‘Busuttil embarrassing his own party’ – Joseph Muscat

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat says Simon Busuttil was 'embarrasing' the PN after he walked out of the Chamber.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.

According to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, Simon Busuttil was "embarrassing his own party" with his tactics.

Addressing Parliament shortly after the Nationalist MPs walked out of the Chamber, Muscat said "no self-respecting politician" would have allowed allegations of political interference being made in their regard.

"Simon Busuttil is shooting from the hip. I understand that criticism could be heavy-handed and I don't mind heated exchanges. But I cannot accept such a serious allegation, accusing me of interfering in a police investigation," Muscat said.

"He failed to substantiate the allegation and has now refused to accept your [Speaker's] ruling... thinking he may have some gift of infallibility."

Muscat insisted that the parliament was not "some political band club but the country's highest institution".

"I feel sorry for the Nationalist supporters who are witnessing their leader bringing down the Opposition, repeatedly embarrassing the party," the Prime Minister said.

According to Muscat, a number of Opposition MPs who followed Busuttil out of the House "did so reluctantly": "It was evident from their body language and the surprised faces."

Energy Minister 'suffering for his success'

Reacting to the Opposition's call for the resignation of Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi over his wife's appointment as a government envoy for investment, Muscat said the PN was "angry" at Mizzi.

"It is clear they have not forgiven him for being one of a team who for months worked hard on an energy plan to reduce utility bills, a plan which was presented during the second week of the electoral campaign. And our plan convinced the electorate.

"They called it an 'Alice in Wonderland' and today we are living its implementation. Once they couldn't find anything by which to criticise the plan, they turned on Konrad - making calls abroad asking questions about his past. Once again they found nothing and no they have turned their guns on his family."

The Prime Minister commented that all this information had come from a source within the same PN.

"But these are all pleasures yet to come," he added.

Muscat said he was worried by Busuttil's suggestions that Mizzi's wife could have gained from the China deal.

"The leader of the Opposition must be very careful on what he says. Because, my Busuttil's own yardstick we should understand that Claudio Grech may had had a similar interest when he represented government in the SmartCity's negotiations and then went on to become its CEO. Is this what Busuttil is implying?," he said, quipping that "maybe this was the reason he walked out... for damage limitation".

On Sai Mizzi Liang's appointment, the Prime Minister said he "believed in sending out the best people and I am convinced that Mrs Mizzi will bring in more jobs".

Muscat noted that the Opposition never spoke over the appointment of Joe Zammit Tabone as the Labour government's global investment envoy.

Muscat went on to refer to when the Nationalist administration appointed Chris Evans as chairman of the BioMalta Foundation with a contract of €750,000.

Jobs at Enemalta 'guaranteed'

Muscat reiterated that Enemalta employees had nothing to fear as their jobs were guaranteed.

"Our job as a government is to negotiate in Malta's best interest and not to represent some other country's interests. I therefore cannot understand the Opposition's criticism... however I do suggest that Busuttil starts reading some economic books because he clearly has no idea what privatisation means," the Prime Minister quipped.

According to Muscat, Busuttil's comments that government had privatised Enemalta were "not attempts to mislead but he genuinely doesn't understand its meaning".

The agreement secured with China will see China Power Investments and its subsidiary Shanghai Power Electric buying a minority stake at Enemalta.

The Prime Minister said he could not understand how Busuttil could be hitting out at the deal when the Nationalist administration had privatised strategic assets such as the airport.

Muscat also confirmed the setting up of the Institute of Rule of Law. The announcement was also made by Secretary Kerry during the fourth ministerial meeting of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) in New York on September 27th. Malta is to become home to The International Institute on Justice and the Rule of Law which will begin operations in 2014.

I think that both parties should focus on more important issues, most of them are already within the electoral programme, rather than "bitchin"..
@nomis101 As your fellow PN travellers, you're living in Never Never land. The PN left Malta with a 6 billion euro debt, Enemalta on the verge of total collapse, due in part to the oil procurement scandal, projects with huge cost overruns, etc., etc.. Now, to top it off, the party is regressing back to its antediluvian, vicious roots. Yellow peril, Libyan takeover, false rumours of repercussions against PN members and the cherry on the cake, a parliamentary walkout. What's next, begging the church to proclaim that anyone voting, or even supporting, Labour is doomed to damnation. The old, weakly led PL is gone. You have a strong, dynamic and forward looking government in Joseph Muscat. The PN is not a strong opposition. Don't confuse hot air, mud slinging and character assassination with a constructive, opposing force. But perhaps after 20 or so years in the political wilderness, the PN may finally learn to become civil and may even become statesmanlike.
@ Nomis101, Dear fellow, please wake up and smell the coffee before it is all swallowed up by fellow bewildered and awe struck politicos. It is amply clear that the PN cannot fathom the depth of the business like energetic moves ably played by the new Labour Movement.
re H O M I S 1 you said we have a good opposition how can it be so when you walk out not to be embarrassed
Priscilla Darmenia
@ Nomis101 – In my opinion and by your comments you are one of those who only watch NetTV and read In-Nazzjon. – If you read other newspapers and watch other TV stations news items you would have noticed how many times the business community praised various initiatives the PL government has done in the past 7 odd months.
Jeffrey Camilleri
What Dr Joseph Muscat?? Simon embarrassing his own party?? No No No. It's you Joseph embarrassing malta with everyone. Six Months and plus wasted, transfers, hospital total out of control, energy and china with questions to be made. You should say thankyou that you have a real opposition not like the opposition PN had when it was in government. SIMON will bring PN back on feet and PN back in government!!!
SB will not last long.The knives from his own Party are out already.Nt that I am suggesting he is Ceasar,far from it
The PN, today hardly exists. It is a bankrupt organization led by those who caused the present situation. The PN can hardly hope for any future because a problem is never solved by those who have created it. With this leadership, I won't be surprised that the PN gets edged aside by AD.
Simon, why don't you think before you open your mouth? Don't you know the proverb @Think before you leap', if not it's about time that you learn it and start applying. You have alreadymade too many gaffs to be thought of as a serious opposition leader.You are going to end up with nobody noticing what you say, taking you like a little spoiled boy who weanted something and didn't get it.
Inkredibbli l-agir tad-deputati nazzjonalisti. Opposizzjoni tal-buzullotti, immatura u negattiva. Se jergaw jibdew jadottaw it-tattika tas-snin 80. Il-poplu mhux iblah u r-raguni rejali ta' dan l-agir hi t-telfa umiljanti li garrab il-PN f'Marzu li ghadda. Dan mhux agir denju tal-PN. Qed iwaqqaw ghaz-zufjett ir-regoli tad-demokrazija. Imisshom jisthu!
Years after the PN's boycott in parliament, the ex-President Dr Vincent Tabone in an interview said that it was a cardinal political mistake what they made. It's a pity that Simon Busuttil repeated that mistake. Perhaps that's why not all members looked happy about it. Simon please grow up and think twice before you decide
Ghax ma isemmix l-eluf kbar li Simon ha ghax -xoghol li suppost ghamel lil kumpanija taz-zejt fejn din thallset miljuni minn GibziSimonPN jiem qabel l-elezzjoni?
Cry like a baby tixraq hafna lil Simon. Mhux kulhadd jaf li Dalli gie imtertaq ghax kisirha ma Gonzi? Ara lil Gatt li qazez lil A..a li halqu u miskin nesa jiddikjara 800 elf ewro go SECRET Swiss account, dan dalwaqt jiddikjarah vergni u pur Simon! Immagina li Pullicino u Tonio Fenech johorgu mill Parlamnet imhabba li inksret l-etika u l-urgelija! Dawn l-istess nies li huma bad loosers u jahsbu li ma dejqux nies bizzejjed! Dejjaqtuna!
Luke Camilleri
He just wants a break, wants to go back to Brussels, he just cannot find his place, his feet, his voice !
simon got a new name ,SIMON BUZULLOTTI.