Botched Freeport deal to cost taxpayers €67 million

Government to pick up hefty bill after global financial services firm UBS pulls plug on foreign currency swap transaction with Freeport.

Malta's Freeport has been faced with an imminent bill of $58 million (€43 million) from UBS, after the global financial services firm pulled the plug on a currency swap transaction of €200 million the two parties entered into back in 2004.

It will probably be taxpayers' money that will have to front a total government subvention of €67 million to the Freeport - for the $58 million bill and a further $32 million that the government already guarantees on losses from the fluctuations between the dollar and the euro, accumulating since 2004.

The Malta Freeport is a government corporation that owns the land on which Malta Freeport Terminals, currently run by French-Turkish partnership CMA CGM-Yildirim, operates.

UBS's decision to terminate the swap transaction came just one month after the Freeport's new board of directors posted their 2012 financials, in which it was clear that they did not foresee the possible termination.

UBS have reportedly told Malta Freeport that due to EU demands asking banks to increase their capital reserves, they will be changing their strategic direction and no longer enter into so called "derivative transactions".

In 2004, Malta Freeport - whose annual accounts are booked in US dollars - took out a $250 million 'bullet loan' for the development of the freeport and purchase of machinery. The bullet loan meant that the Freeport had to pay 7.25% interest every year until its termination in 2028, and then pay the $250 million capital in one fell swoop in the last year.

Then public investments minister Austin Gatt had announced that the Freeport had entered into the swap transaction with UBS: under the terms, the Freeport would pay UBS €14 million every year while UBS would pay the Freeport the equivalent in dollar at $18 million, which in turn the Freeport would use to pay the interest on the bullet loan. Finally in 2028, the Freeport would pay UBS €200 million in return for $250 million, which would go towards the repayment of the original capital loaned.

By hedging against the US dollar, the Freeport was hoping it could make purported currency savings of €666,000 (Lm286,000) in annual interest payments.

But the fluctuations in the USD-euro exchange rate have been so unfavourable to the Freeport, that the corporation has since 2004 already lost $14 million on currency losses alone. The government already guarantees a total of $32 million on these interest losses.

Additionally, under the terms of the agreement between the Malta Freeport Corporation and UBS, both parties had the option to terminate this swap either in January 2014, or on January 2024 - something that UBS is now doing.

UBS have now advised Malta Freeport that following a change in strategic direction, and because of the onerous Basel 3 rules which recommend banks to hold against such derivative transactions, they will be terminating the swap - at a cost of $58 million for the Freeport.

The termination will mean that the Freeport will have to book the losses of $14 million it has accumulated since 2004 on exchange rate losses.

The government, which already pays the interest on the loan, itself guarantees an additional $32 million of these currency losses, which it will now have to pay to the Freeport. This brings the total losses on the currency rate swap to $90 million (€67 million).

An industry source who spoke to MaltaToday explained the situation for the Freeport: "The fluctuations in the dollar and euro exchange rates have been so violent that the Freeport lost $5.1 million in interest on the swap agreement in 2012, when the year before it actually made a gain of $8.4 million and another $21 million in 2010. This shows how volatile markets for foreign exchange swaps are. Now that the EU is telling banks to limit their exposure to these kinds of complex financial instruments, UBS have decided not to see the swap transaction to maturity in 2028."

The only alternative the Freeport has is to assign the swap transaction to a third party, but this must take place in agreement with UBS and might be difficult to achieve.

Rita Pizzuto
Min jghid li Austin falla f'kollox ikun qed jizbalja. Success ghamel, Iva, fil-kont ta' 700,000 Ewro li ghandu f'bank f'bank fl-Isvizzera u li nesa jsemmi fid-dikjarazzjonijiet tieghu bhala Ministru. Dak mhux success Jew? Milli min jikteb u jikkritika,, il-fallimenti biss issemmi fejn jirrigwardja l-kbir u gharef Austin?
joseph mercieca
Let us cut to the chase as I understand it, a derivative is a highly speculative and down-right pernicious investment. Derivatives triggered the financial crises that lead to the collapse of Layman Brothers and other important financial institutions. A derivative investment is like a Chinese box full of trick and hidden compartments. In our vernacular we have a saying “Tixtri l-hut fil-bahar” and it explains clearly what a derivative is. No wonder the EU banned this kind of speculation. Literally the people at the Freeport were playing Russian roulette with a strategic enterprise of the island. What is interesting to know is whether the Freeport management were able to sell the investment when it was banned by the EU? If they were able to do it but refrained then there action is morally criminal. This a good lesson for our Leader of the Opposition. It is not the owner that counts in an enterprise but an expert and efficient management team not a group of inept mavericks. Meditate Simon Meditate
Pure amatuerish and arrogance management and governance. Taking out a swap transaction over 30 years is like playing on number 37 at roulette!!!! can never win!
Maltesejustice wrote :People got rid of these incompetent, to say the least, and possibly corrupt, people who ruled Malta with such oligarchy, arrogance and deceit for all these years. What surprises me is what took so long for people to realise that all was not well with the finances of this country and it was all spin by telling us finanzi fis-sod. I supposeit's better late than never.
@malteseatheist. Hallina. Din qassata ohra mill-gvern ta' qabel. Gvern tal-qassatat kellna!!!
Any comments Simon ?? Le ma tarax , dak ma kienx hemm dak in-nhar miskin . Imma Wistin il Bully KIEN ,IMMA ISSA QIEGHED CICI CICI. Hallas Poplu !!!
Any comments Simon ?? Le ma tarax , dak ma kienx hemm dak in-nhar miskin . Imma Wistin il Bully KIEN ,IMMA ISSA QIEGHED CICI CICI. Hallas Poplu !!!
Another Froga or Qassata, your choice, by Agostino Pio Gatt who must surely be made chief cook for frejjeg and qassatat the the PN restaurant. If the Freeport operators were to take the loan why was it guaranteed by the Government? How many such loans to others were made and what are the exposures for the Maltese people to them? What criminal and civil measures is the government going to take against those responsible for these burdens that they had imposed on the Maltese people which now have to shoulder? CRIMINAL AND CIVIL ACTION IS DEMANDES AGAINST THOSE RESPONSIBLE.
I don't see how its anyones fault that UBS decided to drop the option. Up to this point it seemed that it was to the benefit of the company. I am not a fan of AG or PN, but all these comments saying its AGs fault seem to come from people who do not understand the financial terms used in the article.
Simple Simon ministers never told us about this debt. Why was it kept a secret Simon? Hemm xi zokk iehor li se tbamlilna minn taht? Mhux ta b'xejn li hemm minn ghandu miljuni f'kontijiet sigrieti li nesa,miskin, jiddikjarhom?
Simple Simon ministers never told us about this debt. Why was it kept a secret Simon? Hemm xi zokk iehor li se tbamlilna minn taht? Mhux ta b'xejn li hemm minn ghandu miljuni f'kontijiet sigrieti li nesa,miskin, jiddikjarhom?
Simple Simon ministers never told us about this debt. Why was it kept a secret Simon? Hemm xi zokk iehor li se tbamlilna minn taht? Mhux ta b'xejn li hemm minn ghandu miljuni f'kontijiet sigrieti li nesa,miskin, jiddikjarhom?
Where ever there is a trail of destruction, Agostino always seems to be a part of it.
One might suggest that Malta Today tracks down the Leader of the Opposition and ask him for his opinion on this Freeport deal.
Another AUSTIN GATT BOMBSHELL F..K UP, supported by simple Simon.!!!!!! And he, (Simon), wants to be informed before Joseph Muscat signs any deal????????????? With AG still pulling Simon`s strings no wonder Joseph and Konrad do not trust Simon
Not a botched deal... a currency option was exercised by one of the parties. Can you be more precise on who the entity the 'Freeport' is as I thought that the Freeport was in fact sold to CMA CGM some time ago?
YET ANOTHER $58 MILLION to be paid by US, the tax payers, for gross financial errors by GONZIPN and SimonPN's party then in Government. And they told us FINANZI FIS-SOD and the economy is good. With such losses and more to be revealed, it was an absolute GODSEND that the Maltese People got rid of these incompetent, to say the least, and possibly corrupt, people who ruled Malta with such oligarchy, arrogance and deceit for all these years.
The name Austin Pio Gatt will haunt this country for years on end.
Why did the Freeport agreed to pay 7.25%,when in all the banks in Europe, except Malta you could have it for 3%.
This once again proves that even when you hedge, you are taking a gamble (because you loose the chance of gaining)so hedging only make sense if you absolutely need to fix future capital in- and/or outflows. A government is (hopefully) never that short of cash and should therefore not engage in hedging.
Milli jidher kull fejn dahal dan l-ex ministru frejjeg biss kien jaf jaghmel. Tghid ghax kien diga qed janticipa tkaxkira fit-2012?!!!!!
Bicca gherf ohra mill- creme de la creme! Possibli ghad baqa skandli ohra x'jinkixfu? They are taking our breath away! Kif ma izarmax il-PN ibiddel ismu u l-qabda pompuzi u korrotti li hemm illum jidhlu go ghar u ma johorgux minn hemm?
Bicca gherf ohra mill- creme de la creme! Possibli ghad baqa skandli ohra x'jinkixfu? They are taking our breath away! Kif ma izarmax il-PN ibiddel ismu u l-qabda pompuzi u korrotti li hemm illum jidhlu go ghar u ma johorgux minn hemm?
mid-dehra,il buzullotti ta augustino kullimkien kienu!!!