UHM registers industrial dispute with Housing Authority
Union Haddiema Maghqudin registers industrial dispute after talks for ‘reasonable’ financial package reach a standstill.
The Union Haddiema Maghqudin (UHM) has registered an industrial dispute with the administration of the Housing Authority after talks for a "reasonable" financial package for the workers reached a standstill.
According to the union, a proposal was tabled on 30 June but the Housing Authority's management has persistently delayed reaching an agreement.
"If the Housing Authority doesn't revise its position, an industrial action will come into force within 48 hours," the union said.
It urged for common sense to prevail and avoid unnecessary industrial action.

Can the Union Haddiema Maghqudin (UHM) enlightens one and all why the proposal in dispute was not tabled three months earlier i.e. before the General Election? It is unbelievable that such a dispute cropped up now that the PL is in administration. It seems quite obvious that the new administration of the UHM is going to follow in the same footsteps of the previous leaders of the union.