Net news anchors sacrifice wages for party

Media.Link Communications head of news Nathaniel Attard interviewed by Sunday newspaper Illum.

Nathaniel Attard.
Nathaniel Attard.

In a frank interview with Sunday newspaper Illum, the PN's head of news Nathaniel Attard admits that before the general election he had an idea of the party's financial woes but it was only afterwards that the real extent of the problem was revealed.

Attard also opens up on the tension at the newsroom and the difficult times they lived when fellow journalists left for other media houses and when part-timers were asked to leave.

"It is a period of tension and no one likes seeing his colleagues leaving or being fired. It is also a time of sacrifices and some have also been asked to do some voluntary work.

"For example, we are no longer being paid for presenting the news," Attard tells Illum.

He underlines that the workers who stayed on did so out of love for both the job and the party.

As journalists employed with a political party, Attard says they do have to toe the party line but this does not make them "a yes-man".

"Everyone knows that party media have an agenda to follow. I won't claim that a journalist is not influenced but I always emphasise that our news must be credible to reach the audience."

Attard insists that every journalist and every media house have their own agenda.

Read the full interview in Illum

Gurnalist dan???? Jekk tara il-livel tal gurnalismu tan Net malajr tinduna bil kredibililta u l kapacita tieghu dan. insomma min banda ma tlumux ghax li- livel tal Gurnalisti Maltin, b`mod generali huwa baxx hafna, u nehhi lill Malta today, u xi ftit it-Times, il- gazzetti kollha bl ghar fosthom In-Nazzjon w l-Mument, tajbin ghall taht il-qattus.
Ma tantx jidher li huwa gurnalist investigattiv tajjeb dan Nathaniel. Biex ma ittendiex bil-miljuni dejn li ghandu l-partit tieghu meta lanqas biss kien jithallas. Insomma issa se jirrifjuta l-paga. Mhemmx x'taghmel, jekk mhux ihallsuk ghalxejn tkun trid il-paga. Nathaniel ta qalb tajba u umli, santo subito.
That's what you get when you have 'Par Idejn Sodi@ with a lot of sycophants running the show!
Yes the agenda of Net News is to defend the scoundrels who brought EneMalta to its knees and to defend the mess left by GonziPN who despite having no majority stayed on not withstanding! Some statesman!
Priscilla Darmenia
If BusuttilPN intends to solve the countries problems as he is solving the PN financial problems then God help us.
my heart bleeds for those who have been screwing the country for so long. Now, and only maybe, they start to realize in what state of poverty they left over 90,000 Maltese people who just barely scrapped a living in Malta (based on statistics by CARITAS). Yet they kept on lying to the people to maintain the status quo.
Paul Borg Olivier should be held accountable for is financial mess!!!
".....but this does not make them "a yes-man". But an S-man especially when the family's bread and butter are being threatened. If Mr Attard is hoping for PN come back in 5 years time and a cushy well paying job for his sacrifice he'd better re-think his priorities.Only an S hole puts the party before family.
Mela dawn in-nies insew il-mod kif kienu jirrakontaw l-gheluq tat-Tarzna.......xi kultant bi tbissima fuq fommhom, jaraw lill-haddiema jitilqu ftit, ftit, biex juru li GonziPN kien qieghed jghamel xi opra sagra. Mhux ghax ma kienx hemm bzonn li jsir xi haga, imma dawn l-anqas kienu kapaci jmexxu kumpanija ta' 150 ruh, ahseb u ara jirrangaw azjenda kbira."It is a period of tension and no one likes seeing his colleagues leaving or being fired".......... u ahna li rajna mijiet jispiccaw, se ninsew xi darba???????? Jista Simon jitlob skuza, mhux fl-Indipendenza biss, imma kuljum, ghax il-ferita ma tfieq qatt.
"I won't claim that a journalist is not influenced but I always emphasise that our news must be credible to reach the audience." Unbelievable! Does this guy EVER heard the NET news?