Opposition urges government to draft clear tourism strategy

Record numbers achieved during 2013 result of strategy adopted by PN administration, Opposition MP insists.

The Opposition's spokesman for tourism Robert Arrigo has urged the government to come up with a clear strategy on tourism, insisting that without such a strategy several industries would be put at risk.

Arrigo said the Nationalist Party was ready to contribute in terms of policies and ideas in order to see the sector flourish.

"The Opposition is also studying its tourism policy, including Air Malta, to continue developing its ideas and proposals for the development of the sector," the MP said in a statement.

According to Arrigo, many tourism stakeholders were asking about the government's plan in attracting new markets and whether there will be investment in new routes to Malta.

"What projects and initiatives will be developed in order to improve our tourism product? And what is the Labour government doing to attract cruise liners companies now that their contract terminated?" Arrigo said.

Referring to two reports published by the National Statistics Office and the Malta Tourism Authority highlighting how tourism grew in the past years, Arrigo said the PN was diligent in continue developing the sector as one of the economic pillars. He said the previous administration invested in tourism product, infrastructure and advertising.

"The Labour government however cannot think that results will be achieved on their own. We urged the government to draft a clear strategy to continue improving the country's core markets and target new one. The Tourism Minister must explain what are his visions and strategies and not simply base himself on those adopted by the previous administration," Arrigo said.

Robert Arrigo jidher li l-memorja qeda thallih jewe irid jidher li qieghed jaghmel xi haga bhal shabu, joqod attent li ma jirilux bhal Jason li hlief cucati sa issa ma qalx. Robert jidher li se jipprova jimitah. Biss ta minn iffakkru li id-dgemgim li kien isir minn minn ghandu sehem fl-industruija tat-Turizmu spicca u kull ma qedin nismghu huma kummenti posittivi. Ghidilna kif sejjer inti personali Robert jekk hux ahjar jew ghar.
Luke Camilleri
Opposition's spokesman for tourism Robert Arrigo ~ good enough for a spokesman for tourism, but NOT EVEN GOOD ENOUGH IN 25 YEARS of PN administration to be given at least a Junior Ministerial post! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOW they want a strategy..... just like in 1996 when Karmenu Vella took over from FZD and the TOURISM INDUSTRY just flourished after being given direction than , AND IS BEING GIVEN DIRECTION NOW!