Busuttil raises China questions, minister’s wife paid €33,000 as envoy

Opposition leader claims minister’s wife investment promotion job costing the State €2,000 a week

Energy minister Konrad Mizzi has declared his wife, Sai Mizzi Liang, is paid €33,000
Energy minister Konrad Mizzi has declared his wife, Sai Mizzi Liang, is paid €33,000

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil led a vociferous charge on the unannounced employment of energy minister Konrad Mizzi's wife Sai Mizzi Liang as a foreign investment envoy for Malta Enterprise to Asia, where she is expected to be based in a Shanghai office.

Busuttil called for the government to table in the House the contract of employment for Mizzi Liang's appointment, whom he said she was being remunerated at the rate of €2,000 a week.

Mizzi Liang is being paid a Scale 3 salary of €33,000, MaltaToday was informed by the energy ministry.

The Opposition leader questioned what role energy minister Konrad Mizzi's wife Sai Mizzi Liang had in a memorandum of understanding for the Chinese-governmnet owned company China Power Investment to purchase an alleged 35% stake in Enemalta.

"How can it make sense that the minister said his wife was not involved in his energy portfolio, but as government envoy to Asia she is not to touch upon any energy projects? How could it make sense to pay his wife a foreign envoy's salary, to have entered into such an unnecessary conflict, when this government is now limiting what sort of investment she can attract to Malta?" Busuttil asked.

The Opposition leader criticised the government, for having omitted to mention in its electoral manifesto that it would privatise Enemalta.

"You have no electoral mandate and you are going to ignore your own manifesto... we agree with privatisation in principle and we are not averse to doing business with China, but does this mean we cannot criticised or make the necessary questions we must put given the lack of information?" Busuttil asked.

The PN leader asked what guarantees could the government have on price stability on energy and water production, when under a proposed framework for a new gas plant, it will be a private company that will not just build the gas plant but also purchase and supply the gas to Enemalta.

Busuttil said that with the part-ownership of Enemalta under the Chinese, the Maltese government's stake will amount to less than 35% when gas supply will be in the hands of a private operator.

"The Chinese will be serving their government's interest and not Malta's, and this is something that government is today taking it lightly. We are risking seeing the government controlling just one-third of its energy production operation."

In a series of related questions, Busuttil also enquired about the manner in which the China MOU had been reached. "Why was it carried out behind our backs? Did negotiations start before the elections? And how did the prime minister find time to inform even the EU, but not the Opposition or this House?"

Busuttil also asked whether it was the Chinese or Malta that made the initial approach. "I want to know whether the government's strategy is simply that of selling off a stake in a public corporation whenever a foreign government simply makes an approach. And what is the value of Enemalta's stake that is for sale - does it even consider the fact that the Chinese will get a foothood in the EU's solar panel market, which is worth billions of euros?"

Siehbi Firillu, mela insejt meta EFA kien Gieb dak il Kelb mill Australia,kief il marelli ninsewa bravura bhal dik.
joseph mercieca
Actually my friends, Tony Borg Included. This the PN psyche they just cannot metabolise what Labour does even if it is objectively postive. People my age and younger say 50 to 60 will remember when Mintoff launched Air Malta. They called the planes hired from Pakistant Airways as birds of lead. Many others prayed that one would crash. Maybe the editor won't publish this comment but it the truth.
@Toni Borg. You conveniently forget that the previous administration paid €750,000 to the life sciences envoy. Mrs. Mizzi's salary of envoy is a paltry fee compared to this. But of course she happens to be a Labour minister's wife so you pick on her!
I hope Maltatoday publishes government's reply to Simon's childish and infantile insinuations and questions. Any other comment on what Simon had to say is superfluous.
Mr simon busuttil keep talking nonsence its very good for your party i bet by now you already have won back those 36000 to your party.no wonder you have a new name SIMON BUZULOTTI,very well done.
@Toni Borg. Maybe sur Borg you could tell me what RCC used to earn during Gonzipn. As regards languages he used to excel in arrogance. Please also refer to this paper's blog in respect of Ms Camilleri, lest that is you may have overlooked it.
@Toni Borg. Maybe sur Borg you could tell me what RCC used to earn during Gonzipn. As regards languages he used to excel in arrogance. Please also refer to this paper's blog in respect of Ms Camilleri, lest that is you may have overlooked it.
Imma dan Simon Busuttil ghalxiex qed joggezzjona? Ghax is-sinjura hija l-mara tal-Ministru Konrad jew ghax se tigi tiswa lil poplu Malti madwar 100,000 euro fis-sena? Fejn kont Simon meta siehbek Tonio hatar lis-sur Davis (mhux xi cuc dan taf) fl-Air Malta b'package ta' nofs miljun euro? Fejn kont Simon meta siehbek Gonzi hatar lis Sur Walker chairman tal-MEPA b'package ta iktar minn 100,000 euro? Sur Simon, kieku taf kemm tidher aktar serju b'halqek maghluq.
@Toni Borg: How can your Simple Simon be credible when yesterday he was saying that Ms Liang was being paid €2000 per week i.e. over €104.000 and just one day later it transpires that her salary is just € 33,000. Better still why cannot Simple Simon say how much HIS Government used to pay Miss Liang when she was working as a consultant for them. Does the facts change because now she is the Minister's wife? Isn't she the same consultant of a few months ago? The truth of the matter is that Simple Simon cannot fathom that he has nothing to criticize with any coherency and is trying to please His Master's Voice despite the fact that he keeps making a stupid fool of himself. Does Mr Borg know that we have two ambassadors in the USA - one in Washington and one in New York. Does he know that we have a mass of Malta Consuls all over the USA such as Los Angeles, Detroit, San Francisco etc. So with China being 5 times as big as the USA what is wrong with having TWO, yes just 2 representatives to encourage trade with Malta. The truth of the matter is that for the likes of you PN brainwashed people, it pains you to see business coming Malta's way and what Simple Simon is doing is trying, in vain, to scare business away from Malta. For the likes of such, who dishonour Malta's interests, Malta cannot be Taghna Ilkoll, otherwise it does not create fairness and justice to those who love their country and bring Malta L-Ewwel u Qabel Kollox.
Simone tista tghidilna f'25 x'investiment gibtu mill-Asja? Ghalekk din l-ghira kollha ghal Ms Mizzi. Isthi tghajjar lil min irid igib il-gid lejn Malta. Isthi li bl-attitutni tieghek trid tgerrex il-gid min pajjizek. Simone xi pjanijiet ghandek biex iggib l-enemalta fuq saqajha. Xejn zero assolut bhal paroli fil-vojt li qed tghid. Ahjar tghidilna ghaliex ipprivattizajtu is-sezzjoni tal-gass jew din ma tinkwetakx. Imma Simone read my lips. Tant Joseph irnexxielu igib nazzjonalisti maghna li nafu id-dirty tricks taghkom tas-sebghinijiet u t-tmeninijiet. Il-poplu lil min johloqlu l-gid irid u mhux min jimlih bid dejn. Tista sserrah ras il-poplu li dejjem ipprezentajt id-dikjarazzjoni tal-assi fil-hin. Qabel ma tattakka lil kulhadd ahjar iddur dawra mieghek innifsek. Nisthajlek Fontozzi kontro tutti.
Mizzi Liang is being paid a Scale 3 salary of €33,000, MaltaToday was informed by the energy ministry..... The above is the BASIC pay package! TM should have asked Malta Enterprise what is the total cost including benefits!!! Furthermore, why has Malta appointed a second envoy to China when we already have a recently appointed ambassador there!...we were told by the PL, that he was chosen because he knows how to speak Chinese! Does the appointment of Mrs Mizzi now mean that the ambassador has forgot how to speak Chinese???
Mizzi Liang is being paid a Scale 3 salary of €33,000, MaltaToday was informed by the energy ministry..... The above is the BASIC pay package! TM should have asked Malta Enterprise what is the total cost including benefits!!! Furthermore, why has Malta appointed a second envoy to China when we already have a recently appointed ambassador there!...we were told by the PL, that he was chosen because he knows how to speak Chinese! Does the appointment of Mrs Mizzi now mean that the ambassador has forgot how to speak Chinese???