‘BirdLife spreading deceitful rumours’ – FKNK

Hunters’ federation says BirdLife Malta spreading ‘deceitful rumours’ ahead of EU Environment Commission officials’ visit to Malta.

Hunters' federation FKNK has accused BirdLife Malta of spreading "deceitful and alarmist rumours" ahead of the EU Environment Commission officials' visit to Malta.

FKNK said BirdLife was tarnishing Malta's image.

Yesterday, the environment NGO reported that over 70% of protected birds targeted by hunters were shot at during the afternoon hours previously covered by a 3pm hunting curfew.

FKNK however reported that it hadn't received "a single report" of protected birds being shot during these hours.

"The 3pm curfew was imposed by the previous administration on BirdLife's request, so that it could invite over volunteers who would be at liberty to roam the Maltese countryside with total disregard of private property rights, besides being nuisances with their neo-colonialism attitudes," the FKNK said. 

It added that both the previous 3pm curfew and the current 7pm curfew were not EU legislation prerequisites.

Tajba mela Cikku, nghamlu b'halhom hux.....? Hunting MUST stop altogether, carrying a gun should be illegal FULL STOP
Luke Camilleri
Anything is better than SPREADING LEAD and transforming birds into carcasses . . . including birds of prey , protected species , flamingos and storks !
BirdLife jiena personali iktar niehu pjacir nara ghasfur itir milli ghasfur jaqa mejjet jew midrub. Imma f'gieh is-sewwa ghax ma tarawx x'qed jigri gewwa l-Ewropa specjalment l-Italja, Franza, Spanja etc. fejn hemm iktar spazji miftuha (hawn Malta ma ghanda xejn minn dan) u taraw il massakri li jsiru, Ara tahsbu li f'Malta biss hemm kaccaturu irresponsabli. Ma nahsibx li tiffolowjaw dak li jigri barra minn Malta ghax kieku tnaqqsu l-paroli u t6-tijatrini