Irregular migration tops agenda in first Malta, Somalia bilateral meeting

On the fringe of the United Nations General Assembly, Malta and Somalia meet in New York to discuss irregular migration.

Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat with Somalia's deputy prime minister Yusuf Adam.
Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat with Somalia's deputy prime minister Yusuf Adam.

For the first time, bilateral meetings were held between Malta and Somalia with the issue of irregular migration topping the discussions.

The meeting was held in New York between Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Somalia's deputy prime minister Yusuf Adam.

Minutes after the meeting, Muscat took to Twitter to express satisfaction for having "achieved" one of the Maltese delegation's main aims in New York.

In a statement, the government said the bilateral meeting sought to open the doors for diplomatic relations with Somalia.

"The meeting was held on the Prime Minister's insistence," the government said. "One of his main goals while attending the General Assembly was to initiate diplomatic contact between both sides."

The Maltese delegation put forward a formal call for the start of relationship between the two countries. The Somali government is expected to official confirm this request in the coming weeks.

"This was the first step towards collaboration between the two governments over irregular migration and tangible methods were discussed to see how this could be achieved," the government said.

Muscat reiterated the meeting with Somalia's deputy prime minister was an important step for Malta to address irregular migration.

Falke tkunx bhal Xmun teqred qabel ma jibdew in-negozjati. Ghax ma tghidx li f-dawn il-ftit xhur Malta reghet sabet ruha fuq il- mappa tad-dinja. Dartba snin hilu kien hemm programm fuq wiehed mil l;i-stazzjonijet tat television u waqt programm tat-tfal bdew juruhom ritratti tya statisti barranin, il-wiehed li ingharaf la kien EFA u l-anqas Borg Olivier imma Mintoff. u dan mat-tfal ahseb u ara mal Kbar.
John Mifsud
Short of an effective readmission agreement, all else is useless pie-in-the-sky.
@Jess Mus. Metsola? No vote from us! I bet Malmstrom never met any Somali leaders. Who cares; its not her problem?
The Home Affairs European Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom should seek the advice of and consult with our dynamic Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat how she should (not could) tackle the the problem of illegal immigration burdening with innumerable problems the southern states of Europe.
Excellent that Malta is now trying to build on the talks held between Somalia and MEP Metsola in Brussels last week. Dr Metsola was right, the only solution lies in helping Somalia back on its feet.
Excellent that Malta is now trying to build on the talks held between Somalia and MEP Metsola in Brussels last week. Dr Metsola was right, the only solution lies in helping Somalia back on its feet.
The Home Affairs European Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom should seek the advice of and consult with our dynamic Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat how she should (not could) tackle the the problem of illegal immigration burdening with innumerable problems the southern states of Europe.
Why didn't he tell her that through his intended push backs he wanted to send her fellow citizens back to Libya to be subsequently sent to prison or tortured? Hypocrisy at its best.
Great statesman! Proset! Now we should embark on a program to help Somalis in Somalia. Their future lies there!
Luke Camilleri
Jitkellem fejn jinstemgha il-Prim Ministru taghna! Prim Ministru VERU PRIM ~ STATISTA TA'VERU!