Investigation ordered after hospital loses biopsy
Health Ministry orders investigation after patient’s biopsy goes missing at Mater Dei Hospital.
The Ministry for Health has ordered an investigation to establish how a patient's biopsy was lost at Mater Dei Hospital.
A biopsy is a medical test involving sampling of cells or tissues for examination.
"The investigation was ordered as soon as the Ministry was made aware of the case this morning. The case is being treated seriously, and people will be held accountable," the health ministry said in a statement.
The findings of the investigation will be communicated to the patient's relatives.
The ministry said the current government was doing its best to address shortcomings in the system, inherited from the previous administration. It added that such shortcomings resulted in such incidents.
Prosit lill-amministrazzjoni l-gdida talli qeda tinvestiga dan il-kaz, imma issa li ghaddew 7 xhur mill-BIDLA, nahseb ma jistax jibqa jwahhal fl-amministrazzjoni ta qablu.
Someone else will be getting the wrong diagnosis.