Government denies pre-electoral agreement with China

Government spokesperson denies Labour reached pre-electoral agreement with China on Enemalta investment.

A government spokesperson has denied the Labour government reached an agreement with China before the 2013 general elections.

During a political activity on Friday evening in Floriana, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil claimed that Joseph Muscat had already agreed "to sell" Enemalta stakes to China before he was elected Prime Minister.

In comments to Sunday newspaper Illum, a government spokesperson said Busuttil's statement was "a lie".

"None of the things he is saying are factually correct," the spokesperson said.

The deal secured by Muscat in China will see the Maltese government selling part of Enemalta to Chinese-government owned company Shanghai Power Electric. Although the stakes have yet to be confirmed, junior minister Edward Zammit Lewis said the stakes were around 35%.

In a recent interview with MaltaToday, energy minister Konrad Mizzi declared that the negotiations with the Chinese company have been going on for the past six months, after Shanghai Power Electric approached Malta Enterprise to invest in renewable energy.

Let's for argument's sake say that PL did have a pre-electoral agreement with China, what kept gonzipn making one with their beloved friends in Europe? Simon is sounding hollower by the day, stupid arguments and idiotic statements.
Sorry, we believe you in many other things, but not this one. It is impossible, knowing the Chinese, that all was arranged in six months, no way. This one we will not swallow.
Jista xi hadd jghidilna x'kienu imorru jaghmlu id-delegazzjonijiet taht il PN fic-Cina u fil-Libja,ghax bhal donnhom ma humiex jiehdu gost li qed isir negozju bejn dawn il pajjizi u Malta? X'qatt akwistaw ghal Malta kull meta zaru dawn il pajjizi? Probabli li kienu imorru hemm bhala turisti, naturalment bl-ispejjez imhallsa mit-taxxi taghna.
Busuttil u shabu bilfors jahsbu hazing fuq l-efficjenza ta Muscat u shabu ghax meta kienu huma fil-gvern biex jaghmlu xi haga kienet tiehu s-snin u mhux xhur. L-ewwel kienu jaraw min se jmur l-ahjar mid-deal, imbaghad ifittxu sewwa fuq il-yellow pages, imbaghad jiddeciedu.
U jekk stess? So what? Min se jgawdi b'din l-inizjattiva? Mhux il-pajjiz kollu. Zgur mhux xi klikka oskura.