Reporter returns on TVM, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil interviewed

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil will be the first guest on Reporter, back on TVM as from tomorrow.

Saviour Balzan is back on TVM after a five-year absence. (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)
Saviour Balzan is back on TVM after a five-year absence. (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)

The leader of the Nationalist Party Simon Busuttil will be the first guest to appear on current affairs programme Reporter on TVM. 

Returning to TVM after an absence of over five years, Reporter will be presented by MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan.

Reporter, a hard talk programme, will include not only interviews but also features and surveys based on public opinion.

The programme will focus on current affairs with a special emphasis on political affairs and other public issues.

Reporter's trademark signature of hard questions during one-to-one interviews with public profiles will be maintained.

Reporter is aired live every Monday at 6:55pm on TVM. The programme is repeated on TVM2 on Monday at 10:15pm.

Savior dejjem jaghmel programmi u ntervisti nteressanti u qed niehu gost li tawh dan il-program. Prosit dejjem.
Mario Pace
Good to see you back on TVM after an absence of 5 years, Saviour. and not as some blogger said that you've got you ice bun.
Saviour,issa inzahhom L ingwanti li kont liebes meta intervistajt lil Simon fuq in net.
Looking forward to watch Saviour Balzan's razor sharp tongue, who manages to provide us with facts. I enjoyed reading your write up's now i can appreciate it more on the box.
Luke Camilleri
Finally some colour on PBS and not just BLUE!
So many will be watching...this short program... A golden opportunity on a silver plate for SB to tell the Maltese voters who did not vote for the PN in the last elections in which ways his leadership is different or better than the previous administration. Let's hope that with the "Reporter" sow, will not usher a new era of politically over-biased reporting that we had become accustomed to in local journalism in the not too distant past.
Awguri Salv! Please ensure that the format is more hard hitting than ever.
Well done Saviour. Looking forward to following your program. I am confident it will be as interesting as ever.
I hardly watch local stations but I am making a point to watch this new series.
Saqsi lil Busutill jekk il-blogger tal-Bidnija hix hi li qed tghid lil Simon xi jghid ghax kull kelma li ilissen Simon qed jikkopja mill-blogs taghha! Jekk hu hekk Simon se taqta il-bajs biex tinki l-mara!
Saviour, Nawguralek success ghax zgur jixraqlek u ghandi tama li se jkun perogramm li se jigbet hafna spettaturi lejh.
joseph mercieca
Although I rarely agree with you. Please accept my congratulations. I am sure it will be an interesting program. At least the administration got this one right.