Busuttil says PN’s vision will lead it to 2018 general elections

In five years’ time, PN will be there to win elections, says Opposition leader Simon Busuttil.

In five years' time, the Nationalist Party will be there to win the general elections, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil said this evening.

Addressing the party faithful at the Granaries in Floriana as part of the Independence Day celebrations, Busuttil said the PN will be able to gain the people's trust not because they would be "good salesmen" but because it owns "a vision".

As this evening's discussion focused on the party's vision for the coming five years, the PN also invited former MPs, including former Nationalist minister Sandy Cachia Zammit who served under the Borg Olivier administration, and secretary-generals to take part in the event.

"Just as Malta's independence was based on a vision and on a dream, we have to look forward with a vision and a dream. Malta become independent because our fathers had the courage to fight for what was right after 16 years of a socialist government that threatened the people's freedom," Busuttil said.

The PN leader, who next Saturday will be leading the PN towards its 49th celebrations of Independence Day, said the party's visions had led Malta in the European Union.

"The values which led George Borg Olivier, Eddie Fenech Adami and Lawrence Gonzi are the same values which must continue guiding us. And these same values and principles will form part of us as we make them relevant to today's society." Busuttil said.

In a jibe to the Labour Party's polished 2013 electoral campaign, Busuttil said to win, the PN must not turn into a party of "press relations and image but of substance and truth".

Deputy leader for party affairs Beppe Fenech Adami said the PN had the foundations ready to turn the PN into the same party which the people once knew.

"Difficult decisions had to be made but we are optimistic these will lead to an organised party. We have recognised our mistakes and we have admitted them. But just the same, we will also defend the good we did."

Fenech Adami said that even though the PN was "financially broke" it was not "broken". The deputy leader said that if the Labour government thought it could "steamroll" over the PN and the country, it was mistaken.

"Because in the PN, the government will find an Opposition ready to fight and defend what is good," Fenech Adami said.

The evening was also addressed by former minister Sandy Cachia Zammit, former Speaker Alfred Bonnici and former minister Michael Refalo and MEP candidates David Casa, Stefano Mallia, Jonathan Shaw and Roberta Metsola.

In an evocative speech, Cachia Zammit urged both party politicians and followers to be loyal to the principles inherited.

Speaking in a soft but steady voice, Cachia Zammit urged the party to be united and respect one another. "We have to be sincere in our actions, honest between us blocking envy from destroying us. We have to love and treat each other as equals. This is the direction the PN must take, or else it will go nowhere," he said.

During the interventions made, various speakers also commented on the "politicization" of the Armed Forces of Malta and urged the government to retract from "a policy which has completely sidelined ethics".

Dr. B.F.A please for the sake of us ignoramuses, clarify and quantify what you mean by your declarations that the PN has learnt from its mistakes? First of all your leader is always extolling or hiding the part's mistakes and secondly were not these mistakes mere perceptions? As if anything coming from such an elite group of people ( whether by birth or imposition) can ever be termed a mistake!
Elections 2018: Another big blow to PN !! Simple Simon will resign !
Luke Camilleri
Full speed ahead downhill right into the wall ! What vision? ~~~~~~~~~~ We have to be sincere in our actions, honest between us blocking envy from destroying us. We have to love and treat each other as equals. SINCERE? ;) HONEST? ;) LOVE ? ;) EQUALS? ;) US?  Who are "US"? ;)
Simon maybe you can explain to the people of Malta why Enemalta is in the red for over 800,000,000Million euros? Why under the PN, the Maltese Tax payer had to spend over 135,000,000Million euros to bail out Air Malta and cut 500 employees from it's books? Why under the PN Public Transportation became a nightmare and is costing the Maltese Tax Payer millions of euros? How can you forget all this? Mr Busuttil that is why the PN lost the election by such a huge margin. And let us see what other scandals will surface from the Oil Procurement investigation. And what about all the other scandals that surfaced during the PN administration? Too many to mention I'm afraid. When I reached out to you mr Busuttil you very politely referred me to ex Minister Said who very politely referred me to his aide who turned out to be a hopeless case. So Mr Busuttil, thanks but no thanks. I will believe in government and politicians when my siblings and I will be able to get our requisitioned (confiscated) property back.
So for the last general elections the PN called upon EFA to try his vision on the public, ending with a disaster.Now the PN is calling on an antique politician to explain his vision for the next election. ...very interesting...very interesting indeed.
Il-vizjoni ta Simon? Lol Ikompli jiddefendi lil min gab lil EneMalta gharkubtejja i jispera li l-kontijiet am jorhsux ghax inkell his days are counted!
Nahseb li l-PN ghandu cans jirbah l-elezzjoni li jmiss daqs kemm l-AD ghandu cans itella' siggu fil-parlament.
What a nerve mentioning George Borg Olivier, Eddy Fenech Adami and Lawrence Gonzi in the same sentence. The last two are guilty for the mass polarization and ruin of the Maltese economy. Borg Olivier with all his faults was a gentleman contrary to the other two who were power hungry monsters.
Sandy Cachia Zammit , I believe the ex-minister who was shamed by the queen of England when she sent the silver ceremonial trowel back as a protest for dealing with the corrupt Poulson to build Gozo's general hospital. Later found in a desk in the ministry for works.Those were the days eh! SANDY.
sur.editor Mid-dehra ma tantx tiehdu pjacir bil-kummenti ta' kontra ix-xinxilli tal-gvern li ghamel fiz-zmien l-elezjoni' ghax ma iggibu xejn. Mil-kummenti li taqra veru fqar kienu fl-ideat u fqar ser tibqghu jidispjacini hafna, ghax hlief tghajjir ma johrog min certu nies li jmorru jitqarbnu kuljum.
Together (PN) in electric dreams.
Dream on Simon Dreamer, dream on. I bet he has nightmares of his recent electoral fiasco which saw the PN lose power by a clear 36,000 votes+
It was a godsend that Simone invited all these political dinosaurs otherwise there wouldn't have been anyone hearing him, it would be interesting to see a picture of the whole crowd not just a small part of it. The only aim of Simone and GonziPN/BuzulottiPn, whatever they call themselves nowadays, is to win the next election so that they can continue with the mess they made in the last 25 years. It would have been better for Simone to comment about what is coming out of the oil procurement hearings and the inefficient running of Enemalta, where as the Maltese saying goes, Il-hmar iwahhal f'denbu.
did they say vision? maybe it is about time the go and visit a good psychologist?
John Mifsud
Hope is the last to die.
Mr fenech Adam,no the PL is not going to do like your FATHER. Pleases just wait for about 15years and then start to look for a win
Luke Camilleri
Tisimghu jitkellem il-dan Simon veru jhallik bla kliem! Iggib in-Nazzjonalisti f'dilemma jekk icapcpux jew icapcpu go rashom, jekk jibkhux jex jithkhux , , jekk hux hawn jew jekk ma hux hawn ! Simon zgur ha jkun l'akbar asset . . . tal- Partit Laburista wara Pawlu Borg Olivier :)
Only a fool would beg to differ. Of course the PN vision will lead it to the 2018 election. The PL has 9 extra seats in Parliament so there is practically no chance of the election being earlier. So the 2018 election is a certainty. The PN will lead it to the 2018 election but that does not mean that the PN will will. As a matter of fact, the PN will definitely loose the 2018 election because all it has learnt from the trashing the People of Malta gave it, is that they should not be arrogant, corrupt, deceitful etc. - the only defect in the system is that the PN is still arrogant, corrupt, deceitful etc. So with such track record there is no way the PN will ever smell success in the 2018 election.
Il-lostra kemm qalghu antikalji ! Mela iz-zaghzagh kollha telquh lil Simon? Kif ma jisthix isemmi lil Borg Olivier Simon Busutill? Borg Olivier iddefenda lil Malta minn pizijiet li ma tiflahx ghalihom: u qatt ma kien jiffirma id-Dublin 2 fejn il-frontieri Maltin saru issa free for all!
simon you should have talked about the vision your party had on enemalta which is 800million euro in the red,about the corruption,kickbacks ,CEOs not doing their jobs properly when being paid an anual salary of 82000euro out of tax payers money,and menbers of your party still defend them as if nothing happened.shame on you ,you wish you will win the next election ,but its never going to happen.
We've just experienced 20 years of PN "vision" and it wasn't a pretty picture.