way.

Another 115 emigrants stranded in Malta. The E.U. I mean Germany and France are doing the right thing keeping the emigrants away from their shores. My question for how long are we going to continue holding these people here when they want to move on?

Where is Cecilia Malmstrom? Does she realize that a small country like Malta can't keep accepting more illegal immigrants? What is the EU going to do now? Tell us that we can cope with the situation? For how long can we stand to all this illegal invasion? It is better that the government takes serious steps to stop this invasion before the people revolt and take those measures that normally we all condemn.

Same old story and nothing much is being done to solve these problems.

These people undergo a horrific dangerous journey to get here.However sympathetic I am towards their plight, the reality is that we,re are unable to absorb so many of them. It seems the whole of Eritrea and Somalia is emptying itself into the Medetterenan...and one must remember that only a small percentage are genuine refugees. Most are economic migrants..no different to any other third world migrants...

All this is happening because SimonPn signed the very articles that Borg Olivier- the great patriot- did not want to sign when we became members of the United Nations. SimonPN gave up our our frontiers and soverignty; Malta is reaping what SimonPN has sown!

One of these aliens on our island, is one too many! The people are tired of listening the empty rhetoric of the authorities. They shouting for action.