Malta’s fuel purchases minuted in scribbles since 2004

More of the now infamous FPC meeting minutes published: seven years, millions in fuel contracts all recorded in scribbles.

Former Enemalta chairman Alex Tranter, who will today be questioned by the PAC, led the fuel procurement committee after 2005.
Former Enemalta chairman Alex Tranter, who will today be questioned by the PAC, led the fuel procurement committee after 2005.

Seven years of decisions that determined the purchase of millions in fuel for Enemalta went by without ever being properly minuted, documents obtained by this newspaper show.

Enemalta's fuel procurement committee, the body that decided from whom Enemalta purchased its fuel, never formally kept minutes of its decisions. Instead a collection of scribbled notes were kept until action was taken in 2011.

The evidence suggests that the poor record keeping may have obscured decisions that favoured particular oil suppliers to Enemalta.


The last FPC meeting minutes that were kept according to appropriate record-keeping methods dated to 18 December 2003.

The minutes only resumed a formal nature when responsibility for the energy sector was passed from Austin Gatt to Finance Minister Tonio Fenech in 2011.

The properly kept minutes from December 2003 comprise six pages and include the names of committee members, agenda items and fuel bids received, and they also explain the procurement committee's reasoning in selecting, in this case, an offer by Dutch commodities firm Trafigura.

The same company has been implicated in the alleged payment of kickbacks to then-Enemalta chairman Tancred Tabone and his consultant Frank Sammut - who occupied the post of chief of Enemalta's bunkering arm, the Mediterranean Bunkering Oil Corporation (MOBC) - for the supply of oil to Enemalta.

Informed sources told MaltaToday that the only minutes found for meetings after 2003 are mostly handwritten, incomprehensible notes. Although some may include the date or committee members, the majority cannot be matched to an FPC meeting.

Last week, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice Owen Bonnici told a parliamentary accounts committee hearing on the National Audit Office's audit of fuel procurement policy that minutes "started deteriorating when corruption of the award of oil contracts started creeping in".

Bonnici said the poor minute taking took place during the same period as Trafigura was awarded its first contract in 2004, even though it was not among the 16 bidders for the tender.

So far, the Auditor General's audit of fuel procurement has concentrated on decisions taken between 2008 and mid-2011, for which he flagged the abysmal level of record keeping and documentation adopted by the FPC. The minutes reviewed by NAO "lacked the most rudimentary level of detail and bore no information relating to meeting discussions and decisions taken", the NAO said in its audit.

The situation was so serious that the NAO said it couldn't understand how decisions worth hundreds of million of euros could have been subject to this abysmal level of record keeping and documentation, "in blatant violation of the principles of management, good governance, accountability and transparency".

Following the publication of the NAO report, Enemalta's former chief financial officer Pippo Pandolfino claimed that the scribbled minutes were his "own working notes". Pandolfino attended all committee meetings between 2004 and 2009.

MaltaToday's revelations of kickbacks paid in 2004 and the involvement of oil trader George Farrugia - an agent for Trafigura and TOTSA who was eventually granted a presidential pardon to turn state witness - led to various charges of bribery and corruption against former Enemalta chairman Tancred Tabone, former chief of MOBC Frank Sammut, businessmen Anthony Cassar and Francis Portelli, and three former Enemalta officials, Tarcisio Mifsud, Ray Ferris and Alfred Mallia.

Now that we know that there was a possible corruption, why local petrol prices still are going up ?
Joseph MELI
Sagittarius -First off,why not learn how to spell your star sign non-de plume and why not put forward your real name -what are you frightened of?Second of all you state that the MOU signed with Libya" is beneficial to Malta" how so- why not tell what these benefits are?As only you and Muscat appear to be privy to such knowledge- info such as 1. When will we start to receive such energy at preferential /discounted rates ?2.What are these rates ? 3. How and when will the consumer "benefit" from such rates ? 4.How long is this MOU valid for ?Small details I know you only you know that these are beneficial to Malta -so tell us how beneficial and given the precarious situation in Libya can we be reliably assured that the terms and conditions of this clandestine "deal -or Memorandum Of Understanding as you like to call it-actually ever be fulfilled by Libya ?
@pmurray. And how about the Enemalta saga? Tell us about it, why do you harp on the MOU signed with Libya. At least the latter is beneficial to Malta. The former has destroyed the credibility of our institutions, and guess what under the P.N administration!!
How is it that nobody seems interested in asking whose responsibility it was to take minutes in these meetings? One must assume that they were paid to attend, keep minutes of such meetings and have them clearly typed, read, approved and signed by the board in the next session. Yet neither the PAC members nor anybody else including journalists have the least bit of interest to expose the people that colluded in such a scandal and defrauded the state of millions of euros. This is not a matter of scribbled minutes but an intentional attempt to deceive and mislead for greed and financial gain at the detriment of the government and its citizens. Unless this investigation into the fuel procurement takes a more professional attitude to discover and expose the truth, one must conclude that this is nothing but a political agenda designed to shed a bad public opinion on the past administration rather than trying to uncover and expose the culprits who colluded and collected millions of euros at Maltese tax payers expense. It is becoming another example of Maltese justice, where those who manipulate a few euros are sent to Corradino Prison, yet the politically connected who mismanage and defraud millions are simply protected by a staged investigation whereby its committee members are more interested in damage control to their own parties, rather than the real facts of this disastrous scandal that went on for a decade. Let everybody reflect that this PAC committee should be looking into the millions paid in hidden commissions and the millions of extra charges to the Maltese consumers.
Din tal-Enemalta hija l-ikbar saga li Alla jbierek dawk l-erba bloggers Nazzjonalisti li jiktbu fuq il-gazzetta l-ohra ta' kuljum bl-Ingliz qatt ma jsemmu ghax din thammar wicc l-amministrazzjoni bla kont li kellna qabel.
Din tal-Enemalta hija l-ikbar saga li Alla jbierek dawk l-erba bloggers Nazzjonalisti li jiktbu fuq il-gazzetta l-ohra ta' kuljum bl-Ingliz qatt ma jsemmu ghax din thammar wicc l-amministrazzjoni bla kont li kellna qabel.
A simple question: Which bed was the regulator (MALTA RESOURCES AUTHORITY) sleeping in during this whole period of unmitigated, abysmal management procedures, that one may assume was practiced by ALL involved????
Joseph MELI
Fred Karno ,that well know circus entrepreneur ,must be spinning in his grave as how much would he have paid to have these inept incompetents in his dog and pony show?However,the oil procurement(sic) saga lives on and flourishes as in failure to publish the terms of the "deal" we struck with Libya to supply us (even though they cant supply enough to meet their own needs) with oil ,gas and fuel at unknown or undisclosed alleged "prefential/discounted rates " which obviously will soon be reflected in the less prices we pay for such essential energy commodities ?
Veru li hemm akkordju bejn iz-zewg partiti li l-ebda politiku ma jmur il-habs; infatti ghalhekk institjunalizzaw il-PAC li ma ghandux sahha jghaddi sentenzi ta' habs. Dan il-pass gie mifthiem fi zmien it-tmeninijiet meta kienu se jinkixfu l-ministri, wiehed laburista u l-iehor nazzjonalista kbir, li kienu instigaw u ipperpetwaw l-irvellijiet kontra il-Prim Mintoff, u fuq tlitt certifikati medici foloz, iffrejmjaw inturtament lil missieri, Karm Grima, li intbghat ghall ghomru Monte Carmeli.L-Imhallef Agius, Marco, l-avukat taghna u l-Guri kollha kienu jafu x'qed jigri imma kellhom ordni li jikkoperaw.L-ebda politiku ma hu se jmur il-habs bhalma qed jistenna il-popolin povru.
L-aktar mistoqsijiet semplici huma l-aktar difficli li twegibhom. Ghala, Dr Busutill qed jiddefendi lil dawk li hawdu gerfxu u saru biljunarji, waqt li l-Maltin kienu qed jigu maghsura fl-aghar 'credit crunch' ta dan l-ahhar mitt sena:biex nissusidjaw is-serq sfaccat ta dawn it-talin? Nispera li it-Tax Compliance Unit jinvestigaw sewwa lil dawn, u mhux iduru biss ghal xi hadd self employed go grocer tar-rahal li inqabad jevita it-taxxa ibigh il-kunserva bl-uzin!
L-aktar mistoqsijiet semplici huma l-aktar difficli li twegibhom. Ghala, Dr Busutill qed jiddefendi lil dawk li hawdu gerfxu u saru biljunarji, waqt li l-Maltin kienu qed jigu maghsura fl-aghar 'credit crunch' ta dan l-ahhar mitt sena:biex nissusidjaw is-serq sfaccat ta dawn it-talin? Nispera li it-Tax Compliance Unit jinvestigaw sewwa lil dawn, u mhux iduru biss ghal xi hadd self employed go grocer tar-rahal li inqabad jevita it-taxxa ibigh il-kunserva bl-uzin!
L-aktar mistoqsijiet semplici huma l-aktar difficli li twegibhom. Ghala, Dr Busutill qed jiddefendi lil dawk li hawdu gerfxu u saru biljunarji, waqt li l-Maltin kienu qed jigu maghsura fl-aghar 'credit crunch' ta dan l-ahhar mitt sena:biex nissusidjaw is-serq sfaccat ta dawn it-talin? Nispera li it-Tax Compliance Unit jinvestigaw sewwa lil dawn, u mhux iduru biss ghal xi hadd self employed go grocer tar-rahal li inqabad jevita it-taxxa ibigh il-kunserva bl-uzin!
Never expected ENE Malta chairmans to be so unprofessional. It seems obvious that they were only interested to line their pockets and swindle Johnny Public. I would grtab them all and make them pay their share of the debts that Ene Malta has incurred.
Din hija wirja cara tal-hmieg li kien hemm ghaddej. Ma hemm ebda raguni ghal dan in-nuqqas min-naha tal-Bord tal-Enemalta. Raguni kien hemm....u l-poplu jhallas...