PN’s fixation on political appointments ‘hypocritical’, says Alfred Sant
Former prime minister says keen interests on who gets appointed by ministers is ‘senseless’
Former prime minister now candidate for the European Parliament Alfred Sant has blasted the media interest in Labour's political appointments as "hypocritical and senseless."
Sant, 65, poured cold water over the umbrage expressed by PN representatives and their "fellow travellers" on the appointments of Labour candidates and other businesspeople close to the party establishment onto government boards and corporations.
"Sometimes I really don't believe what's happening... every appointment being made, and there's little they like, is 'political' and condemnable. I don't know how they can be taken seriously - the Central Bank governor is a former Nationalist minister; the chief executive of the PBS led a 'GonziPN' campaign; the head of the National Statistics Office was a PN councillor; and the Children's Commissioner was a junior minister," Sant wrote in his blog.
"A list of the names we had before the change in government in March would have ended up with the cream of GonziPN activsts. So senseless are these stories on 'political appointments' you'd have to wonder whether these sources are actually living in Malta."
The most recent appointment to raise eyebrows has been Labour MP and pyrotechnics lobbyist Michael Falzon to chair a working group tasked with devising a new policy on fireworks factories. The policy will cover the granting of permits to new factories; however, the appointment has raised questions of potential conflict of interest.