PN against privatisation of essential services, says Busuttil

Opposition leader adopts wait-and-see position on China power deal, says ‘ironic’ that Labour has gone down privatisation road

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil
Opposition leader Simon Busuttil

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil has told MaltaToday he expects Prime Minister Joseph Muscat to deliver a statement in parliament when the House is reconvened, on details of a minority shareholding in Enemalta for a Chinese state-owned energy company.

Busuttil today told the press that the Nationalist Party did not yet have the full information on the €200 million deal, signed today in Dalian, China, with Shanghai Electric Popwer, a subsidiary of China Power Investments, through which it will become a 20% shareholder in Enemalta.

"My initial reaction is that I am surprised that it is a Labour government, which has always opposed privatization, that today takes the step towards privatization," Busuttil said.

However the PN leader warned that while the Nationalist Party has historically been in favour of privatization, "we have always been against the privatization of essential services... and water and electricity are essential services. So it is ironic to see Labour going for the part-privatisation of Enemalta."

The Chinese memorandum of understanding also includes two separate investments to be made by China Power Investments Corporation. The Chinese company is looking at the possibility of developing a renewable energy project and setting up an energy service centre, which would in turn create further jobs in the energy sector.

The energy service centre, the government said, will be used by China to service its power stations located in the Mediterranean.

China is looking at the renewable energy project as a stepping stone to Europe. In this sense, China was viewing Malta as a strategic partner in the Mediterranean.

Imma kif qatt ma jixbha jaqa' għan-nejk dan il-bniedem? Issa il-PN kontra il-privatizzazzjoni tas-servizzi essenzjali? Mela il-Banek, l-Ajruport, il-Posta, Il-Gas, u diversi servizzi oħra ma kienux essenzjali? Ħallina Simon u tkunx aktar patetiku. Tkunx aktar ipokrita. Fejn kont meta il-partit tiegħek għamel dawn l-Affarijiet, rieqed jew stordut?
At this rate,Simon will be removed from leader of the Opposition! Buzullotta wahda wara l-ohra! Jien nahseb jekk imur holiday ic-Cina u ma nisimghux b'ahbaru ghal 6 xhur, ir-ratings tal-PN jitilghu!
Rita Pizzuto
Ibqa' sejjer kif int Simon u l-poter izid jitbieghed minnek. L-istupidagni tieghek u l-kliem fieragh li johrog minn fommok, ibieghed il-partitarji qieghed u mhux jigbed. Skont kliemek il-Gvern il-GDID ghadu ma ghamilx wahda tajba. Imma l-isbah wahd din tal-privatizzazzjoni. Issa Joseph Muscat jurik kif ghandek tiddilja, lilek u lil shabek. Ir-riedni tal-ENEMALTA se jibqghu f'idejn il-Gvern Malti. Intom titkellmu dwar privatizzazzjoni? Tinsiex kemm tfajtu nies f'mizerja. Ipprivatizzajtu s-Sea Malta, l-HSBC (tiftakru meta l-prezz li gibtu ghal dan il-bank kien BISS to £80 miljun) u tajtuh KOLLU lill-barranin? Int tehodha kontra l-privatizzazzjoni, la trid issejhilha hekk, tal-Enemalta meta kull moghza li kellna tahleb tajtuha lill-barranin? Keep it up. Simple Simon says: "keep me in the shadow" mur gibek li kellek tiehu d-decizjonijiet ghal Malta? Qed tippruvaw issibu x-xaghra fl-gazina u ma ssibuhiex. Lanqas it-travu f'ghajnekom ma tridu taraw. Ykunx negattiv bhal kull meta l-PN kien fl-oppozizzjoni u halli lil min irid jahdem jahdem.
Simple Simon int bis-serjeta jew qed tpacpac,...... jew iddecidejt li teqred il-PN ghall kollox min wicc Malta. Bdejt ma siehbek Gonzi,l-ghar prim ministru li qatt kellha Malta, hames snin ilu,( ghax int ma Gonzi kont u issa qed tilghaba li ma taf xejn ) u dak li bena Eddie Fenech Adami hattejtu nofsu, kemm partit kif wkoll pajjiz.
Simple Simon int bis-serjeta jew qed tpacpac,...... jew iddecidejt li teqred il-PN ghall kollox min wicc Malta. Bdejt ma siehbek Gonzi,l-ghar prim ministru li qatt kellha Malta, hames snin ilu,( ghax int ma Gonzi kont u issa qed tilghaba li ma taf xejn ) u dak li bena Eddie Fenech Adami hattejtu nofsu, kemm partit kif wkoll pajjiz.
Din xi cajta tal Malta Today? Mela dan mit 2013 beda jezisti? Il PN masters of privitization u biex nghajdu kollox ma fijha xejn hazin sakemm tkun ghal gid komuni tac cittadini. Sakemm ikun hemm Simon kap tal PN il PL ma jicaqlaqx mil Gvern. Im dead sure about this...
Is Simon B really living on planet Earth? As leader of the PN he has to take responsibility for the previous abysmal decisions of his party. Under the PN, everything was for sale, at fire sale prices. The list of "Essential" services sold by the PN governments is too long to list. For Simon to now express shock at the partial sale of a state entity rings of hypocrisy and, quite frankly, incredulity. Even the Chamber of commerce, not exactly a PL bastion, approves of the Chinese involvement. Apparently, the leader of the PN has spent too much time in the fantasy land know as the European parliament. Alas, with Simon as their comical leader, the PN will be in the wilderness for a long, long time.
During the last 20 years the PN sold and privatised everything the Maltese owned! Mid-Med, Sea Malta,MIA,,The Freeport, Grain handling,ect and left the country on its knees! And now Simon comes out with this barb!
Simon, Joseph ipprivatizza id-dejn ta L_Enemalta li hallejtu,intom! Intom ipprivattizajtu l-profitti li kienu jaghmlu l-airport, l-banek, telemalta, gas ecc! Ippokrezija!
WOW! WOW! WHAT HAS THE PN DONE OVER THESE LAST YEARS - PRIVATIZE TELEMALTA, THAT IS TELEPHONY. Is this an essential service? You bet it is!!! The PN has privatized Public Transport, and made a mockery and a farce of it. Is it an essential service? You bet it is!!!! The PN has privatized Mid Med Bank, BOV and MaltaPost. Are these essential services? YOu bet they are!!!!! So what the heck is the PN talking about being against the privatisation of essential services? Or is it a case of what is good for the goose is NOT good for the gander?
Luke Camilleri
IMMA DAN BIS SERJETA? TeleMALTA SeaMalta MALTA Lotto Mid-Med MALTA Drydocks .... Air MALTA only just .... Bank of Valletta only just ~~~~~~~~~~ If only Malta had kept majority shareholding and got strategic partners in . . . . . ~~~~~ If you weren't so lost Dear Simon, I'd tell you to GET LOST!
Wara li shabek ipprivattizzaw il-baqar kollha li jehilbu (issemmew minn ohrajn hawn isfel) issa qed toqloq ghax il-PL se jbiegh ftit mill-Enemalta. Dik il-mazra li int u shabek irbattu ma ghonq il-Maltin kollha. Allura inti trid li ahna lkoll ingorru l-herba li ghamiltu dawn l-ahhar 25 sena? Inhallsu ahna minn butna ghat-800 miljun euro dejn li irnexxielkom tinbazwaw bihom lil-Enemalta. Simon kemm thobbhom lil niesek il-Maltin!
The Difference is that for 200 million PN would have privatized the whole of Ene Malta and would be telling us that they have struck a very good deal Like the Mid Med now HSBC deals and Tele Malta now GO. Besides the other Privatization deals that they have done in the Past.PL is only Privatizing 20% of Ene Malta, and besides this they are attracting new investment into the country.Please note that what ever deal we had with this country they have never let us down not like others.
So the PN left EneMalta chalk up hundreds of millions in debt during their 25 years in Government, not to mention all those shady deals in oil procurement and now that the PL has found a way to bring EneMalta back on it's feet they are against any privatization of essential services. What a bunch of hypocrites!. Keep it up Simon and enjoy your very long years in opposition.
Xmun jidher li inti l-uniku wiehed li qieghed turi certi pessimizmu dwar dan l-agreement. Il-korpi kostitwiti qedin juru ottimizmu. Illuminohom dasxejn ghax jidru li ma humiex jifmu sew x'se jigri. Se nintlew bic-cinizi kollha libsin l-istess u li kienu, dejjem skond il-predecessuri tieghek fil-partit,dardru lill Malta meta kienu hawn biex jghinu fil-bini tal-bacir numru 6 li siehbek il bravu Wistin krih lill ta Palombo bis-soldi
Simon is saying that the Labour Government is against privitisation, The Nationalist Party is against pritiisation of essential services. I ask Simon has he read the Labour Paty Manifesto? Weren't the Banks and Sea Malta just to mention two esserntial services? Woudlnt it have been better for Simon to wait until he would have learned what the agreements include before opening his mouth and make a fool of himself as he has already done on previous occassions. SIMON QATTUSA GhAGELIJA FRIEH GHOMJA TAGHMEL
How pathetic - both Muscat and Busuttil. After privatising Malta's largest banks, the only airport, all harbours and telecommunications, Busuttil is against privatisation of essential services. Shame on the PL which did not oppose these sell-offs.
David Bongailas
In other word it's a good deal........Mr.Busutill knows it but obviously can't admit in oublic at least, that something good can be done by a Labour government. Incidentally, the previous government is being made to look more and more amateurish by the day.
Isn't MIA an essential service provider? And Maltapost......
Dan bis-serjeta' qed jitkellem kontra l-privatizzazzjoni?? Fejn kien meta l-PN privatizza t-telephone, il-posta, il-gass, u ma nafx kemm-il servizz iehor essenzjali ghall-poplu. Sa fejn naf jien 20% hija minority shareholding.
Jeffrey Camilleri
Simon Busuttil is right!! In my opinion dangerous play by Labour the new movement. Never trust labour, now even more than ever!! change of government feel is growing!
shut up simon what about airmalta malta post sea malta freeport transport this is not strategic we are not stupids