Former Enemalta CEO opens up on relationship with oil trader

Former Enemalta CEO Karl Camilleri received hampers, went out to dinner with oil trader George Farrugia.

Former Enemalta CEO Karl Camilleri
Former Enemalta CEO Karl Camilleri

Former Enemalta CEO Karl Camilleri received Chirstmas hampers from oil trader George Farrugia, went out to dinner with him, met during "cordial" meetings and sought his advice after leaving the Corporation.

Camilleri doesn't remember the exact number of times he met Farrugia but remembers receiving a hamper containing four wine bottles. He also remembers that Enemalta officials, including a chairman, were present during the "one or two" dinners he had with Farrugia and Totsa representatives. Yet, he couldn't remember which chairman was it.

When Enemalta's petroleum division required "second-hand spare parts", Camilleri called Farrugia to see whether he could help them out. When Camilleri left Enemalta, taking with him the company's laptop and a number of other documents, he contacted Farrugia seeking his advice to start building a clientele for his business consultancy services project.

Eventually he had to return the documents, described as his "own working documents" to Enemalta on orders of the corporation's CEO.

All this was revealed during this morning's session of the Public Accounts Committee as it continues with its analysis of the National Audit Office report on Enemalta's fuel procurement process between 2008 and mid-2011.

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Camilleri, who served as chief executive officer between November 2008 and November 2011, got the €82,000 post after answering a public call for CEOs. His brief was to bring about financial stability to the state utility.

He left two years later: his term was up and he felt it was "time to call it a day".

Camilleri and Farrugia's 'cordial relationship'

Grilled by the four Labour MPs sitting on the PAC - Owen Bonnici, Chris Agius, Justyne Caruana and Luciano Busuttil - Camilleri admitted to meeting Trafigura agent George Farrugia - who was granted presidential pardon to turn state evidence on the Enemalta oil scandal - after leaving the Corporation.

"I wanted to set up my own business consultancy company and Farrugia was on my contact list. I called him to see whether he could refer me to any companies and he proposed we should meet for coffee," Camilleri told the PAC.

Not in a position to confirm the number of occasions, Camilleri also met Farrugia for cordial meetings in the presence of Enemalta officials. Some meetings were held at the chairman's office, other times in restaurants.

"I remember receiving a last-minute call urging me to join them for dinner. I went and found the CFO and the chairman there as well... I however can't remember which chairman was it," Camilleri added.

While he denied having ever met Farrugia at a Miami oil summit, he said he probably met him during other summits.

Camilleri and Farrugia's apparent 'close relationship' was further evidenced after the former CEO confirmed having called Farrugia when Enemalta's petroleum division required "second-hand spare parts". It is unclear what sort of spare parts he was referring to.

Pressed by Busuttil to explain why a call for tender wasn't issued for the purchasing of the spare parts, Camilleri said Enemalta required them "urgently".

Caruana also asked him point blank whether he had ever received any hampers from John's Garage, one of the businesses belonging to the Farrugia family and of whom Farrugia was a former owner.

"I don't recall ever receiving any hampers from John's Garage... I can't remember as to why they should send me a hamper. I do however remember receiving a hamper from him," Camilleri said.

After more quizzing from the government's side, Camilleri remembered receiving four wine bottles from Farrugia.

Totsa 'cosy' with Enemalta

On 19 January 2011, an extraordinary meeting of the fuel procurement committee was held in the chairman's office, a day after a tender was awarded to BB energy. The meeting was requested by Enemalta chief financial officer Antoine Galea after Totsa called him asking why they hadn't won the bid.

When the FPC opened the submitted offers a day before, Totsa's offer had not been included. An IT investigation discovered that whoever had sent the email, had flagged the email as "private", which meant that the chairman's secretary - the one who always printed the bids - didn't have access to it. 

But the apparently surprised Totsa - unclear who made the phone call - contacted the CFO (also an FPC member) and appeared to know that their bid should have been the preferred one. It turned out that their bid still wouldn't have been the preferred one as it was "administratively non-compliant".

Asked how come Totsa knew the tender had been awarded - given the unsuccessful bidders at the time were never informed - Camilleri said Totsa would have assumed that once they never received a call from Enemalta, then the tender had been awarded.

Camilleri couldn't remember who had made the phone call. But when asked whether it had been George Farrugia, the former CEO said "the name definitely was not Maltese".

According to Camilleri, Totsa also enjoyed an "information advantage". Since awarded bids were never made public due to commercially sensitive information, Totsa knew which bids to make having already secured other tenders before. Other suppliers, on the other hand, had "to guess".

Skiing holiday with ministry official

Even though he wasn't "that close" to Infrastructure Ministry official Pierre Carabott, Camilleri took his family on a skiing holiday with Carabott's family. "It was a one-time thing and we never did it again," Camilleri told the PAC.

Carabott, who served as project manager at MITC under Austin Gatt, also used to vet press releases before these were issued by Enemalta. Carabott is also one of the persons copied in the emails which Gatt sent to Enemalta on the hedging strategy.


Too many Chiefs at enemalta, everybody was some kind of Chief or other, their salaries and perks needed to be blamed on something CEO 's my foot! Why don't you all go to Miami, you scoundrels
Ghallura l-ex CEOs ta l-EneMalta li apponta GonziSimonPN kollha ibatu bid-dimentia?
Who would believe so much mismanagement reigned throughout, in one of the most important organizations in our country. The management, Board of Directors, the Procurement Committee and the PN political administrations of those days are all accountable for Enemalta's plight. Hundreds of millions of euro in oil trading were involved and no minutes held. 800 million euro debt at Enemalta. Enemalta's net worth had been rendered to useless scrap. The PN should hide its face in shame not celebrate these days!!!
(1) So many politically appointed people with fingers on the power button!! (2) "Camilleri said Totsa would have assumed that once they never received a call from Enemalta, then the tender had been awarded." Would anyone pull the other one pleaseeeeeee??
"The ministry called me and told me Karl, "stay there don't go to Miami", we cannot have MORE PEOPLE (lousy money suckers) away from the corporation." <<<<>>> (1) That's the high live those public sector money suckers lived on our taxes. Their professional "achievements" being huge electricity and water bills for the Maltese consumers and Miami sized deep pockets for them. Now, repeat this scenario many times over throughout the public sector, and you may realise what the national debt has been built up from. (2) Xmas hampers galore!!! That is the meritocracy of the public sector. Prosit Gonzi/Gatt!!!
Luke Camilleri
U ta' min ifakkar : Enemalta spent 7,000 euros on CEO Karl Camilleri’s office, on a range of things - including a dishwasher and washing machine. This was confirmed in Tonio Fenech’s reply to a parliamentary question by Labour MP Evarist Bartolo. Complete with dishwasher and washing machine.... no dirty laundry at ENEMALTA...sic! Eight enemalta officials managed to spend over €150,000 on entertainment, conferences, business trips and various other perks of the job in just three years. This information was made public through a Parliamentary Question put by Labour MP Evarist Bartolo to Minister Tonio Fenech. The following is a list of the officials concerned and what they spent: Chief Executive Officer Karl Camilleri €7365.01 Chief Financial Officer Antoine Galea €99,009.41 Chief Corporate Services Officer Raymond Cremona €2,973.02 Chief Commercial Officer Engineer Allan Micallef €4,796.61 Chief Technical Officer Engineer Peter Grima €24,149.15 Chief Human Resources Officer Anthony Bonello €11,968.92 Chief Information Officer Arnold Stellini €859.84 Chief Project Officer Arnold Stellini €511.05 In total these eight officials spent €151,633.01 in three years. The salaries of these eight individuals add up to a further €400,000 annually. This information comes about a few weeks after the information that the Chief Executive Officer, Karl Camilleri, had spent over €7,000 in order to refurbish his office, was made public. Among the office furniture listed were a dishwasher and a washing machine.
I am getting embarrassed as a Maltese citizen to have such leaders in government structures. The wonder is that such bull ministers as AG, and staunch Christians as Gonzi, Simon, Beppe,and Tonio never ..hic....noticed. No wonder the people lost all faith in all leaders of the government institutions,(and the Christian Faith,...... Bishops please note) and the herculean task of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, is to restore that faith,...a task indeed.
"..... Enemalta officials, including a chairman, were present during the "one or two" dinners he had with Farrugia and Totsa representatives. Yet, he couldn't remember which chairman was it." .... maybe the police could nudge his memory.What year were the dinners?
Luke Camilleri
Only hampers ? ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemalta spent 7,000 euros on CEO Karl Camilleri’s office, on a range of things - including a dishwasher and washing machine. This was confirmed in Tonio Fenech’s reply to a parliamentary question by Labour MP Evarist Bartolo. Bartolo asked the finance minister to confirm whether there was a fire escape with access only to the roof and not to the floors below; a CCTV system to survey people coming in and out of the CEOs office; a sofa-bed, an iron and ironing board, a washing machine, dish washer and luxurious kitchen – the kind of things one normally associated with living quarters rather than an office.
Heard the whole PAC episode to day and besides the I do not know or I cant remember I have not heard any serious answers. If a lie detector was inside during the meeting I am sure that it would have burst and gone bust. Incredible
Tahseb li in-nies ma jafux x'pulcinell int?! F'sakra mejjet il-palazz tal-Verdala waqt August Moon Ball u li sahansitra pretendejt 2-seater sports car convertible bhala 'company' car! BS wahdek Camilleri!
Dr Simon, hawn fuq ghandek materjal bizzejjed biex nhar l-Indipendenza taghmel mass meeting ta tlett sighat u tiftahar bl-efficjenza, bil-kapacita u bil-korrettezza tal-gvern precedenti immexxi mill-partit tieghek. U l-kbir ghadu gej.
How can a CEO with 82000euro salary when asked important questions awnsers with I dont know ,i cant remenber ,i dont recall etc.he remenbers a hamper containing 4 bottles of wine but cant remenber a one off dinner with a chairmen who the chairmen was.WHO IS HE thiswere our tax payers money was wander ene malta is over 800million in the red.
"It was a one-time thing," he says.This line caught my eye because that is what the teenage girl said to her Mother after she told she was pregnant. These CEOs are supposed to be very well educated people but it turns out they are no smarter than we are and this is proof. I bet you George Farrugia had a field day dealing with these type of CEOs. If only we knew what went on behind closed doors in this Enemalta saga. And who paid the ultimate price? Yes it was us the innocent consumers who always thought everything was on the up and up. I hope and pray that if any of these people and that includes politicians are found out that they were cheating the Tax Payer or the consumer they are tried and if found guilty send to prison for a long time and I don't mean to the Five Star Mount Carmel Hospital unit. More corruption on the books I presume.