[VIDEO] Opposition MPs walk out of Chamber after Speaker's ruling

Simon Busuttil says Opposition ready to take case to court and if need be the European Court of Human Rights.

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil flanked by his MPs.
Opposition leader Simon Busuttil flanked by his MPs.

In a press conference convened in the Parliament's courtyard minutes after walking out of parliament, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil accused the government of trying to "muzzle" the Opposition's freedom of expression.

"The Opposition will be contesting the ruling, and if necessary take the case before the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights," Busuttil told journalists in a hastily convened press conference.

Flanked by his MPs, Busuttil accused Prime Minister Joseph Muscat of "using parliament" to gag the Opposition.

Speaker Anglu Farrugia this evening ruled that Busuttil's allegation of "political interference" in the John Dalli case constituted a breach of privilege because the leader of the Opposition failed to substantiate the allegation.

On his part, Busuttil insisted he was basing his argument on the testimony given by former police commissioner John Rizzo who told the Court the Attorney General had given his go-ahead to arraign John Dalli. The arraignment however never occurred, and after Rizzo's resignation and the appointment of Police Commissioner Peter Paul Zammit, it was declared there was "no case" against Dalli.

Busuttil concluded that there had been political interference.

"I have been repeating this publicly for several times, but the Prime Minister has decided to use Parliament to gag the Opposition. If he didn't agree with what I had publicly said, he could have sued me for libel. But he didn't," Busuttil said.

The Opposition leader said "it didn't make sense" that something which could be said outside could not be said in Parliament.

"What we are seeing here is the undermining of democracy," he added.


Members of the Opposition led by their leader Simon Busuttil walked out of the House of Representatives following a ruling handed by Speaker Anglu Farrugia.

Farrugia was asked to investigate a possible breach of privilege by the Opposition leader after he yesterday accused Prime Minister Joseph Muscat of "political interference" in the police investigation involving John Dalli.

Farrugia ruled that after Busuttil failed to substantiate his accusation, and after reading the 40-page testimony given by former police commissioner John Rizzo, the Opposition leader was in "prima facie breach of privilege".

But all hell broke loose when PN deputy leader Mario de Marco observed that such a ruling could be understood that an MP could not come to his own "political conclusions".

At this point, government whip Carmelo Abela said that a ruling could not be contested once this was handed down.

Infrastructure minister Joe Mizzi started shouting that de Marco was "abusing of democracy" while Farrugia said "whether you like it or not, that is the ruling".

Mizzi continued shouting that the parliament "was not court" with the Speaker repeatedly calling on Mizzi to shut up.

Suddenly, as the House was about to start its PQs, all members of the Opposition stood up and walked out amid shouts from the government benches of "shame" and "crybabies".

The PN has now called a press conference.

@Nenu G. - Nice one - very aptly said. The PN is supposed to start a new Dawn, but the Gold has long tarnished. After all their second leader was found guilty by a Court Martial of Sedition and spent time in Prison. He was then interned by the British because he was considered a danger to Malta's security. Yes, the PN had a history of good training. After all it was Nerik Mizzi who came up with the title "MALTA" - Joseph Muscat just added "TAGHNA ILKOLL" because the Nationalists just stopped at MALTA and distributed Malta's wealth and much more to their own bazzuzzli and CLIKKA and left us holding the baby with € 6 billion national debt. This National debt should be "TAGHHOM BISS" - it is unfair and unjust that "huma baghbsu" u " ahna inhallsu"
I have reliable information from a Nationalist MP that 30% of those smiling behind him are very disappointed with Simple Simon`s antics. Come on Simon go back to Kindergarten
You jumped the gun Simon, xenata ghal xejn, anzi with false accusation or unfounded accusations you were certainly at fault, tort tieghek. Hope its not the same old story of "provoke Labour and see what comes of it"
@Nomis101 I always was skeptical about PN's democratic credentials whether in government or opposition and now this Simple Simon is proving me right after all PN = PNF I sincerely hope you umderstand
Nice passeggata. Ramblers please note.
Purcinell... Purcinell... U Simple Simon Purcinell!
Re H O M I S 1 0 1 simon we are with you, we want a true democrat way of governing PLEASE WAIT FOR 5 YEARS THEN I MONTH THEN AN OTHER 5 YEARS
After constant vehement verbal attacks on the Police, the Military, Government appointments, the Enemalta Agreement with China, the petroleum agreement with Libya etc, the PN Opposition is now trying to turn the House of Representatives into a Carnival Arena Simon Busuttil classed Malta as "the worst country in Europe" and bad-mouthed the Government for its proposed measures on illegal immigration. These are ALL PN negatives. How about positives? Well, they are opening a cafeteria instead of their printing press - and that's just about it! ALBERT FENECH
Mr.Rizzo had evidence when PN was in government to arraign Mr.Dalli, why now all this scenario! - simply political hypocrisy. We all now John Dalli's story with the PN!!!! I cannot understand why politicians treat citizens as idiots!!!
Jeffrey Camilleri
At least after 25 years we have a true decent opposition, more PN should have been in government. Shame on Labour for privileg breaking of a person. simon we are with you, we want a true democrat way of governing.
Simple Simon says "If I don't get things MY way, I shall thcream and thcream until I am thick"!
Priscilla Darmenia
When Joseph Muscat was in opposition and the Mr Speaker ruled against his objection re Dr Caruana’s vote, as a good parliamentarian he accepted the Speakers ruling although he was not in agreement with it. Later from slow playing of the recordings it transpired that Dr Caruana pronounced 2 syllables “iva” not one syllable “le” as was stated by the PN side and proved Dr Muscat correct and the Speaker wrong, but still the ruling was accepted by the PL. - Now we have the little spoiled boy who walked out of parliament as he did not accept Mr Speaker’s ruling. Where is the respect to the Speaker? – It seems for the PN what is good for the goose is NOT good for the gander but it is only good if it fits in their plans.
Well done Simon and PN. The government is using its 9 seat majority plus speaker to bulldoze democracy. That is not on. If you change a Police Commissioner midway and install another one whose first act was to say that there is no case against JD, then it is obvious that interference was there. We are back to the 70s when democracy was the first victim.
Democracy..PN style.
If the notion of 'being in breach of the rules' exists than parliamentary privilege cannot be absolute. 'Parliamentary privilege is controversial because of its potential for abuse; a member can use privilege to make damaging allegations that would ordinarily be discouraged by defamation laws, without first determining whether those allegations have a strong foundation.' (Basic search on Wiki)
Simon wants to revive the early 80's EFA 15-month parliament boycott. His intention is one of alienation - alienating his supporters from the fact that he was part of that party management that reduced the PN to the rotten state it is in today. NO WAY SIMON!!
1. Seeing the video one cannot but recall the title For Whom The Bells Toll. 2. The word 'perjury' exists because people do lie under oath.
It was surreal that he could not say in parliament what he could say outside, when it was usually the other way around. Ghax ilhek tirrepeti qlajjiet ghalhekk.Dejjaqt hafna cittadini Maltin diga .
the opposition is doing this charade for their own interest not to the country. Continue like that and most of your MP's will be in pension before hoping to be in Government again. Saviour Falzon Hal-Qormi.
In 1981 his party members walked out of Parliament because they had obtained a majority of voters but not of seats. That walk out may have been partially justified. In 2013 the PN party members walked out of Parliament when they obtained a minority of over 37000 voters and when the population of Malta had had enough of them. Busuttil, the copycat he is, forced his MPs to walk out hoping to influence the electorate with jargon which is now so old that decrepit that the electorate is absolutely fed up with him. He makes false allegations and when accosted to the fact by the Speaker, he walks out. What a baby, what puerile actions. And they call him a leader!!!??? It is disgraceful.
Hallieh ha jaqla` dan il-gvern ippokrita. That is what it deserves a hypocrite.Fid-dinja sur PM li tahsad issib. Sa issa dan il-PM wera li la road-map qatt ma kellu u hlif bluff m`ghandux.Back to sqaure one ghall-klikek, jobs ghal tal-qalba, min huwa l-aqwa jhawwel, nepotizmu, nies jinghataw political appointments lanqas jiswew tebaq fwiedhom,il-prekarjat sar ggant,il-paga baqghet pjaga, il-hajja toghla bil-kontijijiet tad-dawl kif kienu gholja, Power-station bil-heavy-fuel oil u addio il-cancer, insomma ergajna kif konna qabel Marzu 2013. Hmieg ma kulimkien.
The present PN has been long attacking PL that it will repeat the same mistakes of the 80's, and that we will have a similar situation. Now I know why!!!!!!!!!! Because that's what they had in mind to take this country to the 80's. With today's behaviour, the PN is showing that it is going to do the same nasty things that they have done in Malta during the 80's. Let's hope that the PL government start tackling this issue in a serious and strong way! First they destroyed the country, and now they can't accept that the people are fed up with their arrogant behaviour, and so they are trying to obstruct every little thing that the government does! But watch out Simple Simon, today's Labour is not surrounded by hot tempered idiots, and you will have your answer in May's EU parliament elections! Shame on you, you are making the worst opposition party in the whole EU!
The present PN has been long attacking PL that it will repeat the same mistakes of the 80's, and that we will have a similar situation. Now I know why!!!!!!!!!! Because that's what they had in mind to take this country to the 80's. With today's behaviour, the PN is showing that it is going to do the same nasty things that they have done in Malta during the 80's. Let's hope that the PL government start tackling this issue in a serious and strong way! First they destroyed the country, and now they can't accept that the people are fed up with their arrogant behaviour, and so they are trying to obstruct every little thing that the government does! But watch out Simple Simon, today's Labour is not surrounded by hot tempered idiots, and you will have your answer in May's EU parliament elections! Shame on you, you are making the worst opposition party in the whole EU!
Not for publication please: By not publishing my comment will never delete history.History can never be deleted ie the boycot of parliament by the PN in the 70s.
Crybabies indeed. This strategy is a repeat of the 80's. PN has gone back in times. An immature and irresponsible opposition led by a panic stricken Simon Busuttil. They cannot bear the electoral defeat and are now recurring to bizarre, undemocratic tactics. Expect more of these gimmicks. PL will not fall into the trap. Let PN be a victim of its own designed negativism, it's its choice.
What an embarassment Simple Simon has become for the PN. He is trying tto revive the ' tensions' of the 70s and 80s - when there is nothing of the sort going on! For how long can the PN bear this short sighted strategy. Simon grow up, you are just making a fool of yourself with these puerile tactics.
Another episode of Fantozzi kontro tutti.
Simin qed jahseb li hu Berlusconi, jekk ma tghaddix tieghu jirrikatta lill- Parlament? Ghalfejn ma issostantjax il-paroli fil-vojt tieghu? Dan SimonPN hu aghar minn GonziPN: ghadu dizulluz u qed jahseb li id-damdima li ha kiente biss holma?
what a bunch of clowns,for gods sake do malta a big favour and stay out of parliament,and let real politicians do their work.
what a bunch of clowns,for gods sake do malta a big favour and stay out of parliament,and let real politicians do their work.
Anette B Cassar
Thorny, He does not have to eat chinese. No one is forcing him.
It is a threat to democracy when the opposition does not accept the speaker's ruling. It reminds one of a Berlusconi attitude to parliament. The fact is that the PM once again outsmarted SB and rather than going down the usual ineffective libel route has embarrassed SB in a more direct way (by direttissima). SB should ensure in future he has all proof before making serious allegations against the PM.
Why does Simple Simon refuse to understand? John Dalli was in Malta when Rizzo was still Commissioner of Police. Had he wanted to, he could have had him arrested. He did not. Now, we blame Joseph Muscat. This is a case of the PN fighting the PN but this infantile excuse for a Leader of the Opposition insists otherwise. Grow up and let the PL continue in its efforts to give us some breathing after years of suffocation.
Anette B Cassar
Thorny, He does not have to eat chinese. No one is forcing him.
Anette B Cassar
Thorny, He does not have to eat chinese. No one is forcing him.
This gimmick was tried by EFA also until their pay packet was stopped for their missed parliament sessions AND THEN ? they all rushed back.
Busuttil qed jghid li kien hemm 'political interference". Imma minn min? Biex jigi mressaq il-qorti John Dalli jew biex ma jigix imressaq il-qorti? Fhimta sew ix-xhieda li ta s-Sur Rizzo? Nahseb li hawn irgajt hadt falza stikka sur Busuttil. Nahseb li taf li l-poplu iddejjaq jghix fil-kummiedja taghkom. Dawn l-ahhar 5 snin b'mod specjali qazzistu lil kulhadd bil-kummiedji. U l-poplu dan urieh fid-9 ta Marzu.
Luke Camilleri
Simon just wants to go to Brussels, he is missing Brussels and does not like Chinese ... and finding every excuse to take a break and go there :)
Does the PN now on the Opposition benches have on the agenda the boycott of Parliament a repeat of their actions way back in the 1980s.!!?
Luke Camilleri
Simon just wants to go to Brussels, he is missing Brussels and does not like Chinese ... and finding every excuse to take a break and go there :)
Mr Muscat 25 years ago they did the same thing to Mintoff,you have to get use to it.
David Bongailas
Emmm so does this mean that when there is something I don't like at work I can just get up and walk away ?! I'm sorry but the Members of Parliament receive a salary, and in exchange they are expected to do their job. So why are the Nationalist MPs not doing their job ? Because they are a bunch of spoilt brats who will cry and wail and scream if thrown in opposition! Grow up my dears!
Luke Camilleri
.. . . and hope they stay out and let the Government work! Time is precious and just cannot be wasted!
Does the PN now on the Opposition benches have on the agenda the boycott of Parliament a repeat of their actions way back in the 1980s.!!?
The Opposition cannot digest and bear the good work the Government is conducting. Today we confirmed that PN are arrogant, undemocratic and petulant. But the Government has the mandate to govern this country especially with extra 9 parliamentary seats. If the PN want to take a rest after the summer break, they are more than welcome however they will not get paid obviously.