PN looks ‘forward’ in Independence celebrations

PN launches programme of events for Independence festivities between 18 and 21 September.

The PN today announced the programme of events for its annual Independence day celebrations which will take place in Floriana between 18 and 21 September.

Taking a leaf from US president Barack Obama's peerless campaign team, the PN chose 'Forward' as its slogan, the same rallying cry which carried Obama to his second sterm at the White House.

Although the party normally stretches its celebrations over a week, this year the PN decided to hold a four-day celebration, in line with its efforts to its address its precarious financial situation.

The PN also moved its traditional Independence mass meeting to from the eve of the national holiday to September 21, Independence day proper.

The PN deputy leader for party affairs Beppe Fenech Adami stressed the importance of Independence day to the party and said that the party would "celebrate the 49th anniversary of Independence as it has always done through thick and thin."

Fenech Adami said that as the PN slogan testified, the party was looking ahead with optimism "in today's reality and the historical context of Independence day."

Insisting that the PN has always been a "forward looking" political force, Fenech Adami stressed that Malta's Independence gained in 1964 was the PN's brainchild and added that the PN also had the foresight to restore democracy in the eighties, introduce extensive economic and social reforms and lead Malta to EU membership.

He pointed out that the country was facing problems "which we thought belonged to the past. It is evident the current Labour government has no social and economic plan and no policies on job creation."

PN secretary-general Chris Said said that the party was going through a renewal process which will lead the party's commercial entities to achieve sustainability in the coming weeks and statutory changes which will be approved by the PN General Council after Independence. 

The Opposition is aiming to achieve financial sustainability by the end of this month which should see the party's employees recieve unpaid salaries - most going back to two months - by the end of this month.

He added that the PN will also seal the renewal of its local committees and branches before the end of the year.

The PN secretary-general explained that in the weeks leading to the Independence celebrations on the Granaries in Floriana, the party would be meeting students, workers and people from all walks of life in towns and villages.

He called on PN supporters to join the party's celebrations which will include debates and discussions, apart from the entertainment which this year will see a number of artists such Gianluca Bezzina, Chiara, Airport Impressions and The Big Band Brothers perform on the Granaries.

He also thanked the party's volunteers and activists "without whom the festivities would not be possible."

Luke Camilleri
ERFGHULI post quddiem .... hdejn l'ex- impjegati tad-Dar Centrali li spiccaw redundant u bla impjieg WAQT li jigi impjegat Michael Fenech Adami! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dak ir-RENEWAL PROCESS, titfa il-haddiema il barra bex idahhal wiehed TA' GEWWA!
Forward to what dear Simon PN....Till now since your election as leader the PN is still empty space filled with loud mouths.
Forward to what? More libelous statements? more lies? more corruption being uncovered? More arrogance? more holes in the finanzi fis-sod? The PN has been a disaster for this country, amassing € 5.2 billion in national debt during their tenure in office, sold practically all of Malta's assets such as the Freeport, the Dockyard, Mid-Med Bank, BOV, TeleMalta, the Port areas, Fort Chambray, Manoel Island and Tigne Point. All these assets were sold for next to nothing to their blue eyed cronies. Yes, the PN can look forward to reaping handouts for all this, but what can the people of Malta look forward to? CERTAINLY NOT THE PN.
Forward to what? More libelous statements? more lies? more corruption being uncovered? More arrogance? more holes in the finanzi fis-sod? The PN has been a disaster for this country, amassing € 5.2 billion in national debt during their tenure in office, sold practically all of Malta's assets such as the Freeport, the Dockyard, Mid-Med Bank, BOV, TeleMalta, the Port areas, Fort Chambray, Manoel Island and Tigne Point. All these assets were sold for next to nothing to their blue eyed cronies. Yes, the PN can look forward to reaping handouts for all this, but what can the people of Malta look forward to? CERTAINLY NOT THE PN.
David Bongailas
I see!! so now after a colossal defeat the PN wants to meet people from all walks of life in towns and villages! So why not before March 2013 ?? And what about the former stamperija employees does Simon Busutill care about them at all ?? And the cherry on the cake comes from Dr.Fenech Adami...."the country is facing or Problems which we thought belonged to the past"........may I point out that the Labour party is yet to present it's first budget, so any economic or social setback is only thanks to the PN and it's "forward lookng" polcies. Oh and by the way Dr.Fenech Adami with a post-graduate degree I was unemployed for two and a half years under your government..........thank god I found a better future abroad.
They have also moved the mass meeting to the 21st September which means that the idea of celebrating the national feast together as Maltese is another thing going up in smoke for the PM. The PN are notorious for the use of Machiavellianism, for which the leader for party affairs is an expert.
How can we celebrate indipendence when we are an EU colony?
How can we celebrate indipendence when we are an EU colony?