Update 2 | Opposition request revision of Speaker’s privilege ruling

Mario de Marco says Opposition filing motion to request revision of ruling that found Simon Busuttil in breach of privilege

Simon Busuttil was ruled to be in breach of privilege, prompting a walk-out from the House.
Simon Busuttil was ruled to be in breach of privilege, prompting a walk-out from the House.

The Opposition will present a parliamentary motion asking for a review of the Speaker's ruling that found a breach of privilege against leader Simon Busuttil.

Standing Orders give MPs two days to demand a revision of a ruling.

Busuttil yesterday led the Opposition out of parliament in protest at the ruling of the Speaker that found him in breach of privilege after claiming that the government had influence or directed the Commissioner of Police not to press criminal charges against former European commissioner John Dalli.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat demanded he retract or substantiate his statement, made on Monday, and then demanded a ruling from the Speaker.

"With this ruling, Busuttil is being stopped from making an expression of a political opinion or simply coming to a political conclusion, and our motion is asking for each and every MP's right to express themselves, to be safeguarded," PN deputy leader for parliamentary affairs Mario de Marco said.

De Marco said that Muscat's request for a ruling was an exercise in restriction of MPs' freedom of expression that could have a "detrimental effect on democracy".

"We must make a distinction between offending an MP by stating that they are 'corrupt' and someone taking an offence at a political opinion. Busuttil's was a political conclusion to which he had every right to make. It was something he had been stating publicly for a number of days.

"The irony is that parliamentary privilege gives MPs the right to say what they might sued for defamation for outside of the House, but here it is being used to censure someone for saying something that has already been said outside."

De Marco said that if the Speaker turns down the request for revision, the PN will take the matter to the privileges committee, and probably appeal any decision in the Constitutional Court.

In its motion, the Opposition held that the Prime Minister's request for a ruling equated to an attempt to "censure the right to freedom of political expression and consequently undermine parliamentary democracy."

The motion was presented to the Speaker of the House this evening and the decision is expected to be given in the next sitting.

Standing order 60 stipulates that "No member shall use offensive or unbecoming words against the character or proceedings of the House or in reference to any member thereof. No bad motive shall be attributed to any member."

Moreover, Standing Order 61 holds that "Any member having used objectionable words and not retracting the same, or offering apologies for the use thereof, to the satisfaction of the House, shall be censured or otherwise dealt with as the House may think fit, and any member called to order shall sit down unless permitted to explain."

However, in comments to MaltaToday earlier today, PN deputy leader for Parliamentary matters Mario de Marco said that a distinction should be made between using outright offensive language and someone taking offence at a political opinion.

The Opposition motion also noted that the Speaker's ruling that  the Opposition leader was in "prima facie breach of privilege," did not mean or imply that Busuttil was guilty or innocent as stipulated by Article 11(1) of the House of Representatives (Privileges and Powers) Ordinance.

This article holds that "the term "prima facie" shall mean that a complaint raised alleges a breach of a rule set out in this Ordinance or in the Standing Orders of the House of Representatives or any resolution approved by the House of Representatives in relation to the acts referred to in the said subarticle (4), and shall in no case mean or imply an expression of guilt or innocence."

The Opposition also claimed that in his request for a ruling, the Prime Minister failed to make reference to a particular standing order and this was against practice as recorded in a motion presented by former labour whip Joe Mizzi on 22 March 2006.

Citing Standing Order 62, the PN noted that 'it shall be competent for any member by motion made after notice and within two days of the giving of such ruling, to move that such ruling of the Speaker be reviewed and reported upon the House; such report shall be entered in the minutes of the proceedings of the House."

Should the Speaker rule against the Opposition's bid to have Tuesday's ruling revised, the matter will be up to the Privileges Committee, which is ultimately responsible for determining whether MPs are in breach of privilege and which can take action against them, including censuring or 'naming' MPs, which could lead to the suspension of the involved members.

Yesterday, Anglu Farrugia ruled that there had been a breach of privilege after Busuttil said that Commissioner of Police Peter Paul Zammit had unilaterally declared there were no charges to be pressed against former European Commissioner John Dalli, under influence of the Prime Minister or the Labour government.

Farrugia's ruling was given after Prime Minister Joseph Muscat demanded that Busuttil substantiate his allegation, or retract his comments. According to the Standing Orders, MPs cannot attribute a "bad motive" to members of the House, and any MP accused of using "objectionable words" and not retracting or offering apologies, can be censured.

In an opinion piece appearing in The Times today, Nationalist deputy leader for parliamentary affairs Mario de Marco said the lack of transparency over the Dalli case had raised the suspicion of interference. "What is relevant here is that the incoming Commissioner of Police, within days of being appointed, decided to overrule the conclusions of the investigative team of his predecessor and the advice of the Attorney General and take two steps back. The way things were handled regrettably smell of interference in the course of justice. The lack of transparency, and silence by the authorities that be, make the smell more odious. Silence is not always golden."

Yesterday Busuttil said he would fight the ruling, even taking the matter up to the European Court of Human Rights, after accusing Muscat of using parliament to gag the Opposition.

Busuttil insisted he was basing his argument on the testimony given by former police commissioner John Rizzo, who last week told a court during the compilation of evidence of Silvio Zammit that he had the go-ahead from the Attorney General to arraign Dalli on charges of bribery. The arraignment however never occurred, and after Rizzo's resignation and the appointment of Peter Paul Zammit, it was declared that there was "no case" against Dalli.

Busuttil concluded that there had been political interference. "I have been repeating this publicly for several times, but the Prime Minister has decided to use Parliament to gag the Opposition. If he didn't agree with what I had publicly said, he could have sued me for libel. But he didn't," Busuttil said.

The Opposition leader said "it didn't make sense" that something which could be said outside could not be said in Parliament. "What we are seeing here is the undermining of democracy."

Perhaps PN should also consider a ruling that a Prime Minister can remin in office, without a parlamentary majority, or better a polite form of dictatorship, like Gonzi did .
Mela insejniha ta Dr Justin?
The Circus has come early this year compliments of Simon Busuttil and Co.
Mela x'imissu ghamel il-PL meta talab ksur ta' privilegg meta l-PN qal li semghu lil Justyne Caruana tghid 'le' meta fil-fatt qalet 'iva' u l-speaker qattaghha favur il-gvern u meta fil-fatt hareg car wara z-zmien li veru kienet qalet iva?? Dak inhar il-PL, ghalkemm ma qabilx ma l-speaker, accetta d-decizjoni tal-speaker u m'ghamel l-ebda teatrini.
Il-poplu m'ghandux aptit dan it-teatrin. Malta tinhtieg tmexxija serja u progressiva biex tkompli timxi 'l quddiem. Malta trid izjed xoghol, izjed kummerc, aaktar profitabbilita u anqas dejn. Dan hu kollu loghob bil-kliem u hafna legalita li l-poplu ftit li xejn jinteressah mimmhom. Busuttil jidher li qed jiehu l-PN lura lejn is-snin 60. Il-PL filo-gvern m'ghandux jidhol fil-lixka tal-PN u jhallih jahlilu l-hin. Jidher car li l-ghan tal-PN huwa wiehed. Dak li jfixkel il-hidma tal-Gvern. Il-malti jghid li min jitwieled tond ma jmutx kwadru.
Se jdum jikkumidja dan il vavu
This childish politicking by Simon does not auger well for the future of our little island. Instead of criticizing the Government to improve legislation for a better future; he is hell bent on being spiteful and to continue with his Gonzi's fundamentalist view on the Labour party. Simon reality has changed. Do you think that the Maltese are already trusting you-after only 6 months from the last election? Sadly no; you are not trusted because what you are proposing is a continuation of a 'Carry GonziPN'- from the Oppositon! The sooner you let go of your negative blogger adviser the better it is for us, for the Pn, and for the country!
I shall refrain from any comments on the ruling given by the Speaker and will restrict my observations to the case of John Dalli. I have appealed, and will continue to appeal, for all to leave this man alone. He and his family have suffered long enough now. John Dalli's trial by the media and the public in general reminds me olf the summary justice meted out to the aristocracy during the French Revolution. Unlike those helpless who's heads rolled under the guilliotine, don't bet that John Dalli is not holding a keg of dynamite. It would be wise to extinguish the sparks lest the rubble from the ensuing explosion might reveal a Pandora's box of revelations that could possibly shake the PN Movement from its very foundation. I recall that one time, on a local TV Station, John Dalli had confessed that "naf hafna affarijiet fuq il-PN imam jien gentlom u responsabbli".
joseph mercieca
What do you people expect from those who fabricated the Terinu purjury against Lord Gerald Stickland?
Jekk Simon & Co ikunu jistgh jissustanzjaw dak l-allegazzjoni li jaghmlu jistghu jghidu li jridu kemm barra l-Parlament u fil-Parlament. Jekk ghandu l-karti x'jikxef u mbaghad min ghamel hazing ikollu jerfa r-responsabilta sur Kap ta' l-Oppozizzjoni u jekk ghandek il-karti ikxifhom malajr u mhux tinsinwa biss. Hekk ghidilhom lil shabek ta' l-Ewropa li inti kapaci titfa t-tajn (u tinqala hafna ghal din il-bicca xoghol) u fatti ma jkollok xejn f'idejk.
ergajna bl-istess tattika ta' eddie fenech adami, guido demarco, ugo mifsud bonnici u Louis gaalea ..... dan il-bicca zerbinott b'xagharu mimli gel jahseb li lahaq is-sema ...... hlief ikisser, ifarrak u jilghabha tal-bully sa issa ma ghamilx ..... u dan meta ghandu DISA' deputati inqas u ghadu kif qala' damdima bhal dik ..... ga qed jipprova jnawwar l-istituzzjonijiet tal-pajjiz bhall-parlament, l-awditur generali, il-korp tal-pulizija, l-enemalta, il-bank centrali, l-avukat generali, il-qrati ......veru partit li jqazzek ... issa gejjin hafna legalizmi biex taparsi jikkonvincuna kemm huma ghorrief ......... dawn huma l-pariri ta' beppe u ta' Mario lil dan it-tifel ....... kisser kollox madwarek f'malta ladarba m'hemmx l-allat nazzjonalisti qed imexxu .... u issa ga bdew imorru barra minn malta ...... nispera li l-gvern laburista wara dan kollu jibdel it-tattika tieghu lejn dan il-partit skifuz b'mexxej ma jiswa xejn ....
Kermit and his muppets did it again :)
the PN parliamentary party should make a favour to this country and move a no confidence motion against their clowning leader PN please Send Out this Clown back to Brussels
Jekk taghmel akkuzi serji ghandek tohrog ta ragel u gib il-provi inkella taqa ghac-cajt
Fouls committed by the new buzzullotti PN in this act: 1) by walking out of Parliament Simon is resurecting the EFA 1980 boycott gaffes; 2) going against John Dalli, a PN colleague, will divide a fragmented PN even further; 3) raising petty and internal issues at the EU level illustrates the childishness and superficiality of the PN opposition; 4) interfering with the Speaker's first legitimate decision convinces the electorate how little Simon's democratic credentials are; 5) by not substantiating his accusations Simon is confirming that he has no arguements whatsoever. Who really is the 'hmar'?
The opposition should request a resit of the 9th March electoral exam, maybe after all, we shall really be celebrating instead of on the 10th March. Better late than never.
Luke Camilleri
Demarco to the rescue . . . . to pick up the pieces ! :)
Xdisgrace xoppozizzjoni fqira. Kesksulu l Franco ergaw forsi jmur jinheba go lakwarjum. Kemm int patetiku Simon
WHY is the leader of the opposition afraid to substantiate his untruthful comment? Is this the type of language the PN MPs have in mind for the future,downgrading the respect of parliament by using these type of lies? Why then not have the courage Simon,to repeat it outside parliament.
WHY is the leader of the opposition afraid to substantiate his untruthful comment? Is this the type of language the PN MPs have in mind for the future,downgrading the respect of parliament by using these type of lies? Why then not have the courage Simon,to repeat it outside parliament.
Dr Busuttil contrary to this report has not been found guilty of Breach of Privilege. The Speaker's ruling was "prima facie" which means that on the basis of Standing Orders it appears that the Leader of the Opposition MAY have gone beyond what is acceptable. It is the Committee on Privileges that can find Busuttil guilty or not guilty. The comparison made by Busuttil about what he said outside of Parliament and inside it is nonsense. Busuttil made an allegation in Parliament. The Prime Minister challenged him to substantiate his accusation. Busuttil refused. PM claimed a Breach of Privilege and the Speaker, as it was his duty gave a ruling. Everything that happened is according to the rules of the House, no more no less. Standing Orders lay down that an MP must substantiate his allegations if challenged to do so. he didn't. MPs have a duty, an obligation to obey Parliamentary rules. No MP has the right to make a statement in Parliament which imputes misbehaviour to another MP and then hides behind the phrase "political judgement" Busuttil made a direct accusation that the PM interfered in the Dalli process. That is not political judgement but an accusation. The allegations made out of Parliament can be challenged through libel laws.
Luke Camilleri
What's there to discuss... this seems to be the way forward for Simon WALK OUT when he is at a loss for words and needs some prompting, counselling or just get his act together!
Luke Camilleri
What's there to discuss... this seems to be the way forward for Simon WALK OUT when he is at a loss for words and needs some prompting, counselling or just get his act together!
joseph mercieca
I am no lawyer but informed enough to know that a criminal accusation based on circumstantial evidence has no relevance because such evidence is subject to reasonable doubt. As everybody knows if there is reasonable doubt the accused is acquitted. Now Simon Busttil’s whole case is circumstantial based on time frames that are contested. So much so that Jason Azzopardi said on TV AM this morning that he was morally certain of Joseph Muscat’s inference. This is rich coming from a Lawyer who knows that guilt is based on a smoking gun that is irrefutable evidence. Do you people remember the acquittal of the drug trafficker Qeiroz because he had Hepatitis or something? At time Alfred Sant said that it was a case of corruption. The minister at that time Joe Fenech (Good rest his sould) took him to court. During the proceedings Alfred Sant said that he was morally convinced of corruption. He lost the case and the PN derided him. Now here this situation is quite bizarre really and Simon should ask other questions. He should ask why Rizzo did not arrest Dalli when he arrived in Malta six days before he was substituted. I do not believe the excuse that Dalli was ill. He came to Malta certified that as recovered. In any case if John Dalli was ill Rizzo should have placed him under house arrest or in hospital under arrest. At least inform him that he was under arrest and place a couple of police man at his door. Simon Busttil should ask Rizzo to elaborate what he meant by pressure from MPs. What did he insinuate and who were these MPs. But all that Simon Busuttil wants is to bring down John Dalli and Joseph Muscat. With regard Joseph Muscat one can understand that he wants a claw hold on the PM. As to John Dalli it is evident that he is being directed from behind the scenes by Gonzi, Gatt and Co. because they won’t be satisfied until they get John Dalli’s pound of flesh. Regarding free speech Simon Busttil can say anything he wants outside Parliament. But since Parliament is the highest institution and not a kazin, pub or titotla Simon has to measure his words. Just a friendly advice to Simon: “To succeed inside a political party, one must cultivate an ability to sit still and remain polite while foolish people speak nonsense”
Dr. Demarco, everyone can come to his political conclusions but to make public these conclusions one has to have proof otherwise he will be expecting that not everyone will accept these conclusions as fact. Don't you think that this is far fetched? Now coming to the protagonist of this drama. Dr Simon Busuttil, are you expecting that whoever hears you saying that your conclusions has the duty to accept them as sacred truth? I for one will not accept them as such not from you and not from anyone else. Why did'nt you ask Dr Muscat why he didn't sue you, Maybe he would have told you that knowing you and how you have acted since being appointed leader of th P.N. he was more than certain that you will repeat this accusation in Parliament and Parliament will deal with the matter in straight away without letting it drag for years. Hope now that you will seak a remedy at the Local Courts and if they will decide that your conclusions cannopt be accepted as facts, refer the case to the Court of Human Rights.
Will you stop bluffing Mr Simon please and do some constructive criticism ! PN runs out of ideas !!
Ghandu ragun Simon meta qal li Malta hija l-aghar fl-Ewropa. Bih bhala kap ta' l-oppozizzjoni, li aktar mohhu biex ifixkel (u ma jirnexxilux) milli biex jopponi u jipproponi xi alternattiva, Malta hija l-aghr fid-dinja!! Izda, l-ahjar fit-tmexxija!!
It looks like history is repeating itself. In 1981 the PN boycotted parliament because their leader decided the Maltese constitution was wrong in giving the government to the MLP because they won the most seats in parliament. It ended up with the Maltese Constitution being changed to an electorate appendix that is the laughing stock of Europe where the 2 main political parties are rewarded parliamentary seats that the electorate did not vote for while third parties votes become irrelevant and are not recognized. Now we have a parliamentary walk out where the leader of the opposition is once again showing that he is not fit to lead the PN and sit as a leader of the opposition due to a severe case of incompetence. For the third time in a row he has been heard and seen to be putting the cart before the horse and instead of asking worthwhile parliamentary questions, he chooses to come to conclusions without any verifiable evidence. He continues to make accusations that he cannot substantiate; be it the China memorandum, the appointment of a government envoy for the Pacific Rim and now the allegations against John Dalli. How can his parliamentary colleagues and PN executives and membership have any trust in his leadership and any belief that he is not steering this ship into political storms that he himself created into a vortex of hallucinations. To borrow a quote from this article, ”In an opinion piece appearing in The Times today, Nationalist deputy leader for parliamentary affairs Mario de Marco said the lack of transparency over the Dalli case had raised the suspicion of interference.” It is obvious that the Leader of the Opposition’s actions do not support this theory, because when a case for suspicion is made, questions are the way to transparency and walking away from your appointment as leader of the opposition is truly the road to perdition. In anyone’s political game, the rules are quite simple, using that favorite saying of three strikes and you’re out; so once again that awful nagging question one must ask the PN executives and their membership. Ladies and gentlemen is this the best leadership the PN has to offer to the Maltese Islands?
I m ashamed of what Dr.Bustill did yesterday. If he had to fight ruling there s a place where to do so... If I m not wrong Dr Gonzi 1st issue was to keep constant on job creation and stability, so what happen in the Pn?? Walk out are childish not to mention babyish....
I m ashamed of what Dr.Bustill did yesterday. If he had to fight ruling there s a place where to do so... If I m not wrong Dr Gonzi 1st issue was to keep constant on job creation and stability, so what happen in the Pn?? Walk out are childish not to mention babyish....
Dritt gol hajt...hehe. Deja vu. Wiccek mal-hajt!
"..even taking the matter up to the European Court of Human Rights,..." big words for a green horn. Go ahead Simon keep making a fool of yourself and rubber stamp the fact by the EU, that would be your undoing, the PN cannot handle more setbacks and embarrassment
X'iridu jiddiskutu, issa jiedhlu l-parlament b'dembhom bejn saqajhom ghaliex jekk ma jiedhlux ma jithalsux.
Please Xmun, eliminate all "vavvati" proposals from the table. It is time to get down to work! Seriously!!!
Paul Sammut
Next episode. Simon Walks The Plank. Some of his close 'allies' must be eager to watch it happen. They may even be tempted to help him with a push forward.
Paul Sammut
Hope Austin Gatt will be invited for the meeting. For sure he will remind them that 'Zmien il-buzullotti spicca' ........ well has it?? From the way simple Simon is acting seems like the Nationalist Party is still in frame of a 'BUZULLOTTATA'
Igor P. Shuvalov
Wouldn't stopping MPs from asking the speaker's ruling on cases of breach of privilege mean putting a gag on MPs?
Morru ghal john Dalli u huduh l-ghassa tal-puluzija halli jarresstawh. Mhux hekk tridu? Ghandkom lanzit ghal bniedem li huwa taghkom ahseb u ara ghal min huwa kontrikom. Maaaa x'qalb.
Dr Busuttil, is this the way forward? You are not impressing anyone & it's gonna take you a while to earn respect with the direction your heading the party.We need an opposition to be positive at this moment in time, the more you'll be negative the more ppl will distant themselves from your party. Take the above as contructive critisism & reflect on past mistakes b4 it's to late!
X'qeghdin jippretendu dawn? Nispera li tinqatghalhom il-paga ghaldakil hin li strajkjaw. Jien meta kont fic-civil hekk ghamluli. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Issa naraw kemm tezisti Gustizzja f' dan il-Pajjiz?