Labour MEP demands mandatory relocation for asylum seekers arriving in Malta

Marlene Mizzi hits out at EU claiming ‘lack of support’ for island

Speaking during her intervention in the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi had strong words over the lack of support from the EU in the case of the influx of irregular immigrants which Malta is facing.

"Leaving Malta to solve the problem on its own goes against the spirit of the Union," Mizzi said, calling for the EU to immediately introduce a mandatory system of relocation as soon as possible.

Marlene Mizzi also referred to the reply given to her parliamentary question on the amount of help that Malta is given by other member states on irregular migration.  In her reply, home affairs commissioner Cecilia Malmström said that she was herself disappointed at the lack of willingness and concrete help given to Malta by other member states in order to deal with the problem of irregular immigrants.

Marlene Mizzi said: "It is very easy for countries to criticise and pander from the comfort of their home. The reality, however, is that very few countries have offered any concrete help to Malta in order to alleviate the problem of irregular migration.

"If there is a real commitment by the European Union and the European Parliament to solve this human tragedy, then we must insist that the relocation of irregular migration is done on a mandatory and not on a voluntary basis.  It is time that the solidarity about which we talk so much about transforms itself from mere words into on an effective and concrete action.  After all influx of immigrants into Malta, is influx in Europe."

Prosit Marlene, Expose their lack of concrete solidarity for what it is. EU flaunting the spirit of the European Union. EU should look at itself clearly.
Luke Camilleri
We want more MALTESE WOMEN OF SUBSANCE like MEP Ms. Mizzi with Malta's interests at heart ♥
It is only one or two generations of Maltese who have to escape from the misery of poverty that were inflicted on generations and generations of Maltese. Yet, the Maltese were always generous with poorer neighbours and people; remember Malta hanina hobza and sardina? Or the help given to Ugandian asians exiled from Uganda? But irregular immigration, coming in as alightening on us, is a very different matter. Yes, we should always save people from the cruel sea, but I can't accept that people living in beautiful villas, receiving thousands of euros from the tax payers, to condemn us, especially those living off a miserly pension of 500 euros per year and call them 'racist'. Or call racist the Maltese, racist afterall the sagrifices our elders have made to rescue Europe from Nazism and racism. We were not quislings then; neithr facists or 'corragio fuggiamo; we were cast from steel, and showed the world what it takes to fight of Nazism and its ugly racism! So thank you Dr Mizzi for exposing the double standars of practice what they preach. Helping our fellow human beings always, but we are too small to do it soley on our own. This is common sense not 'racism.!
It is only one or two generations of Maltese who have to escape from the misery of poverty that were inflicted on generations and generations of Maltese. Yet, the Maltese were always generous with poorer neighbours and people; remember Malta hanina hobza and sardina? Or the help given to Ugandian asians exiled from Uganda? But irregular immigration, coming in as alightening on us, is a very different matter. Yes, we should always save people from the cruel sea, but I can't accept that people living in beautiful villas, receiving thousands of euros from the tax payers, to condemn us, especially those living off a miserly pension of 500 euros per year and call them 'racist'. Or call racist the Maltese, racist afterall the sagrifices our elders have made to rescue Europe from Nazism and racism. We were not quislings then; neithr facists or 'corragio fuggiamo; we were cast from steel, and showed the world what it takes to fight of Nazism and its ugly racism! So thank you Dr Mizzi for exposing the double standars of practice what they preach. Helping our fellow human beings always, but we are too small to do it soley on our own. This is common sense not 'racism.!
It is only one or two generations of Maltese who have to escape from the misery of poverty that were inflicted on generations and generations of Maltese. Yet, the Maltese were always generous with poorer neighbours and people; remember Malta hanina hobza and sardina? Or the help given to Ugandian asians exiled from Uganda? But irregular immigration, coming in as alightening on us, is a very different matter. Yes, we should always save people from the cruel sea, but I can't accept that people living in beautiful villas, receiving thousands of euros from the tax payers, to condemn us, especially those living off a miserly pension of 500 euros per year and call them 'racist'. Or call racist the Maltese, racist afterall the sagrifices our elders have made to rescue Europe from Nazism and racism. We were not quislings then; neithr facists or 'corragio fuggiamo; we were cast from steel, and showed the world what it takes to fight of Nazism and its ugly racism! So thank you Dr Mizzi for exposing the double standars of practice what they preach. Helping our fellow human beings always, but we are too small to do it soley on our own. This is common sense not 'racism.!
I could not have been said better. It is time for action not just words.
I could not have been said better. It is time for action not just words.
Well done Marlene. This will surely be the main issue come next MEPs election next year. I'm sure the Maltese will vote for those candidates who will treat this matter as extremely important. I'm more than sure that a vast majority of the Maltese think this way.