PN leader says police commissioner turning corps into ‘Labour club’

PN leader Simon Busuttil accuses Police Commissioner Peter Paul Zammit of turning police force into Labour club.

Simon Busuttil (File Photo)
Simon Busuttil (File Photo)

Police commissioner Peter Paul Zammit was turning the corps into a "Labour club," Opposition leader Simon Busuttil said.

Speaking during an interview on the Nationalist Party's radio station, Busuttil said that recent events, including the commissioner's handling of the investigations into the wrongful arrest of an innocent person, had shown that Zammit's leadership was objectionable. 

Listing a number of episodes which "embarrassed" the police force, Busuttil highlighted the function in which policemen were sent to work as waiters.

"The police commissioner is trying to turn the corps into a Labour club. I am making a stern warning because these events are unacceptable," Busuttil said.

He added that he would not allow the commissioner to victimise anyone for political reasons, Busuttil said in reference to Inspector Elton Taliana who is under investigation for his role in the wrongful arrest of Daryl Luke Borg.

Findings from the police board inquiry into the wrongful prosecution of 27-year-old Darryl Luke Borg concluded that Police Inspector Elton Taliana had failed to inform investigating officers that a second suspect had been interrogated and admitted to committing the crime while Borg was in prison for a crime he didn't commit.

It also recommended that disciplinary measures should be taken against Taliana. The 13-page report was published by the Ministry for Home Affairs. However, in recent weeks, the Opposition has gone to great lengths to defend Taliana and accuse the police board of investigating the wrong person.

Busuttil described the police board inquiry as a "travesty of justice" and expressed his disappointment at the outcome of the inquiry.

"I blame the Prime Minister for appointing a police board which has investigated a person who carried his duties properly instead of investigating why and who was responsible for arraigning the wrong person. It's not the board's fault or its chairman's, but the fault for this travesty lies squarely at the government's feet," Busuttil said.

"I am not surprised about this since the Police Commissioner is a Labour activist," Busuttil said, adding that the Opposition had warned about the danger of appoint Peter Paul Zammit at the helm of the police corps.

This week, the Nationalist Party raised a possible breach of data retention laws over claims by the commissioner that he checked telephone logs that confirmed that ministerial aide Silvio Scerri had not contacted Darryl Luke Borg before giving evidence in front of the police board.

In reference to this, the PN leader asked what guarantee does the public have that the police commissioner will not ask for anyone's phone logs if he has done this illegally in Borg's case.

On the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee, which this week started scrutinising the National Audit Office investigations into Enemalta's oil procurement procedures between 2008 and early 2011, Busuttil said that the PN was committed to exposing the truth. 

"We do not want anything to remain concealed. We are committed to expose the truth," Busuttil said as he pointed out that the NAO report had a series of serious shortcomings.

These shortcomings include the lack of questioning of persons involved in the oil procurement, Busuttil said as he explained that the PN was obliged to point out these shortcomings while insisting that these do not constitute an attack on the NAO.

However, Busuttil accused the NAO of having double standards when it awarded direct orders while scrutinising the government's contracts. He added that the NAO had appointed experts who were employed at Enemalta when the state utility's activities are under investigation, in reference to Robert Ghirlando who was Enemalta chairman between 1998 and 2003.  

He accused the government of committing the same mistakes committed by previous Nationalist administrations, adding that while the PN was "humbly" admitting its past mistakes, the Labour government had not learnt anything.

"The government has not started governing. We have a government elected on the Malta Taghna Lkoll shout which is rudderless. The country is going round in circles, not knowing what direction to take," Busuttil said, criticising the government for its lack of employment policies.

He accused the Labour government of "hijacking" the country rather than governing the country, adding that the government has made the country its own private property.

Asked on the PN's restructuring process, Busuttil admitted that the last four months were "possibly the most difficult period for the party since Independence in 1964."

"These four months have not been wasted. We have put our house in order and only after completing this process can we go out and get on with our job. If we do not put our house in order it would be useless going into electoral campaigns with the intent of emerging victorious."

Busuttil insisted that the party was rebuilding bridges with the people and reconnecting with the electorate.

"This is in contrast with the government who is still on holiday. Where is the government? " Busuttil said, hitting out at foreign minister George Vella for missing an EU meeting on the Egyptian crisis because he was on holiday.

"Who thinks that the PN is standing still, we have gone on and chosen eight candidates for next year's European election, one year before the election giving the candidates time to meet with the electorate," the PN leader said, noting that the PN would be choosing more candidates at a later stage.

Admitting that the 2014 European elections might come too soon for the party, Busuttil said that the PN is aiming at electing three MEPs for the first time ever.

He explained that the PN would be upping the tempo in the coming weeks, with the party set to announce the activities leading to the 49th anniversary of the country's independence in September.

Directly addressing the party faithful, Busuttil said: "The PN needs you now, be there for the party in the coming weeks as we celebrate Independence."

Busuttil also denied reports, which said that he was currently urging workers to resign from the General Workers Union and join the PN-leaning Union Haddiema Maghqudin. He said that he would be seeking legal advice on these reports and insisted that he respected unions' autonomy.  

Yet, Busuttil shed doubts on the General Workers' Union autonomy by asking whether the union would take the workers' side or the government's side in the eventuality of an industrial dispute.


Kien Dr Jason Azzopardi, li beda din l-istorja billi qal li hu xokkanti li l-Korp arrestat persuna innocenti Borg,(kulhadd innocenti sakem tinstab hati)u dan baqa arrestat ghalkemm min kien il-culprit gie maqbud u ghametta li hu hati. S'hawnhekk, kollox sew. Imma dan beda iddawwar id-diska!Meta saru jafu li xi ufficjali involuti setghu kienu Nazzjonalisti, dawwar id-diska u beda idoqq l-flip side, jigiefieri li Sivio Scerri hu l-hati ghax Laburist; wara ftit anke l-kummissarju gie hati u anke l-Ministru Mallia. Il-bierah rajna l-bassezza ta , meta qal li il-Prim Ministru hu hati ta dan kollu!!! Nahseb li l-PN b'Simon bi tmun diga qieghed gol-hajt!!!!
Can someone explain what on earth is the meaning of the word "traversija", reported by NET News to have been used by Dr. Busuttil in this interview? The word appears in no dictionary of Maltese or even Italian. Was it intended to mean "travesty" perhaps? The translation of "travesty" may be "parodija" e.g. "travesty of justice" = "parodija tal-gustizzja".
PN Supporters in the past used to be called "Tal-Maduma". Over the years this changed to GONZIPN and now Simon Busuttil is once again portraying the image of "Tal-Maduma" - you have to be "Wiccek maduma" to say that the Police Commissioner is turning the Police into a Labour Club. Who appointed Taliana, why was he detailed to Tonio Borg during which time he was investigated for criminal activity and covered up. Simon should answer these questions first. Who were recruited into the Corps over the last 25 years and has there been one single recruitment after March 2013? So the same Nationalist diehards recruited over the last 25 years are still in absolute control with instructions from the PN (as they know best how) to torpedo every effort for cleaning up the mess the Corps was left in. Such is the state of corruption pervading every single facet of the PN that they will stoop at nothing to protect their members even after a board headed by an incorruptible judge submitted that the same Police Inspector detailed with Tonio Borg must be held responsible.
Priscilla Darmenia
Qabel kull settur u organizzazjoni governativa kienet klabb tal-PN. Issa Simon qed igerger ghax dawn qed isiru klabbs tal-PL (kif qed jahseb hu). Simon - ibqa sejjer hekk u ghandek 20 sena garantiti fil-opposoznoni
At first they started to complain about the commissioner's appointment , simply because he was not a serving officer as if they had forgotten that the commissioner appointed in 1987 was also a non serving officer. What about the "contact persons" in every government department , sometimes referred to as PN clubs or liason officers, In fact I looked at the staff list and the grade "Laison officers" did not exist.
Luke Camilleri
As always Simon Busullotti keeps judging by the "WRAPPING" .... and his memory keeps getting shorter to! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He just keeps shooting BLANKS just like with the Secret Service issue...and even these BLANKS have a tendency to explode in his Party's face!
Abdi D
Simon Busuttil is worried because on ONE occassion some police officers acted as waiters on a voluntary basis, what has he got to say about army officers who are daily doing the job of cooks and waiters and worse jobs in detention centers? Doesn't this embarrass our armed forces? What has Simon got to say about the time when the prime Minister acted as investigator, judge and jury, giving a known criminal a Presidential Pardon and accusing someone else of a crime who was later found not guilty, didn't that incident embarrass both the police force and our Courts? I wonder is the PN defending PC Taljana because he did his best to embarrass the Police force?
It was obvious from the very beginning why the PN were defending the game SimonPN wanted to play: today we have the confirmation of Dr Busutill himself! Mela ghadkom tahsbuna cwiec? Jew tmexxu intom jew ma thallu lil hadd jiggverna; allavolja hadtu tkaxxkira storika mill-poplu? Dr Busutill you have lost our trust and you just can't get it!
It was obvious from the very beginning why the PN were defending the game SimonPN wanted to play: today we have the confirmation of Dr Busutill himself! Mela ghadkom tahsbuna cwiec? Jew tmexxu intom jew ma thallu lil hadd jiggverna; allavolja hadtu tkaxxkira storika mill-poplu? Dr Busutill you have lost our trust and you just can't get it!
When one reads the comments of Simon Busuttil to the Maltese media as an opposition leader’s strategy or sees the performance of Jason Azzopardi & Beppe Fenech Adami on the oil procurement committee defending the indefensible, there must be a growing concern within the Nationalist Camp in wondering if the party has hit rock bottom yet. The choice of leadership including his deputies is very alarming and one has to ask the executives, ”Gentlemen is this the best we have to offer?” Is this a political blunder designed so the PN remain in opposition for decades? It has been a really bad week for the PN considering that first we watched and listened to Fenech Adami turn an issue whether to distinguish between relevant documents and minutes that were lacking substance into farcical theatre and promoting himself as a national jester. Now we are exposed to the leader’s accusations on Police collusion that are more than a little far fetched. Inflating and twisting facts seems to be the new PN strategy. No matter which way you slice it, the facts are clear to everyone with common sense that the PN has not even started to manage their slippery slope of political irrelevance. They haven’t even started to stop the bleeding from that infected wound of national integrity. Is this a reflection into how well they managed Mater Dei Hospital? To Mr. Busuttil, Mr. Azzopardi & Mr. Fenech Adami, the best that they could do is loose their integrity and communications with those still aligned with the PN, if they continue on their present course of political charades defending the actions of a party that was riddled with questionable deals, very shady transparency while ignoring the plight of their forsaken party workers. Smarten up because the Maltese people have learned a bitter political lesson not to be soon forgotten and are paying a heavy price financing the collusion, corruption and fraud generated with careless and manipulated administration.
Tal-biza, back to the eighties.
U ghad fadallu bicca xoghol kbira l-Partit ta malta Taghna ikollbiex jaqleb id-dipartimenti tal-Gvern minn klabbs tal-Partit Nazzjonalista ghal Partit taghna Ilkoll, wara hamsa u ghoxrin sena taht Eddie u Wenzu. Wiehed mill-aktar li ghandu problem kbar huwa il-Profs Scicluna biex jaqta il-haxix u il-korruzzjoni li hemm fid-dipartimenti tieghu. Ex impjegat tac-Civil.
Mela ma jafx Simon li taht il-PN, anki biex tidhol tahdem il-freeport trid tkun tesserat fil-PN, inkella ma jkollokx chance ghal xoghol fil-freeport?? Ahjar jghidilna minn fejn kienu qed jithallsu l-haddiema tal-istamperija qabel l-elezzjoni - min jaf kemm ghad iridu jinkixfu affarijiet. Il-PN jipprova jiddevja l-ahbarijiet u jdawwarhom.
Simon Busuttil imissu jisthi ...... ergajna ghat-tattika tal-partit nazzjonalista tas-soltu ..... ghax istituzzjoni ma taghtix ragun lil xi nazzjonalist jew ghal xi hnizrija li johorgu biha, halli ghalihom allura biex jibdew kampanja biex ikissru din l-istituzzjoni ..... veru nies li jqazzuk bil-hmieg li hiereg mill-pori taghhom kull darba li jkun hemm gvern laburista ..... jahsbu li malta taghhom ...... SIMON HU MEXXEJ PATETIKU, VOJT U MALINN DAQS DAWK KOLLHA LI KIEN HEMM QABLU JEKK JAHSEB LI GHAX JIPPROVA JKISSER U JIMMINA L-ISTITUZZJONIJIET NAZZJONALI SE JIKSEB XI VANTAGG ... IMISSU JISTHI U JMUR JINDIFEN FIL-HANUT TAL-IMSIEMER U TAL-GRANPUNI TAL-FAMILJA F'MANNARINU GHAX GA DEJJAQNA .....
This man, Simon Busuttil amazes me. He unjustifiably tags people and institutions they represent with political affiliation. The sooner the P.N. cuts this crap the better. My God what a useless Opposition in parliament Malta has!!!! Reading on the PAC's proceedings in respect of the oil scandal I have come to the conclusion that the Opposition will do everything in its might to deviate public attention. The P.N. has a lot to answer and this is precisely the Opposition's nightmare. I'm sure more of the P.N.'s mismanagement will continue to resurface as time passes by.