PN never stooped as low as Labour government – Busuttil

PN leader Simon Busuttil admits that former PN administrations did commit mistakes but never stooped as low as current Labour government.

PN leader Simon Busuttil (left) and MaltaToday's managing editor Saviour Balzan (Photo: Lisa Farrugia/ MaltaToday)
PN leader Simon Busuttil (left) and MaltaToday's managing editor Saviour Balzan (Photo: Lisa Farrugia/ MaltaToday)

Past Nationalist administrations committed a number of mistakes which the party must learn from, however never stooped as low as the current Labour government, PN leader Simon Busuttil said.

Busuttil was being interviewed by MediaToday's managing editor Saviour Balzan at the Granaries in Floriana.

 On the electoral defeat, the PN leader said "we have done our soul-searching exercise and now, six months later we have to look forward. I was not there to take credit for the successes as I only entered the national fray recently but I must almost admit that we did commit some mistakes. We did our fair share of mistakes and we have learnt from them."

He added that the PN "had no time on concentrate on its own internal situation because it was bust running the country. However, we were not greedy and the party did not swell its coffers while in government."

Asked how the PN will overcome the narrowing ideological gap between Labour and the PN, Busuttil said the PN underestimated the Labour Party in the last election however, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat sold himself really well to the people. The Labour Party was much better than us in selling itself and finally win the election. However is it capable of governing?"

He said that the PN must certainly learn how to market itself better and it was a pity because the PN had much more to offer than Labour, underlining that "it's all about content."  

The PN leader said that the two major parties do look alike in many aspects, however in the last six months, the Labour government gave itself a false facelift and tried to be everything for everyone.

"However, reality is catching up with them and their mask is falling off. The falsity of the 'Malta for all' slogan is now being exposed," Busuttil said adding that Labour's promise of meritocracy was nothing but an empty slogan.

At one point, Busuttil had to calm the noisy crowd who was hustling Balzan as he was asking the PN leader whether the party had any credibility in criticising the Labour government over its lack of meritocracy.

As the crowd calmed down Busuttil answered the question and while admitting that the former PN government was far from perfect and "could have done more" to ensure that meritocracy was applied across the board, Busuttil insisted that Labour appointments were "shocking."

In clear reference to the recent events in which the government appointed the home affairs ministry deputy chief of staff on the AFM promotions selection board and engaged the energy minister's wife at Malta Enterprise, Busuttil said "We have never appointed a former party journalist on the army board of selection. We have also never given a job to a minister's wife. We have never fallen so low," Busuttil said to loud applause.

On the investment at state utility Enemalta by the Chinese government, Busuttil said that he stands by his criticism of what he said was a deal done behind the country's back, "even if it is not populist."

The PN leader said that if he was Prime Minister he would have dealt with the 800 million debts at Enemlata differently and certainly he would have not sold the majority of energy generation to foreign companies.

"We would have set up a special purpose vehicle, which would have taken over the company's debts and assets, including the priceless land Enemlata owns in Marsa. It was something which we kicked off, but unfortunately never completed."  

Asked whether the former PN administration had lost control at Enemalta, Busuttil said that the hike in the utility bills was one of the reasons why the PN lost the election and although the PN had done its utmost to control the energy tariffs, this was clearly not enough.

Busuttil reassured that the PN was and remains pro-business however, "we will never sell our souls as the Labour Party did by promising everything to the business community."

"However, one of the lessons we must learn from the electoral defeat is to have greater control on the administration of the country and ensure that the government is efficient in its entirety if we are in office."  

Busuttil said that he was not aware whether the party was making use of the services of Nexos Co Ltd in this evening's party activity and the rest of the Independence Day celebrations.

The PN leader said that all companies providing services during the five-day event would be paid immediately, and noted that Nexos co Ltd was no longer owned and controlled by the much criticised home affairs chief of staff, Silvio Scerri.

He also said that the PN was not against a wage rise, including a minimum wage rise, "however the PN was always in favour of attracting investment and creating better jobs and better wages." 



Of course SB and the PN would not stoop to conquer I would not put them as good practitioners of Limbo dancing but more cogently their arrogance and haughtiness would not allow them to humbly go down to the level and feelings of the under privileged or those discriminated against . That is why they all fell on their backside and bit the dust while trying to pass under the bar.
Salv, how could you stomach the situation and Xmunnu? You must have it lined with lead.
SimonPN defended the Alibaba 'phenomenon' at EneMalta that brought this strategic entity on its knees. Can one stoop lower than this Simon?
Simple Simon, you have impressed no one so far !
"However, one of the lessons we must learn from the electoral defeat is to have greater control on the administration of the country and ensure that the government is efficient in its entirety if we are in office." Simon, you have a long long way to go to make us believe that a Party who was in Government for 25 years with its biggest certificate of efficiencty being turning Lm50 million surplus to €50 billion deficit. Some figures. Air Terminal Estimated Expenditure Lm11 million, actual Lm22 million. Mater Dei Hospital Estimate Lm80 million actual Lm 320 million. Are you capable of mentioning just one project that your Government embarked on with the actual expenditure equaling the estimated one.
Simon. Zewg domandi. Kemm ghandna Maltin jafu l-Mandarin u probabli lingwi ohrajn ta l-Orient? X'Salarju se tiehu Mrs Mizzi xi €80,000 fis-sena barra l-perkacci ohra? UIndaga u ghidilna.
"We have also never given a job to a minister's wife. We have never fallen so low," Busuttil .......... on a personal level Simon is correct not even if he wanted to apart from the fact that PN is the party who declared that women were only good in the kitchen when labour wanted to give women their vote. Simon should know what stooping so low means when he threw his support behind the EU instead of Malta on the illegal migrants matter.
PN under Simple Simon = no vision, no hope, no insight, no future ...... only smoke BUT no fire.
Priscilla Darmenia
Paul Joseph Goebbels was a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. – Goebbels use to say that if you repeat a lie several times people will stat to believe it, and the bigger the lie the more people will fall for it. – It seems that history is repeating itself as Simon Busuttil is becoming an expert in stating wrong facts and twisting the wrong doings of the Gonzi/BusuttilPN administration and blaming Muscat for it. – As the Maltese saying (polite one) goes “l-ispizjar milli jkollu itik”
Dr Busuttil is dealing the PN one blow after another with no hope of relaxation in sight.
Imma possibbli li dan il-bniedem tant għandu wiċċu vili li ma jafx x'inhi mistħija? Trid tkun veru giddieb u ipokrita per eċċellenza biex tirrikonoxxix il-korruzzjoni, l-arroganza, in-nepotizmu li irrenja f'dal pajjiz matul il-ħakma tal-partit Nazzjonalista fil-gvern. Kompli igdeb u ħarref, Simon. Il-poplu jafha il-verita u mhux ser tidħaq biħ aktar.
well, the PN is still in search of a plot nonetheless.
It didn't stoop as low ..... it stooped much much lower!!!!
joseph mercieca
As far as I know Mathematics is not an opinion it is empirical fact. So 1+1 = 2. For Simon Busuttil this simple logic is redundant. For him Mathematics have to respect his whims. Thus a 35% share in Enemalta translates into a majority share holding! Simon Simon stop digging that blessed hole it is deep enough as it is.
haha - it-tkaxkira fl-ahhar elezzjoni turi bic-car kemm il-poplu kien xeba' mill-PN ghax qatt ma waqa' daqshekk fil-baxx.
What an unmitigated hypocrite Simon is. The Boy Blunder is "Shocked" at PL appointments. He insists on meritocracy. An example of PN "Meritocracy" was awarding diplomatic positions to two individuals simply because they wore bags over their heads and paraded in a foreign capital to try to give the then MLP government a bad name. Apparently, desperation in creeping in for our poor Simon. As time goes by he's beginning to realize that he will not get the 3 MEP seats he promised and past PN scandals are continuing to surface. The vultures are hovering Simon.
TELL THAT TO THE MARINES. Stooping low means framing up people who disagree with your ideas, stooping low means blocking them from promotions, jobs, basic human rights, stooping low means absolute oligarchy, absolute corruption, absolute arrogance. Stooping low means involving people during the election campaign, like Dr Martin Fenech, when he was totally not involved in the oil scandal. stooping low means framing even the Maltese Commissioner in Brussels, stooping low means promoting persons who have done your dirty work. That is the hallmark of only one party. THE PN. So please Simon, stop beating about the bush and cut the bullxxxx
Luke Camilleri
Simon Surprise in "Wonderland" ! :) Tend to agree with him when he states he wasn't before . . . . he isn't even here now ~~~~~~~~~~ Quote : however the PN was always in favour of attracting investment and creating better jobs and better wages." Unquote ~ : ) In favour for whom , for the Dar Centrali employees that were laid off ?! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Who are you trying to kid Simon?
aktar ma jghaddi z-zmien, aktar buzupn tar-rahal ta' birkirkara qed jurina kemm hu vojt, bla gost, arroganti, bla idejat, xott, ridikolu, imtappan, imdennes u bla idejat ..... hu se jitghajjar fuq il-bejgh ta' assi tal-istat? .... fejn kien meta fenech adami biegh l-ajruport, il-mid med, il-port tal-belt, il-freeport .... u ghidlu jhallina lil buzu ghax aktar ma jiftah halqu juri kemm ghadu vavu ... harqa jonqsu biex jikkonfermalna kemm ghadu nej u bla gost ..... jahseb li ghax jaghmel il-gel ma' xagharu u jaghmlu spikey minghalih li se jeccitana .... kemm babqaghlu hobz x'jiekol miskin ..... ghax aktar qisu balalu jpacpac fil-vojt bérbat iqtates madwaru ...... veru disprament enormi qabadhom minn dak in-nhar tat-tkaxkira .....