Electoral campaign cost PN €2.2 million

The Nationalist Party publishes financial summary of electoral campaign income and expenditure.

Although they might have lacked creativity and effectiveness, the PN spent €438,000 on billboards.
Although they might have lacked creativity and effectiveness, the PN spent €438,000 on billboards.

The 2013 electoral campaign cost the Nationalist Party €2.2 million according to figures published by the party today.

In a brief statement the PN said that during the three month campaign, the longest in recent history, the party received €1.8 million in donations, meaning that the party was €367,705 in the red by the end of the campaign.

PN secretary-general Chris Said said the party published the summary of accounts "in full respect of accountability and transparency with the aim of giving the public a complete account of the party's expenditure during the electoral campaign."

In total the PN collected €2,208,705, with €1,533,000 being collected in three telethons and €308,000 in "other donations."

As for its expenditure, the mass meetings and other public events organised prior to the 9 March election cost the party €1,028,915 while the billboards which were planted in every corner of Malta and Gozo cost the PN €438,000.

Publications and leaflets cost the PN a further €400,000 and online and printed ads cost just over €340,000.

In April, the PN had hit out at Labour's CEO Gino Cauchi who revealed that the party spent €1.5 million on its election campaign.

The PN had said that unlike Labour it would be publishing detailed accounts. However, although both parties state that they are in favour of stricter party financing legislation, so far they have only provided a fleeting summary which pales in comparison to standard practices abroad.  

Billi jzidu ftit ieħor ser tagħmel xi differenza, issa li hemm, hemm. Zvinturati biss, dawk il-ħaddiema li tilfu xogħolhom wara dawk is-snin kollha li taw bħala servizz lill dan il-partit, biex issa tawhom daqqa ta' sieq fuq sormhom u xkanawhom il-barra. Viva il-PN li dejjem kien partit korrott min rasu sa saqajħ.
it-tkaxkira swiet lil Maltin €2.2 million.
Transparency my foot.......Maybe all these figures are concocted, considering these people`s (Gonzi PN) attitude towards Maltese people`s money while in Government The point is how come the PN ended bankrupt then?
Even if this were so, the Finanzi fis-Sod hole the PN left behind was €8 million. The hole had already been dug months if not years before and it was widened during the electoral campaign. Maybe Zaren helped them with his digging tools!!!