Robbers caught red-handed while victim was hearing mass

Police said they did not find anything suspicious upon arriving, but on further investigation suspicious tool marks were found on another door.

Two men who aimed to rob an elderly woman, who was hearing mass at the time, were arrested shortly after breaking into her residence this morning. 

The attempted robbery took place in Triq il-Mitħna, Żebbuġ at about 7.15am.

The men were caught red-handed by the Qormi District Police, minutes after they were informed that two persons were breaking into a house.

Police said they did not find anything suspicious upon arriving, but on further investigation suspicious tool marks were found on another door.

Police did not see anyone inside when he looked through the residence’s letter box, but upon forcing the door open they came face-to-face with the men. One of the burglars was carrying a long screwdriver in his pocket.

The men, who are 44 and 34 years old both live in Żebbuġ. They were arrested for further investigation.

Although the house’s bedroom was found in disarray, nothing seems to have been stolen.  

Luke Camilleri
FL'AHHAR! Ilhom snin ibghatu minn serq l'anzjani Zebbugin bla ma jinqghabad had! Ghandhu jsir ezempju minn dawn li nqabdu U TFITTXIJA GHAL DEHEB misruq fi djarhom u fuq familthom U FEJN KIENU JBIEGHU ID-DEHEB MISRUQ TAGHHOM! U mhux it-traffikanti tad-drogi biss ghandhom ikollhom l'assi, propjeta u anki xi SUV konfiskati imam anki min jahqar l'anzjani taghna LI LANQAS QUDDIESA MA JISTGHU JISIMGHU FIL -KWIET ! HA JSIR EZEMPJU minn dawn la fl'ahhar inqabghad xi had! Fittxu wkoll is-sensar u l-kummissjonanti ta' dan is-serq!