Enemalta privatisation in breach of PL electoral programme – Busuttil

Opposition leader says Chinese memorandum of understanding comes ‘as surprise news from the other end of the world’.

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil
Opposition leader Simon Busuttil

The news that Malta signed a memorandum of understanding with an electricity company owned by the Chinese government was met with contempt by Opposition leader Simon Busuttil who dubbed it "a classic Labour U-turn".

Addressing party faithful gathered in Balzan, Busuttil accused Prime Minister Joseph Muscat of going behind the country's back in negotiating and signing the agreement.

"I'm surprised that the Labour government wants to privatise Enemalta, especially since Joseph Muscat had pledged not to do so in his electoral manifesto," Bususttil said.

"After they promised non-privatisation, we receive the news from the other end of the world that they have agreed to sell part of a state entity."

The Opposition leader said the country had to know why no one had been informed that the government was planning to privatise Enemalta. "How did he decide the stakes? On what criteria was the shareholding established? And why were no tenders or expression of interests issued?" Busuttil said.

He went on to question the "strategic decision" behind selling the island's energy control, also referring to the gas power plant agreement where half of the country's energy would be generated by the private.

"Who will decide on interests on energy generation? And what's in it for China? The people should now start asking who will be in control of Enemalta and of their electricity at home," Busuttil said.

The memorandum of understanding signed today includes a direct cash injection to Enemalta, which would place Shanghai Electric Power a minority shareholder of the state entity. China and Malta have agreed that within six months, the agreement would be ironed out and finalised. Before implemented, the government would appear before parliament to ratify the agreement.

The government has described this agreement as a "lifesaver" for Enemalta whose €800 million debt has crippled it.

Busuttil however went on to raise further questions, asking whether China would have some sort of "strategic control" over the country. He hinted that China's true interests were tapping into Europe.

"The Opposition will be there to ask the questions and to show that the country's strategic interests are not up for sale."

The evening's activity was also addressed by deputy leader Mario de Marco and MEP candidates Stefano Mallia, Jonathan Shaw and Helga Ellul. The discussion focused on the importance of a stable economy and continuous investment and the drafting of a clear economic policy to incentivise job creation.

Ellul, former Playmobil CEO, also insisted that the pre-budget document offered nothing in terms of employment and work generation policies and proposals.

Busuttil said the government has so far "failed" in presenting "the famous roadmap", asking his audience whether "Labour knew how to govern". "We are the party which increased employment, and something about job creation we know. This summer we have however witnessed a 6% increase in people seeking employment. I hope government controls it before it becomes a trend."

The Opposition leader reiterated that the PN will be a constructive Opposition, ready to give credit where credit was due.

Anther confirmation of the poor mentality of the PN which brings into focus the fact that the best part of the last 25 years were wasted under PN governments.
Simple Simon is at it again, donning his rusted armour and with his two Sancho Panzas charging against windmills
Ahjar jghidilna kemm kienu' in breach' dawk li poggew huma imeximxu go l-Enemalta li hallewa ghoxwa bil-800 miljun euro dejn li serqula! Jista ukoll-jekk irid jghidilna ghala SimonPN qed jiddefendi dawl li poggew huma f'postijiet fejn kienu iduru miljuni ta ewros u kull ma ghamlu dawn it-talin kien biss li 'they feathered their own nest.!!!!!! ....biex ma insemmiex ukoll ghala l-PN spicca fallut u sbanka!!!!!
Joe Tanti
Sewwa jghidu li l-hmar tarfu mil hanqa tieghu (bir-rispett kollhu ghal hmir) Darba Gonzi kien qall lil ambaxatrici Amerikana li ma ghandhux min xix jaghzel fost il-membri parlamentari/ministry. u llum lanqas leader suriet in -nies ma ghandu il-PN.
Joseph Catania
Anke l-gheluq tat-tarzna u l-privatizzazzjoni ta' diversi kumpaniji tal- gvern kienet tmur kontra l-programm elettorali tal-PN Simon.... Biex ma nsemmux li kienet tmur ukoll kontra l-ittra li l-precedessur tieghek ghogbu jibghat fid-djar tal-haddiema....
Anqas jafu x'se jaqbdu jghidu tant kemm huma mifxulin. Flok jifirhu li sa fl-ahhar sibna partner strategiku ghal kumpanija mifnija bid-dejn u l-korruzzjoni fi zmienhom!!!
joseph mercieca
The Leader of the Opposition’s reaction to the MOU with China again indicates that he has learned nothing from the great debacle at the polls. He should be wise enough to keep a low that when it comes to energy. Let us be fair the queries he made on the MOU are legitimate. Nonetheless considering the mess the previous administration did with the energy policy Simon Busuttil has no moral qualifications to judge and demand transparency. He asked a lot of questions. Ironically while Joseph Muscat pledged to report to the people’s representative there is an on-going investigation of the PAC to try to answer the many mysteries enshrouding the PN energy policy which was bedlam I am not an expert but still would like to know how in the blink of an eye lid the PN government changed its energy generation from gas to Heavy Fuel Oil. This decision was taken at cabinet level only and never discussed in Parliament. Malta had to increase its pollution threshold again without consulting Parliament. Still Minister Austin Gatt used to brag that with a 5 seat majority the government was omnipotent. I cannot really comprehend Simon Busttil when he talks about tenders and what not. I am sure he knows that according to that obscure agent Azzopardi of BWSC this company was selected to build the power station through a search in the yellow pages. This agent got a cool 4 million Euros commission. Was this referred to Parliament? No. Nobody would have known about had it not been for the sleuthing of Evarist Bartolo. All this mess lead to the now notorious oil scandal. We had a minister taking a thousand Euro Maltese clock as gift from a family of oil importers members of which are implicated in the scandal. Than we had Minister Gatt forgetting a Swiss Bank account that amounted to 700,000,000 Euros. He forgets for about it for four whole years. The latest came from Mr. Tranter who informed us the oil procurement committee did not have the policy of keeping minutes but doodles in lieu of notes. Simon Busuttil has the nerve to question the MOU with China. One last thing I wish to know. Is Simon Busuttil trying to scare the Maltese of being taken over by the yellow hoards? This reminds me of the sixties when the PN and Church used to scare us of the Communist peril. And finally does Simon Busuttil have any objections that Malta does business with China.
Halluh bi kwietu lil Dr.Xmun, halluh jghid il hmerijiet ghax dak se jerga irrebbahna l'elezzjonijiet tal futur.
.....and zero credit for your "Burden Sharing" absurdity, which was destined to fail, as we all know it did!
David Bongailas
Even in supposedly Nationalist strongholds like Balzan, Nationalist Party activities are starting to look like AD activities with only the usual handful of party faithful bothering to show up. Needless to say these actvities cost money........so why not help out the stamperijja workers in need instead ?? Oh yes I forgot we don't care about them.........and all is well in the party......regroup and rebuild!
Igor P. Shuvalov
Sour Grapes.
Dear simon it sure is a better deal than the euro800 million debt to the maltese people that we inherited from your goverment.keep it up, you will never be prim minister.
Ara min qed jitkellem ukoll! Simon Busuttil u shabu jahsbu li l-Maltin u l-Ghawdxin huma bhahen bla mohh u b'memorja skaduta. Insiehom Simon il-bejgh bil-karawett tal-Mid-Med Bank, is-Sea Malta, it-Tarznarji, il-Posta, ecc. Min jiskongra irid ikun PUR, Simon!
Tista tghidilna fejn kont int Xmun meta inbih HSBC, Maltco, Sea Malta etc. etc. Xmun ahjar toqghod bi kwietek u titghallem kif ghandhom isiru l'affarijiet.
Xi fjask ta' laqgha kellu Simon f'Hal Balzan! Aktar kien hemm kandidati tal-PN milli Balzanin nazzjonalisti. Jekk jibqa' sejjer jghid il-hnerijiet li qed jghid, Simon dalwaqt jisfuma fix-xejn.
Xi fjask ta' laqgha kellu Simon f'Hal Balzan! Aktar kien hemm kandidati tal-PN milli Balzanin nazzjonalisti. Jekk jibqa' sejjer jghid il-hnerijiet li qed jghid, Simon dalwaqt jisfuma fix-xejn.
Dan busuttil nesa li il gvern tieghu biegh kwazi l assi kollha tal pajjiz bhall l ajruport? U mhux 20% imma 100% inbiegh, u l uniku ajruport li ghandna f malta!! Hallina buzu.
Jekk Simon Busuttil ghandu ftit melh f'mohhu messu induna li l-PL qed jaghmel iktar milli wieghed fil-programm elettorali. Dan gvern ta veru u mhux tal-oqbra imbajjda.
Who cares if it is a better deal. My god! Send him back to europe...
Is this man for real? If he feels like being contemptuous, he could do no better than having a look at the manner his cronies (Tranter, etc) are answering the PAC. Has the man no shame?
Joseph Pellicano
All these questions that Simon is now asking about selling state entities should have been asked when his PN was divesting Malta of all its assets at fire sale prices. If Simon wasn't so pathetic, he would be leaving us in stitches. All one can say is that the Boy Blunder has done it again.
Hasn't Simple Simon ever heard of Public/private partnerships? Finding nothing of substance to criticise, he opts for the theoretical, or shall I say theatrical?
Tafu tisthu???????????????
Honestly this clown cannot be for real he sad “from the other end of the world that they have agreed to sell part of a state entity. “so what you did say when your previous friend and clown meet Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on February 2009 ? When you and your sick party are going to grow up and start respect the people choice, are you living on this planet don’t you realize that China will overtake the USA in a few years when it comes to the economy and progress. You are going back to the old days when the other golden boy EFA was the clown in power and he used to come up with all sort of lies about China when you sad “however went on to raise further questions, asking whether China would have some sort of "strategic control" over the country”. Go and find a circus you clown you will fit better there.
SB is right, Labour does not know how to govern, when it allows and promotes diehard PN supporters to strategic positions of power , where the greatest damage to the government can be made.
The more BS, Busuttil Simon speaks, the more frivolities come out of his mouth. Hearing the leader of the opposition, one gets the idea that this guy is living on another planet. First of all, buying a stake in a company doesn't mean owing the company. GonziPN privatised Sea Malta, Malta Shipyards, Malta International Airport just to name a few and Simple Simon has the audacity to criticise and go into conspiracy theories overdrive about this deal with China. GonziPN in his 25 years in Government ruined Enemalta so that some fat cats could get fatter and the honest citizens had to make good for the incompetents that were Gonzi and his talentless ministers. One other point what language did star candidate Helga Ellul use to address this meeting.
It is a fact that political leadership can carry a very heavy burden especially when sitting on the opposition benches. One cannot take seriously the bickering of the Hon. Leader of the opposition as he tries to minimize the benefits that Enemalta will gain from the recent announcement by the Maltese Government and a signed Memorandum of Understanding with China. Trying to put the cart before the horse is always a mistake often made by inexperienced politicians that are still paying their dues and lack the competence to be more constructive. A more matured and experienced politician would have waited to see the full contents of the MOU that would soon be presented to parliament before trying to rile up his supporters with negative uncertainty. One must ask Mr. Busuttil what would happen to his support around the island, when this transaction will result in cheaper billing for every Maltese at home or in business. How sad to see and listen to the elected leadership of the PN after six months in office, still trying to expose Malta to a scaremonger mentality of innuendos and as an opposition that is still in turmoil trying to steer a ship without a compass. Members of the PN executives, the same political question keeps popping up every time reality catches up with your choices of leadership at a time when your party could use some direction towards accountability. “Ladies and gentlemen, are you sure this is the best your party has to offer?” Because from where I am standing it looks irrelevance might be the trademark that your leadership will be branded for some time to come.
Ofcourse you do not agree ! Do you have personal buisness interest in oil importation ??
"The Opposition will be there to ask the questions and to show that the country's strategic interests are not up for sale." Xmun, mela kont qieghed tghix fil-qamar dawn l-ahhar 25 sena. Mela nsejt x-ghamel il-Partit tieghek f'dawn il-25 sena. kif bieh bir rabas il-gojjelli li kella Malta qabel mal-Partit tieghek tela fil gvern. Mid Med Bank inbieh b'LM 80 miljun meta Alfred Mifsud kien sfidakom li kien kapacio jgibilkom Lm160 miljun. Dan kien il-bidu, x'ma behejtux It-TeleMalta, u tajtuhom bicca art tiswa Lm10 miljun wara li siehbek il-kbir Wistin qal li le dik ghada tal-gvern u kien lest li jikkontesta fil-Qorti u ma ghamel xejn. Is-Sea Malta li betuha b Lm1 Miljun inqas li kienu jissswew l-Assi taghha mobbli u immobli. ma hux se nkompli ghax diga hadt hafna spazju naghlaq b=parir ta xieh. Xmun ghalq halqek u zommu maghluq ghax taqta figura ahjar.
Simon how quickly you forget, You are a party that practically sold everything we owned, the banks, the drydocks. maltapost, Air Malta. and you say you will be a constructive opposition, You dont know what the word means, All you have done is complain complain and complain some more.
X'differenza bejn Simon u Joseph! Ta Simon bieghu the family jewels li kienu jaghmlu profitti kbar: Airport, Banek, Lotteriji ecc: kollha bir-ribass! Joseph biegh parti mill-mazra tad-dejn li wikkilna GonziSimonPN fl-EneMalta! Kien mod dirett kif jafu jaghmlu ic-cinizi biex jghinu lil Malta!
X'differenza bejn Simon u Joseph! Ta Simon bieghu the family jewels li kienu jaghmlu profitti kbar: Airport, Banek, Lotteriji ecc: kollha bir-ribass! Joseph biegh parti mill-mazra tad-dejn li wikkilna GonziSimonPN fl-EneMalta! Kien mod dirett kif jafu jaghmlu ic-cinizi biex jghinu lil Malta!
My GOD!!!! The PN sold all of Malta's assets to foreigners starting with Mid Med Bank for next to nothing (apart from the presumed millions of underhand perkacci). Where was the PN mandate to do this. They sold Mid Med Bank, Air Malta, Sea Malta, Malta International Airport, The Freeport, the Drydocks, TeleMalta, Manuel Island and Tigne Point, Fort Chambrai - the list is unending. Now they have the gall of crying foul because Muscat got financial backing for the 800 million euros DEJN, with the millions of debt repayments ensuing, that the Klikka of GonziPN, still rampant in SimonPN, made to crucify the Maltese not to mention that since 2003 no minutes were ever kept of the oil transactions made. Finanzi fis-sod was only valid for the KLIKKA now belonging to Simon et al. who were equally responsible for this massive state of corruption they left the Country. Simon is crying foul because the Chinese have accepted to enter into a MINORITY shareholding with EneMalta in lieu of which Maltese engineers will have additional job security to service Chinese Power Stations in the Mediterranean. Ara jrid ikollok wiccek u ....... xorta to criticize such a scoup by Joseph Muscat in the interests of all the Nation. From its inception the Nationalist Party has always been considered traitorous towards Malta for the Maltese. The irridentismo is still pervading the PN.
Simon, veru werriet denju ta EFA u Law. Gonzi, ghax min meta il-Partit Nazjonalista gie ihhagakjat mill Klikka li warbet lill Gorg Borg Olivier, hlief qrid u bsaten fir-roti tixwix giddeb etc kull meta kien fl-oppozizzjoni ma xerridx. L-iktar wahda ricenti li forsi jiftakar Xmun kienet tal 1998 meta il-kbir Eddie b'hasngra daqsiex qal lio zejt f'ghawdex ma hemmx u il-gvern Laburista baqa jhaffer biex jitmellah bil-poplu Malti. Tela l-Partit Nazzjonalista fil Gvern u l-ewwel haga li ghamel Eddie (minnhu bhal Eddie)kienet li approva il-kontinwazzjoni tat-thaffir.X'gara wara li kien instab bidu ta gas u waqfu mit-thaffir u SADDEW IL-TOQBA SA ISFEL NET hadd ma jaf hlief ma jaf, hlief naturalment il-klikka. XCmun ikber u dahhala f-rasek li qabel il;-Partit Tal Klikka tigi MALTA
Luke Camilleri
Flok iharsu mibluhin ahjar Dr. Demarco u Chris Said iwaqqfuh milli jghid aktar cucati! ~~~~~~~ U nsomma ahjar ihalluh jghid . . . . :)
I just wonder sometimes, how can Simon face the public with such animosity speeches. Instead of congratulating the Prime Minister for a deal done that acquired €200 million for just a small share , considering HSBC and Maltacom were bought at €200milion each, 100% shares to the buyers with ZERO shares belonging to the Govt. He just makes me laugh, honestly speaking I cannot stop laughing with the gibberish he comes out with.
Unbelievable. Therefore, the selling of Mid Med making millions in profit to HSBC was ok, but a 200million injection for part privatisation by the 2nd largest economy in the world is questionable. Can Simon stoop lower? Kindly treat us with more intelligence or we'll keep you posted on the left hand side of Mr Speaker
I don't want chinese generated electricity it makes my eyes squint
Luke Camilleri
BRING IN the smelling salts . . . . Simon is not feeling well, not well at all!