Vince Farrugia steps down as GRTU director general

New director general to be appointed in due course as Vince Farrugia calls it a day.

Vince Farrugia
Vince Farrugia

Vince Farrugia has stepped down from his post as director-general of the GRTU, the Chamber of SMEs said in a statement.

"[He] intimated his desire to retire from the post of director-general of the GRTU," the GRTU said.

Contacted by MaltaToday, Farrugia said it was time for the GRTU to have "a new face" while, at age 69, he could "no longer take the pressure" with travelling between Malta and Brussels and handling the different responsibilities.

"I had already announced in January that I would be stepping down as director-general but we waited until the general election so we would have the system in place," Farrugia said, adding that he was very busy with his role as rapporteur in Brussels.

Farrugia also denied media reports that claimed he had been involved in a quarrel with GRTU president Paul Abela. "I swear, and even Paul can vouch for it, that the report is false. My resignation was already planned since January," he insisted.

In a brief statement, the GRTU said it will be appointing a new director general in due course while Farrugia will act as advisor to the executive council. Despite stepping down, he will continue representing Maltese employers in the European Economic & Social Committee of the European Union.

The GRTU thanked Farrugia for his 20 years of service to the business community in Malta and Gozo.

Cens int veru tajjeb f`xoghlok, imma kif jghidu lghare jizloq fin-nixef...dak in-nhar li intrabatt mal karru ta Gonzi kien il-bidu tat tmiem tieghek u ibqa cert li hadd m`hu jibkik. Gharef imma ma intbahtx li il-poplu inbidel u m`ghadux jibla li tghidlu int u nies ohra skaduti
Cens int veru tajjeb f`xoghlok, imma kif jghidu lghare jizloq fin-nixef...dak in-nhar li intrabatt mal karru ta Gonzi kien il-bidu tat tmiem tieghek u ibqa cert li hadd m`hu jibkik. Gharef imma ma intbahtx li il-poplu inbidel u m`ghadux jibla li tghidlu int u nies ohra skaduti
Good riddance.
Lest nilghab imhatra li biex qal lil GRTU li kien se jirtira Censu Pacpaci Farrugia ghamlilhom diskors li zgur li ma hax inqas minn ghaxar sieghat hamsin minuta u 35 sekonda ...... u kif spicca u pawlu abela (maghruf ahjar bhala ta' basal) qal xi erba' kelmiet biex taparsi kien qed jghid xi haga, rega' qam Censu Patpitu u dam ipacpac erba' sieghat hamsa u hamsin minuta u erbatax-il sekonda ...... u fl-ahhar kulhadd hareg stordut imam kuntent li censu parole kien se jdabbar rasu .....
Dan mhux li kien ghajjar il-Haddiem "Gurdien"? Strieh u serrah!
Ah! So glad for some fresh air!!
Luke Camilleri
NEW FACE not a double face! Some people just give pleasure by going ! Can just see Brussels not even considering going without the service of Mr. Vince Farrugia!
Joseph Catania
Mhux hekk mhux se jitlef iz-zejza li tah Gonzi fi Brussels kif gieb u lahaq!