Record passenger traffic at MIA in August

Record in tourist arrivals achieved in August, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat says.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat in talks with Forum.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat in talks with Forum.

Last month was the busiest month ever in tourist arrivals, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said today.

Speaking during a meeting he had with Forum, the union confederation, Muscat said that the economy was showing very positive signs and the government's incentives were paying off.

"The economy is growing and is showing clear signs of recovery," Muscat said, adding that the tourism sector was reaping the benefits of the government's incentives to stimulate growth.

"August was the busiest month ever in tourist arrivals at the Malta International Airport," Muscat said, explaining that in the last few months have registered a steady increase over the corresponding months in 2012.

He added that the government had "many new ideas" aimed at stimulating economic growth. Muscat said these plans would be announced in the 2014 Budget in the coming months.

"We cannot distribute wealth unless the government rakes in more money," he said.

The Prime Minister also noted that the country is on the right track in reducing its deficit below the 3% threshold set by the European Union.

 Forum president Paul Pace highlighted a number of issues concerning the confederation, chiefly the reforms needed at the Public Service Commission and job creation.

On his part, Muscat said that the Public Service Commission's role would be reviewed in the forthcoming Constitutional reform, pointing out that the Constitutional body had room for improvement.

He also said that the pre-electoral Collective Agreement signed by the previous administration was a hastily agreed upon social partners and the Nationalist administration although it was clear that parts of the agreement were unworkable.

On job creation, Muscat said that the government would be introducing a number of incentives especially to encourage women to enter the work force.

In reference to today's agreement with Libya over the purchase of oil at advantageous rates would serve as a cushion for Maltese families who have been exposed fluctuating international prices.

He said the agreement would provide a cushion for petrol, diesel and LPG, adding that the agreement would see Malta purchase refined, oil, fuel jet, LPG and crude oil.