Malta’s cleanliness an issue of concern for Muscat

Joseph Muscat says he is ‘dissatisfied’ at lack of cleanliness in certain localities around the Maltese Islands.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat in meeting with MHRA
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat in meeting with MHRA

The lack of cleanliness in certain areas across Malta, especially those mostly frequented by tourists, are a cause for concern for Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.

Addressing a meeting with the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association, Muscat said the issue was also raised during Cabinet meetings.

"I am not satisfied at all with the level of cleanliness in certain areas, but we were too late to do something this year," Muscat admitted.

"We have spoken to a number of mayors, including those of St Julian's and St Paul's Bay. The reality is that local councils do not have enough money to keep up the maintenance and central government has to intervene."

He also said that a number of "emergency measures" had been ordered in the localities.

With the discussion focusing on tourism, Muscat said Malta may have another record year but he wanted to hold his horses.

"As soon as he took up his ministry, [tourism minister] Karmenu [Vella] didn't waste any time in taking a number of decisions to help tourism. But we still cannot rest," he added, insisting that the success of tourism depended on how much tourists spend in Malta.

Muscat conceded that places of attractions had to increase to offer something different to both locals and foreigners.

"I was impressed by how much the National Aquarium helped to revive the Qawra area," he said.

Referring to Budget 2014, Muscat reiterated that the budget will hold "no fancy surprises".

"We will be implementing what we promised in our electoral manifesto. We are addressing the fundamentals of our economy: competitiveness, the government-induced costs and labour costs." 

Speaking on energy, Muscat said government's work in the sector was "not rocket science".

"We are addressing the fundamentals for a coherent energy policy. We are on track to reduce the utility bills which will in turn boost the economy in terms of consumer spending power."

Referring to the memorandum of understanding signed with Libya on Monday, Muscat said this "strategic agreement" would address fuel costs.

"Once Libya resumes its oil exportation production we won't remain exposed to the international market and will give us a cushion for price stability," he said.

The agreement, he added, was important to address Enemalta's financial woes whose debt reached the €800 million mark.

"Enemalta is not out of the woods yet and we have to continue working. This is a strategic direction for Enemalta and we are a government that is clear on its position and committed towards the state entity," the PM insisted.

On his part, MHRA president Tony Zahra welcomed the Libya oil procurement deal reiterating energy was vital for the country's competitiveness.

He also expressed satisfaction as Malta headed towards another record year in the number of  tourist arrivals, estimating there would be a 100,000 increase in passenger traffic.

Zahra also suggested that weekly activities should be held during the winter months in order to attract tourists.

Totally concur. Sliema is in a mess all day long with rubbish being taken out very early in the morning and on many occasions after the collection. If it is a Monday and black bags are taken out, then these will stay there till Wednesday late evening, as Tuesday is Recycling Day. How is that for cleaniness and it seems that nothing is being done to bring the morons to book!!!
Naqbel perfettament mal-PM, il-pajjiz jidher u fil-fatt huwa mahmug. Bicca mit-tort naghtih lil certi operaturi li hobzhom gej mit-turizmu stess. Ez. il-hmieg u rwejjah li jhallu warajhom iz-zwiemel tal-karozzini. Aslu wasla sa fejn id-dwana u tifhmu ahjar. Nissuggerixxi li jkun hemm wardens li jaraw li min ihammeg ghandu jnaddaf. Jekk bhali tmur timxi M'Scala filghodu kmieni, specjalment il-Hadd filghodu tara herba shiha bil-hmieg li jkunu hallew warajhom in-nies is-Sibt filghaxija. Tara hafna kaxxi tat-take away u pizza mal-art, tara tazzi tal-gelat ma' kullimkien, barra m'ghandniex xi nghidu il-hmieg li jhallu s-sidien tal-klieb li johrgu jdawru l-klieb taghhom. Veru tal-misthija. Hemm bzonn sorveljanza stretta u multi horox ghal min jinqabad jhammeg.
Jien ktibt lil kunsil ta St.Pawl Il Bahar dwar Triq It Turisti fil Qawra. Tal misthijja dik it triq. Dejjem bit turisti u jisima Triq it Turisti.Din it triq ghanda tkun ta ezempju jew ibidlulha isimha TRIQ IL HMIEG.
At last! Whilst I had my hotel business on the island under the previous corrupt regime I made many complaints to tourism authority and ministry about noise pollution and cleanliness matters only to be persecuted by officials so much I quit the island! I sincerely hope Mr. Muscat cracks down on matters to save the islands tourism industry. Good luck to him and to Malta.
Mela jekk m'ghandhomx flus bizzejjed ma jmisshomx jibdew progetti ta' toroq u jieqfu f'nofshom. Ghaslu wasla sa Triq Guljetta Lopez, go Santa Lucia. Saret bicca bankina f' Mejju. Thaffret trinka fl-ahhar ta' Lulju, u issa wieqaf kollox, xhar shih. U dan bicca triq ta' madwar mitt metru. Immaginaw it-trab itir ma' kull karozza li tghaddi, jew jekk ikun ir-rih. Barra c-caflis jekk taghmel ix-xita. Tal-misthija.
Ghandu ragun Joseph. Hmieg ma kullimkien. Dan is-sajf kont ta sikwit Ghawdex u hemm wisq hmieg u trabijiet fit-toroq. Ghaddi mit-triq li mix-Xewkija tiehdok sar-rahal tal-Qala u hlief trab, hitan imwaqqa, hmieg u telqa ma tarax. Ghandu jkun hemm haddiema assenjati ma areas partikulari u jaraw li jkun hemm l-indafa u ambjent pjacevoli. Inkella t-turisti se jkun jaqblilhom imorru Timbuktu.